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Turkey Is Building A Gigantic Railway Network That Will Connect Europe With Asia, And It Will Be Used To Systemically Exterminate Christians, As Erdogan Works To Revive The Ottoman Empire

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat What does one need to conduct war and genocide? Technology. The Turks, the Azerbaijanis and the Austrians, have been establishing a major railway network connecting Europe and Asia. This railway network, while bringing in economic growth, will be used to transport not just military technology for the inevitable war […]

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Iranian Military Crossed Into Syria Marking The Launch Of The Long-Planned Road Between Tehran To Damascus And Then To Armageddon

  By Walid Shoebat If one sees the red in the map above to being a leaping Leopard (Anatolia) or a Bear (Persia/Iran) it makes no difference;  Armageddon is a battle that magnetizes an army of hundreds of millions coming from an Iranian-Turkish alliance rushing into the Jezreel Valley. It can only happen when there […]

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The Coming Armageddon: How We Are Going To Repeat World War One And World War Two

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)  Jerusalem and Rome are the two cities of Christendom. The love between the two cities was seen when Pope Pius XII rescued hundreds of thousands of Jews from the Nazi death camps. But slander commenced against the Pope, declaring that he did nothing to help the […]

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Erdogan Declares From Istanbul: All The Jews To Be Beheaded And That Jerusalem Is The Capital Of Palestine And The Muslim World

By Walid Shoebat Trump’s ‘Jerusalem is the capital of Israel’ seconded by Netanyahu was the ace in the hole Erdogan needed to catapult him into becoming Caliph of the Muslim world. Erdogan this morning capitalized on this, convened an emergency meeting of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) led by Erdogan, from Istanbul while gathering […]

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One Million Muslims Rage Over Jerusalem While Erdogan Calls Jerusalem “The Capital Of All Muslim Nations”

By Walid Shoebat One million Muslims raged all over Turkey over “Quds” (Jerusalem). Erdogan even declared that “Jerusalem is the capital of the Muslim world”. While “Nations are in uproar” (Palms 46:6) over Jerusalem, few even consider that Erdogan last year signed an agreement with Israel to normalize relationships between the two nations. In that […]

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The Islamic Government Of Turkey, And Its European Allies, Are Making Plans On Committing Mass Genocide Against Christians, And Enslaving Entire Populations, And They Are In The Process Of Creating Killer Robots To Slaughter Human Beings

By Theodore Shoebat & Walid Shoebat The rise of eugenics is not just being led by people in the West, but in the East as well, in pagan Shintoist Japan, in Sufi Muslim Turkey and the Middle East. The evil elites conspire for the next mass genocide, creating killer robots under a network of the […]

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Saudi Arabia’s Radical Changes Is Doomed To Failure And Its Destruction Is Imminent

An analysis of the situation in Saudi Arabia By Walid Shoebat  When it comes to Saudi Arabia, its a desert which practically swims on oil. But oil isn’t just an export of the Saudi economy; oil is the Saudi economy. Without oil and the Haj, Arabia has no reason to exist. It can only survive if […]

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Prophecy Is Taking Shape As Iran Is Now Conquering Northern Iraq And Forming Its Shiite Crescent

By Walid Shoebat We have been saying it all along, that whenever ISIS is defeated in Iraq, Iran will move in. While the media says that “Iraqi forces took over Kirkuk this week”, reality is it was Iran and not Iraq that took Kirkuk. The military operation of today and yesterday was carried out under […]

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What The Media Is Not Telling You About Catalonia, And The Coming Europe Spring That Will Lead To World War Three

By Theodore Shoebat & Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)  Catalonia just did its referendum with 90% of voters saying yes to secession from Spain. The president of Catalonia is expected to declare independence on Tuesday. We are currently witnessing the gradual fragmentation of Europe. We are witnessing history, we are seeing the incremental steps to […]

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German Government Caught Running Major Slaughter Houses For Children. Fully Grown Babies Are Cut To Pieces And Kept In Freezers, And The Murderers Are Paid Directly By The German Government

By Theodore Shoebat & Walid Shoebat “Let us oppress the poor just man, and not spare the widow, nor honour the ancient grey hairs of the aged. But let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble, is found to be nothing worth.” (Wisdom 2:10-11)  Wisdom 2 shows us how the evil […]

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Nazi Cult In Germany Is Murdering Children, Cutting Them To Pieces, And Conducting Human Experiments On Them, And It Is Being Paid Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars By The German Government To Do These Experiments

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat   “Let us not cut it, but let us cast lots for it” (John 19:24). Such are the words of the malicious who, seeing the unity of the Church, the wholeness of her virtues and laws, her valor and her truth, and knowing that no one can dismember what […]

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The World Is Heading Towards Armageddon As The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Prepare For War. Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, And The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Are All Preparing For World War Three

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)  War is nigh. The world is racing towards Armageddon. Right before our eyes we are seeing the beginning stages of the start of a major world war. Arms races, nationalism and militarism are growing with more intensity every year. Hungary and Germany are supporting the restoration of […]

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Rome Is The Continuation Of Israel, Christendom Is The Continuation Of Israel, And It Is Here To Fight Against All Evils, And To Destroy Nazism

By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)  The world is spiraling downwards into Nazism, and there are many people who believe that one can be a Nazi and a Christian at the same time. They are fixated on genetics, and act as if that they are saved by their race, and not by grace. This warped […]

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Erdogan Wants The Keys To Mecca And Jerusalem And Will Stop At Nothing To Expand His Muslim Caliphate Agenda

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) The one obstacle for an Ottoman Caliphate is that Saudi Arabia holds the keys to Mecca and Medina while Jordan holds the keys to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. For a Caliphate to succeed it needs to hold both keys: the keys to the Temple Mount (Al-Aqsa) and the […]

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Christians Beware: The Antichrist Is Arising. Christians Prepare. Here Is How You Can Be Ready

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) On this Turk’s forehead a lie is etched that says “Allah. There Is No God but Allah”. The truth is this: there is no God but the God of the Bible Who predicted what’s coming. The Muslims, deluded by Erdogan believe that their creed will rule the world. But is the western […]

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Erdogan Of Turkey Literally Resurrects The Image Of The Ottoman Beast And Vows That All Who Defy Him Will Be Beheaded

By Walid Shoebat When we say that the Ottomans will rise again, including its image “the image of the beast,” Shariah and Islamic Beheading’ we concluded all this decades ago just by reading the Bible. And now, as we monitor the news in Turkey, just in the last few days, we find two news pieces which further confirm our proclamations. Firstly, Hayrettin […]

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