The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


So how’d that meeting between Rep. Joe Walsh and the Muslim Community go?

If you have time, check out this post before continuing as this is an update. The good news is that Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) did not apologize during his meeting with nearly one hundred Muslims from his community, led by Moin “Moon” Khan. The bad news is that, as expected, not much was accomplished and, […]

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Palestinians finding work… in Israel

Israeli settlements have been a bone of contention in the so-called Israeli/Palestinian peace process but what happens when construction of these settlements becomes a source of income for… Palestinians? Hisham Jarallah at the Gatestone Institute explains: As the Arab countries continue to impose strict employment restrictions on Palestinians, Israel is opening its doors to Palestinian […]

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Rep. Joe Walsh to meet with group led by former ISNA Chairman

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) is making a mistake. Last week, we posted about his refusal to apologize for comments he made about radical Islamists in the United States. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was at the front of the line, demanding that apology. Until now, Walsh has not backed down. Unfortunately, he has […]

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Video: Rep. Steve King standing with Michele Bachmann

It looks like the Bachmann five has now finally become the Bachmann six as Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has expressed support for the concerns of Bachmann, et. al. about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government in general and Huma Abedin’s ties to the Brotherhood in particular. At a town hall meeting, King expressed solidarity […]

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The Egyptian Presidential Palace Crucifixion Debate: Truth or Hoax?

By Walid Shoebat The crucifixion of opponents to Muhammad Mursi in front of the presidential palace is a story that went viral; it was initiated by Arabic Sky News and created much buzz; it is now being challenged by many as “another Christian legend”. World Net Daily brought in a YouTube video to show that […]

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Huma Abedin’s fellow Board Member at MSA defended TLC’s All American Muslim

Recently, we wrote about Huma Abedin’s time on the Board of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at George Washington University. A woman she served alongside with on that Board is Souheila Al-Jadda, who is currently a member of the Board of Contributors for USA Today. Al-Jadda has also served as a legislative assistant for Rep. […]

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Who is listening to the Cries of the Coptic Christians?

As the Syrian rebels, who are looking increasingly more vicious, continue to garner sympathy world wide, the Coptic Christians in Egypt are all but ignored. In the video below, watch as these persecuted Christians share with you their misery. Yet, no one listens. These are the kinds of cries spoken of in Isaiah 19:20. 20 […]

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Little India writer attacks Bachmann while defending Islamic Society of North America as ‘mainstream’

In an attempt to debunk the efforts of Reps. Bachmann, et. al., Little India writer Achal Mehra attempts to paint the group as being on par with Joe McCarthy (that’s become a common refrain among leftists on this issue). It consists of the usual baseless attacks over questions about Huma Abedin’s background with a bit […]

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Daily Beast’s Peter Beinart falls in line with Huma Abedin defenders; ignores argument altogether

You can always tell when leftists are losing an argument; they avoid the central component of it completely. The latest example comes from the Daily Beast’s Peter Beinart, who starts by insinuating that Muslims are victims of right-wing hatred; he then makes every part of his narrative fit that premise. In fact, his entire opening […]

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Front Page Magazine interviews Andrew McCarthy about Huma Abedin, Saudi Manifesto

In his interview with Front Page Magazine’s Jamie Glazov, Andrew McCarthy covers a lot of ground but also hits on an extremely salient point, especially in light of all the evidence that’s been uncovered since Reps. Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland, and Tom Rooney sent those initial five letters to various IG’s […]

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Leaked Explosive Videos Reveal That The Syrian Revolution is Plain Evil

By Theodore Shoebat We have gathered from Arab sources explosive and horrific videos captured by the Free Syrian Army and other Syrian rebels. While what we present is a fraction of what we have, the evidence will show that contrary to the praise of many in the West, the footage illustrates their wanton cruelty, and […]

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Obama on SEALs’ anger at Security Leaks: ‘I don’t take (them) too seriously’

Last week, we posted the video featuring Navy SEALS and intelligence officials who are not happy with the national security leaks that are taking place under the current Obama administration. President Obama was asked about the concerns of the individuals behind the film and doesn’t appear to be all that impressed. Via POLITICO: President Obama […]

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Why is the Southern Poverty Law Center aligning with Muslim Public Affairs Council?

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has positioned itself as being anti-Nazi (a term it likes to equate with right-wing extremism, despite the fact that ‘Nazi’ translates to ‘National Socialist’ – a leftwing ideology). Yet, curiously, SPLC has chosen to align itself with the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). A founder of MPAC, Salam Al-Marayati, […]

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Another Huma Abedin defender with an interesting background?

The list of individuals who have publicly defended Huma Abedin – willfully blind Republican politicians like John McCain, John Boehner, Scott Brown, Marco Rubio, Jim Sensenbrenner, and Mike Simspson notwithstanding – may be telling us something all by itself. In the meantime, another defender of Huma’s honor is a woman named Amina Chaudary, who wrote […]

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Deadline for IG’s to respond to Bachmann letters approaches; handling of Fast and Furious a good model

The longer that Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), and Tom Rooney (R-FL) remain on an island with respect to their Republican colleagues either denouncing them or leaving them stranded, the more courageous those five look. The mountains of evidence that have burgeoned forth since their initial letters […]

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