Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.

War on Women: if you’re a woman and flip burgers at Hardee’s, you might be a prostitute

In Saudi Arabia, there are apparently different standards for being a prostitute. For example, if you work at Hardee’s in Jeddah, cover your head to prevent the public from seeing your face, and are female, well, you might qualify as a ‘prostitute’ according to at least one Saudi cleric. Via Al Arabiya: A Twitter post […]

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Pakistan: Report on Nadeem Yousaf

From our contact in Pakistan… On 1st December, 2012 a mentally disabled Christian Boy (aged 22) was found dead in the police lock-up at Nankana Sahab District. Nadeem was the resident of Usmani Khoo Nankana Sahab. Nankana Sahab is the same District where Christian Lady Asiya Bibi was arrested in 2009. On 22nd Nov, 2012 […]

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Slavery on steroids: Saudi puts ‘Castrated’ black ‘slave’ up for sale on facebook

As bad as the history of slavery in the United States is, it’s no match for the type of slavery that continues to exist in the Muslim world to this day. This find by Daniel Greenfield doesn’t just demonstrate that but the collective silence from the mainstream media over real slavery taking place today is […]

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NATO to provide Turkey with Patriot Missiles

NATO’s involvement in going against Assad to help Turkey is only going to help revive the Ottoman empire, and is also a foreshadower that NATO will be used in Syria as it was used in Libya. From The Independent: Nato is to authorise the deployment of Patriot missile batteries to the Syrian border amid apprehension […]

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Mahmoud Abbas exhorts the masses: Jerusalem is Palestine’s ‘Eternal Captial’

It would appear that Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority (PA) is a little too frisky over the recent U.N. decision to grant Palestine ‘nonmember observer status’ as a state. Via INN: PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas Sunday promised someday the PA flag would fly over “Jerusalem, eternal capital of the state of Palestine.” Thousands […]

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Report: Party of Egypt’s president paying gangs to ‘Rape women’

Uh, didn’t we just get done posting about how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has a problem with Israel building homes in its capital but has no comment on Egypt’s draft constitution, which opens the door for slavery and the further subjugation of women? Yes, but this is a much related – yet separate – […]

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Huma’s influence? Hillary Critical of Israel for settlements; no comment on Egypt’s draft constitution that won’t ban slavery

Yet more circumstantial evidence that Huma Abedin does have the ability to influence her boss (it’s relatively easy to ascertain Abedin’s position on all of this – her family is Muslim Brotherhood). Egypt’s draft constitution, which essentially opens the door for sharia law is met with silence from the Obama administration while Israel’s announcement that […]

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Syrian Revolution Is A Movement To Kill Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Syrian Revolution is for the establishing of an Islamic state, and in so doing, Christians are being killed by the Islamist. But I fear the future, knowing that the time is coming in which a full out massacre will be implemented by the Islamist in Syria. The fall of Assad will […]

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Video: Hillary says Israel must ‘demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people’

Yes, Hillary Clinton said that Israel needs to show more ‘generosity’ and ’empathy’ toward the Palestinians and that it needs to ‘demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people’. Uh, the Jews must demonstrate that they understand the pain of an oppressed people?! Does the holocaust ring any bells, Hillary? Oh, and […]

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Video: Did Hillary out-do Bill’s ‘meaning of is, is’ Gaffe over Benghazi question?

The following is the definition of hypothetical: (of a proposition) highly conjectural; not well supported by available evidence. When it comes to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s appearances on five separate talk shows to give the demonstrably false White House talking points, it’s not hypothetical; it’s fact. It’s also factual to say that Secretary of State […]

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Al-Qaeda Syrian Rebels Execute People On Film

According to SyrianRebelWatch, the killer is member of Al-Qaeda. He remarks that the victims are begging for their lives and insisting that they are Sunni (Christians or Alawites would meet with certain execution if captured) before one is shot in the arm. The cameraman then proceeds to shoot randomly at the prone captives before shouting […]

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CAIR Sued for Fraud! Paging CNN…

This story is laced with multiple levels of irony. First of all, if the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) had a daily mantra, it’d be that anyone who raises questions about its agenda must be Islamophobic. Enter David Yerushalmi, a Jewish attorney whom Mother Jones refers to as a ‘White Supremacist’ who is leading […]

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Video: Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood’s founder playing the Islamophobia card on France

His name is Tariq Ramadan and he is the grandson of Hasan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Tariq had been banned from entry into the United States until Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed papers that lifted that ban in 2009 (Huma Abedin’s influence on Hillary is of significance for obvious reasons). Ramadan […]

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“It Is High Noon For America”

By Drew Zahn His parents were dissidents in the Soviet Union who braved gulags to voice the cry for freedom in a totalitarian state. When he was five years old, his family fled to the West. Now Jamie Glazov, editor of, is following his parents’ footsteps, speaking out against the biggest issues threatening the […]

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