By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) If one would ask a westerner “Where is Mount Babel?” They would probably think the question is regarding a biblical or an archeological site in Iraq. But if one asks an Arab today, “where is Mount Babel?” They would tell you that its in Mecca and it has 7 massive […]
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Muslims Murder Two People Without Any Mercy (Video)
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a video of Muslims in Syria killing two people: PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA
Muslim Security Guard Asks Christian Man To Convert To Islam, The Christian Refuses And The Muslim Shoots Him In The Head
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man named Sunny was shot in the head on April 16th by a Muslim security guard named Umer Farooq. The two were both employees at a bank, with the Muslim being a security guard and the Christian a sweeper. Umer kept pushing Sunny to convert Islam, by telling him that […]
Muslim Man Beats His Daughter To Death After Finding Out That She Converted To Christianity
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in Uganda, named Abdul Hakim Ibanda, has beaten his daughter to death after finding out that she converted to Christianity. Her name was Nanvunani Shamimu, and she was only 17 years old. She and her sister, Nawudo Hasifa, both converted to Christianity after both had a dream of seeing […]
Those Who Demand That We Do Not Celebrate Christmas And Easter Because It Is Pagan, Are Part Of A Cult
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Some of the most enthusiastic, charitable and zealous people I’ve ever met are Messianic believers, and I will always hold to this view. This article is not against them at all, but against a radical sect that is lurking about searching for anyone it can devour. Amidst the billowing smoke […]
The Coming Iranian-Turkish Alliance and Why Syria is TOAST
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) On March 21 the Turkish army launched itself into Syria using terrorist groups as infantry. The goal is to capture areas of the Syrian coast, and to threaten Latakia and the ancient Armenian veterans in Kessab suddenly turned into refugees. Syria asked for a political stand by Iran demanding they […]
Muslims Murder Nine Christians, Fed Up Christians Raise Arms And Begin Killing Them Off
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria, who were Fulani herdsmen, murdered nine Christians in the Nwokyo village. The Christians, who are part of the Jukun tribe, decided that all of the violence and bloodshed brought against them by the Fulani Muslims, was enough. The government of Nigeria is not efficiently dealing with the Muslim violence […]
Muslims Throw Qurans in Sewers
When Jones was arrested this past Sept. 11 on a felony charge after hauling nearly 3,000 copies of the Quran to a park in Mulberry, the world was up in arms because he planned to set them on fire. The felony charge he faces is for illegally transporting flammable materials — in the form of […]
Muslim Man And Child Mercilessly Behead Old Man
Posted by Theodore Shoebat In a video just released yesterday, a Muslim man and child behead an old man without mercy. We do not know if the victim is Christian or Muslim. PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA, IRAQ AND PAKISTAN
Saudi Arabia–Terrified of its Coming Destruction
Saudi Arabia, the nation that allowed the Islamist boogeyman out of the box is now trying to shove it back in. According to a Reuters, Saudi Arabia was rattled by regional turmoil that has destabilized the Middle East. Saudi Arabia now is not only intensifying a crackdown on Siites, liberal reformers, atheists and human rights […]
Muslims Attack Christian Elementary School And Murder Twelve People
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims attacked a Christian elementary school in Syria and murdered twelve people, mostly children attending the campus. Hanna, a Christian woman living in Damascus, was a witness to the aftermath of the of carnage, and this is what she said: I want to tell you about Tuesday. It was a terrible day. […]
Building An Anti-Israel Society from the Ground Up
By Mosheh Avraham Where do anti-Israel attitudes come from? How do these untruths spread in society? Part of the answer may be found at San Diego State University. As an alumnus of SDSU, my interest was peeked by an e-mail I received the other day from Stand With Us notifying their network that SDSU brought […]
Obama’s Temple Mount Cult now in TURMOIL
On the eve of Malik Obama’s visit to Abilene, the church led by the man who is welcoming him, is now in turmoil. A top leader in the Abilene cult known as the House of Yahweh has been arrested for threatening to kill a judge and lawyers. The man is identified as Tsephanyah Yisrayl Hawkins, […]
Shocking Leaked Videos: Turkey Conspiring to Spread Destruction
**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The Antichrist system in Turkey is hard at work right now and two videos reveal a common interest being aggressively pursued in both Syria and Egypt; that common interest is the Muslim Brotherhood’s success. In the first video, terrorists loyal to the Brotherhood’s efforts in Syria can be seen carrying weapons and walking […]
Shock! Huma Abedin Defender who was Promoted by CAIR cries ‘Islamophobia’ over Florida Textbook Bill
Muslim Brotherhood front groups and sympathizers are up in arms over the efforts of Florida State Senator Alan Hays to ban Sharia law from being applied in Florida courts and to expunge Islam from school text books. One such front group is CAIR and one such sympathizer is a defender of Huma Abedin, Dean Obeidallah, […]
Demon Possessed Muslim Talks About His Desire To Eat Human Hearts
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Here on, we have exposed footage that you cannot find anywhere else, and all of it reveals the realities of the diabolical. has now found a video of a Muslim named Adnan Ahmed Durrah, who is a member of the Al-Nusra jihadist group, and is […]