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Christendom, Rise Again! Take Back Your Inheritance, Dominate The World With Your Light, Destroy The Nations Of Antichrist Through Holy War!

By Theodore Shoebat This article is a call to Christendom to rise again, to take back its inheritance, to dominate the world, and to illuminate the world. It is explanation as to the mindset of the ancient Christian warrior, and how he saw himself as a weapon for God’s holy cause. Holy war is a […]

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White House Began Working Toward Islamic Caliphate Long Before Obama Became President (Busting the Myth Of The Most Peaceful Brand Of Islam)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Beneath the stealth of Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the west is an even more sinister and insidious level of deception that involves Sufi Islam and a brand of it known as the Naqshbandi Order. It is this order that the Brotherhood’s agents ultimately serve when they infiltrate […]

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Ebola: It Seems That Ebola Might Be What Christ Predicted–UN Envoy: “Ebola Cases Doubling Every 3-4 Weeks”

By Walid Shoebat We are not the only ones saying it, but this comes from the Associated Press which now says that the number of Ebola cases is probably doubling every three-to-four weeks and without a mass global mobilization “the world will have to live with the Ebola virus forever,” the U.N. special envoy on […]

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Elementary School Makes Children Conduct Hindu Yoga Ritual, Christian Mother Fights Against It And The School Is Now Banning It (Good For Her!)

By Theodore Shoebat An elementary school in Austria was having children do Hindu yoga rituals in gym class, but fortunately there was one Christian woman who had the sense and the courage to fight it, and so now the school has banned it. As one report says: Officials at an Austrian elementary school said yoga […]

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Muslims Take Multitudes Of People, Shoot All Of Them One By One, Then Take A Tractor And Run Over All Of Them, And Force Their Families To Watch

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS Muslims took a whole multitude of people, shot all of them one by one, and then took a tractor and ran over all of them, and forced their family members to watch. According to one report: A Muslim who fled the fighting, said Ahmed, told her one story about what happened […]

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The Obama Administration Will Be Training 2000 More Muslim Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat America is already working on training 15,000 Muslim jihadists, and now American special forces will be training another 2000 of them. The American special forces will be training them in Turkey, the nation of the Antichrist of all places! According to a report: Turkey has agreed to allow the training of at […]

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Prosecutor of Muslim who Masterminded World Trade Center Attack Slams Chairman of Benghazi Select Committee

When it comes to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, there simply cannot be enough healthy skepticism. Those who optimistically assumed the appointment of Rep. Trey Gowdy as Chairman would ensure success are the ones who could use more. In addition to all of the concerns raised early on, the antennae of the man […]

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The Hebrew Roots Movement Is NOT Original Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat The Hebrew Roots Movement is NOT original and historic Christianity. I did a video on this subject: If the Hebrew Roots Movement is original Christianity, then where are the historic Hebrew Roots churches in Syria and Egypt? In the Scriptures it says, “The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the […]

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The Secret To Know Why We Are Doomed And Divided And Are Not Ready To Fight ISIS And The Muslim Threat

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The most typical response I get after writing articles on the necessity to combat ISIS via warfare is a comment that some coward posts on my blog that usually goes like this: “Jesus never killed anyone or instructed to killing one soul in His life”. In which I always respond […]

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Dhimmis Down Under wear Hijabs to Honor Muslim Holiday as Christians Slaughtered by ISIS Muslims

Let’s see, all over the Middle East, Muslims are slaughtering people in the name of Islam. One would think that non-Muslim Australian women who’d want to organize would do so to show solidarity with the victims of such Islamic persecution. Instead, one particular group of non-Muslim women donned hijabs and organized to show support for… […]

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Christian Pastor Gets Kidnapped By Muslims And Remains In Captivity For TEN MONTHS

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian pastor in Nigeria was kidnapped By Muslim Boko Haram jihadists, and was kept in captivity for ten months. The report reads: Christian pastor Rotimi Obajimi has escaped from terror group Boko Haram in Nigeria after nearly 10 months in captivity and has been brought back to his church, reports said. […]

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Muslims Fire Grenade Launcher Into Christian Church, It Explodes And Slaughters Two Christians

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in the Filipino island of Mindanao fired a grenade launcher into a Christian church, slaughtering two Christians and injuring seven more. According to one report: Two worshippers were killed and seven others wounded when motorcycle-riding suspects fired a grenade launcher at a Protestant church service in North Cotabato province in restive […]

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Muslim Fort Hood Shooter Sends Letter To Pope Francis, Entitled, “A Warning to Pope Francis”

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Hasan, sent a letter to Pope Francis, entitled, “A Warning to Pope Francis”, according to a report: Nidal Hasan, the jihadist former U.S. military psychiatrist who shot 31 people, murdering 13 at the Ft. Hood military center in Texas in 2009, sent a threatening letter to Pope […]

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British Government Deems Islamic School Illegal, And Has Police Officers Raid The School

By Theodore Shoebat An Islamic school in England, called the Siddeeq Academy, was deemed “illegal” after it was found to be connected with the jihadist group, Al-Muhajiroon. British police officers forcibly broke into the Siddeeq Academy as part of an ongoing anti-terror project, that has already raided the home of four Muslims liked with terrorism. […]

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Obama Caught by Twitter Using Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Tactic while Describing ISIS as ‘Not Islamic’

Exactly one month ago, Barack Obama stood in front of the American people and told them a bald-faced lie when he said, “ISIL is not Islamic”. He said this not because it was true but because stealth Muslim Brotherhood agents in the U.S. needed him to say it. Just five days prior to his speech, […]

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What Every Christian Needs To Know About All Of The Christians Who Saved Jews In The Holocaust

By Thomas King  A growing list of Orthodox Christians that rescued Jews during the Holocaust era Much has been said regarding the famed Yad Vashem awards given to a number of Roman Catholics and Protestants. What needs to be noted however, is that there were just as many Orthodox Christians who were participants of rescuing […]

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