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WAR CRIMES: Hamas Caught Beating Palestinians who try to Evacuate Areas Israel Warned would be Bombed

We’ve heard the reports. Below is some video that seems to corroborate those reports. It’s bad enough that Hamas launches rockets from civilian locations like schools, hospitals and neighborhoods in the interest of garnering international sympathy when civilians are killed. What happens when civilians attempt to heed the IDF warnings to evacuate so the locations […]

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Turkey Holding Thousands of Jews as Political Captives

If there is one world leader who despises Israel and what’s currently going on in Gaza, it’s Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. That is clearly 4000 Israeli citizens are stranded there. An FAA travel ban to Ben Gurion airport was recently lifted. However, Turkey is extending its ban for several more days. Israelis yelled […]

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Hamas Tunnels were designed to Invade Israel

From an Israeli h/t Patti Dibella The State of Israel was facing an existential threat for the first time since the War of Independence. By their deaths, the three youths saved the State of Israel. The dozens of Hamas tunnels that had been dug from Gaza to the southern cities of Israel were not tunnels […]

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Anti-Israel activist Anna Baltzer who appeared on Fox tonight exposed as a fraud and a terrorist

Lee Kaplan MIddle East Analyst Anne Baltzer a well spoken attractive women lies through her teeth and is a terrorist herself being a member of the ISM (International Solidarity Campiagn) which is a supporter of terror and many members are actual terrorists. Watch interview with Megan Kelly on tonight’s show (July 24th 2014) Watch the […]

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Newly Released Footage Shows Muslims Murdering Innocent People (Footage Real Muslims Don’t Want You To See!)

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a newly released video showing Muslim members of ISIS in Iraq murdering innocent people at random for supposedly being Shiites working under the current Maliki government: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES

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MAJOR NEWS Muslims Utterly Destroy And Blow Up The Tomb Of Jonah

By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all members of ISIS, destroyed the entire tomb of Jonah. As reported before, ISIS desecrated the tomb of Jonah, but now we know that they blew the entire shrine up. It wasn’t enough that they chipped the tomb, they had to utterly obliterate and destroy […]

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Muslims Send This Message To Christians: “Bring your money and give it to us. If not, each one of you will be shot in the head… You’ll receive one shot in the head each”

Posted by Theodore Shoebat A recently released video shows Christians recounting the horror they endured under ISIS before fleeing Mosul. In one of the interviews a Christian woman said that ISIS Muslims came to her and her sister and said: Bring your money and give it to us. If not, each one of you will […]

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Muslims Abduct Christian Family At Gunpoint, And When The Wife Starts Crying, One Of The Muslims Coldly Say, “If you cry, it’s useless. If you don’t cry, it’s useless.”

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian family in Nigeria, consisting of a mother and her children, was abducted by Muslims, and when the mother began weeping bitterly, once of the Muslims said callously: If you cry, it’s useless. If you don’t cry, it’s useless. Other horror stories have happened within the same area of Nigeria. Thirty […]

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Christian Man Eats On Ramadan, Muslims Get Angry And Burn His Lips With Cigarettes

By Theodore Shoebat A judge in Iran sentenced a Christian man to have his lips burned with cigarettes. The sentence was carried out and was in done in public in the city of Kermanshah. The National Council of Resistance of Iran denounced the cruel punishment and said: The silence of the world community, especially of […]

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Get This Video Showing The Islamic Caliphate (ISIS) Stomping On The Palestinian Flag

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Who knows, someday the Palestinians would find Israel as their best friend especially when they see this video from the ISIS rejecting the idea of a Palestinian State. It should be an eye opener to all Palestinians if and when the Islamic Caliphate takes over. In this video, members of […]

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Krauthammer Stands Up Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians, Says “Where is the president? He talked about how disrespectful we were to Muslims… Where is he standing up for the Christian minorities”

By Theodore Shoebat Obama is talking about how rude we have been against Muslims, but he has done a thing about the persecution of Christians going on in the Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Nigeria. This is what Krauthammer has expressed recently, when he exclaimed: Where is the president on this? This is persecution of […]

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Muslim Man, Possessed By Demons, Rams Car Into Crowed And Slaughters 21 People

By Theodore Shoebat A suicidal Muslim in Iraq, no doubt possessed by demons, rammed his car into a checkpoint, ignited a bomb, and slaughtered 21 people. A recent report reads: A suicide driver rammed his explosive-laden car into a police checkpoint at the entrance to Baghdad’s Khazimiyah district killing 21 people, including seven policemen manning […]

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Muslims Are “systematically targeting Christians”

By Theodore Shoebat Rep. Wolf from Virginia made a speech yesterday at the House of Representatives in which forewarned the country on the current genocide of Christians in Iraq. He stated: Mr. Speaker, the international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in article II of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and […]

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The Middle East Is Aflame And With Another Caliphate On The Horizon Using Peace To Deceive Many

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The Middle East is aflame. The rapid march of the Islamic State or ISIS, from Syria into Iraq has rattled Washington and Brussels. Then we have the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is also heating up. And then we have the world powers continue to wrangle with Iran over its nuclear-weapons program. All […]

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Muslims Cut Woman’s Head Off, And Put Her Head On A Stick

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, part of a Shiite jihadist group, murdered a woman for supposedly being a prostitute. They beheaded her, and then put her head on a stick. The murder was just one out of 31 other murders all of which were part of a mass slaughtering against prostitutes. There is not […]

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Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of U.S. Government Responsible for Benghazi Attacks

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt both had hands in the 2012 Benghazi attacks on the U.S. Mission and the CIA Annex. The extent of that involvement still remains to be determined but there are clearly individuals on the right […]

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