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eco cows

Environmentalist Fanatics Want To Get Rid Of All Cow Farms And Force Us Into A Hell On Earth By Creating Food Shortages

Underneath the entire ideology of environmentalism is Malthusianism, that is, the idea that there are too many people on this earth and not enough food to feed everyone. The environmentalists today will say that there are too many people on earth and thus food production must increase, and this abundance of food — especially meat […]

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kosovo fire

The Government Of Kosovo Introduces Law That Forces Serbs To Get A New License Plate And ID. Protests Erupt And The Government Just Canceled The Law

Protests against an incoming law in Kosovo ended up with gunfire. The law would have forced Kosovo Serbs coming back to Kosovo from a visit to Serbia to get a new license plate and ID. According to EUObserver: As with last year, Sunday’s violence broke out after [Kosovo prime minister] Kurti said Kosovar Serbs must […]

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sabra massacre

When Catholics Murdered Thousands Of People In The 1980s

In this post, I would like to provide descriptions of an event that I have never written on in detail: the massacres of the Sabra and Shatila camps in Beirut, in which thousands were butchered. The killings lasted for four days. Women were ravished, babies were murdered, and mounds of bodies were made. The killers […]

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Abortion, Gilles De Rais, And The Evils Within The Church

The blood of God was once the juice of grapes, fermented for a window of time, full of sweetness, before its transubstantiation, before it is brought before the altar as a perpetual sacrifice. The blood that the demons thirst for is the gore of children, butchered under the sinister alter of those vacuous of souls. […]

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