We were fortunate enough to be asked to contribute some information about Huma Abedin’s familial relationships to both the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda by Cliff Kincaid’s group, America’s Survival. The group held a “Vetting Obama” Conference on July 19th at the National Press Club. Though the focus of the conference was primarily on Obama’s connections […]
The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation
National Review’s Andrew McCarthy shreds John McCain over Huma defense
National Review’s Andrew McCarthy knows a thing or two about how the Muslim Brotherhood works. He prosecuted the Blind Sheikh after the first World Trade Center bombing. He shreds Senator John McChamberlain in his latest piece: Der Spiegel pointed out the obvious: “A certain role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the transition process [to ‘democracy’] […]
Shoebat Exclusive: Michele Bachmann’s Critics are ‘Lions in Peace but Deer in Fight’
Walid Shoebat While there are many chickens standing in line to peck at Rep. Michele Bachmann’s head while calling her shameful and demanding that she “fess up or shut up” perhaps its time to ask such ‘truth-phobic’ critics why they’ve chosen to indignantly point to “character assassination” when they, themselves are the actual practitioners of […]
Has CNN been Infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood?
All this talk about the possible infiltration of the U.S Government warrants a discussion about whether CNN has been infiltrated. If you accept the findings of the Holy Land Foundation trial, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood. As such, it defends the Muslim Brotherhood against those […]
Disgraceful: John McCain rips Michele Bachmann; defends Abedin family
Ben Barrack He has defended the Libyan rebels, calling them his ‘heroes’ who would later fly Al-Qaeda flags after Gadhafi’s fall. He has called for the arming of the Syrian rebels. Both positions are music to the ears of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now John McCain is coming to the defense of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief […]
CNN’s Anderson Cooper at it again; targets Michele Bachmann
Regular visitors to this site are quite familiar with what Walid thinks about the smear merchants at CNN – not much. Anderson Cooper, the same CNN anchor who aired Drew Griffin’s hit piece on Walid last year, is now delving into the claims made by five congressmen – led by Michele Bachmann – that there […]
Wait a Minute; Huma wants Weiner to come clean??
Just when you thought there was no greater example of “projection”, something comes along that provides one. Enter Huma Abedin, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton; she is reportedly encouraging her husband – Anthony Weiner – to grant a tell-all interview (we’ll tell you why this is laughable after the jump). Via the […]
Michele Bachmann fires off a 16-Page Bombshell to Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison
Yes, there is a Huma Abedin angle to this story but a certain Muslim Congressman seems to be in the middle of digging himself a bit of a hole. On July 12th, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Muslim-MN) sent a two-page letter to the five congressmen who sent five separate letters to five separate Inspectors General on […]
Ellison presses Bachmann for evidence of Muslim Brotherhood connection in State Department; Hillary in Cairo, meeting with Brotherhood’s Mursi
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), a Muslim, has ratcheted things up with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and four other Congressmen, to include Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Trent Franks (R-AZ). In response to letters penned by those five congressmen – which went to various Inspectors General – to include one addressed to the OIG at the […]
Muslim Congressman targets Michele Bachmann for raising questions about Huma and Hillary
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) may be engaged in a bit of ‘thou doth protest too much’ relative to concerns about Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin. He’s got a problem with a letter sent to the Office of the Inspector General of the State Department penned by five congressmen – led by Rep. […]
9/11 Truther and Racist running for Secretary of State in Missouri
If you were told that a racist is running for Secretary of State in Missouri, would you think that he must be a conservative or Republican? If you did, you’d be wrong. Via Washington Free Beacon (h/t GWP): A Democratic Party caucus chairman vying to become Missouri’s next secretary of state is a 9/11 Truther […]
Canadian Police instructed to avoid use of terms ‘Jihad’ and ‘Islamist’
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is being told not to identify its domestic enemies because… well… you figure it out. Via Paris Star Online: There is new trouble for the RCMP over a manual that tries to wash out terms like “Islamist” and “jihad” from officers’ mouths when they talk about terrorism. “Distorted and […]
Must See Videos: Frank Gaffney and Geert Wilders at Western Conservative Summit
Two videos from the June 30th Western Conservative Summit. First up, Frank Gaffney details the very real Muslim Brotherhood threats that are currently residing in the halls of U.S. Political power. Among those Gaffney identifies is Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin. Shortly after Gaffney spoke, Dutch MP Geert Wilders took to the […]
Ever wonder why Western Politicians cater to Islam?
If you ever find yourself wondering why politicians like Chris Christie aggressively defend Muslims with questionable backgrounds; why Rahm Emanuel appoints CAIR Executive Director for Chicago Ahmed Rehab to an Advisory Committee; or why Dick Durbin stands with radical Imam Jamal Said, we encourage you to read this column from Daniel Greenfield. Via Sultan Knish: […]
Belgium or Belgistan? Belgians will have to decide… very soon
Shariah4Belgium is a group of Muslims in Belgium that makes no secret of its desire and belief that Islam will rule that region before too long. There is good news. These Muslims tell you what they intend to do; Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the West fly under the radar while desiring the same goals. […]
Mosque of Imam whom Chris Christie defended was under surveillance
It looks like New Jersey state officials had the mosque of Imam Mohammad Qatanani under surveillance. Qatanani is someone whom New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has defended in the past. Christie also appointed a Muslim named Sohail Mohammed to a state Judgeship in Passaic County, NJ. As an attorney, Mohammed defended Qatanani. Now it’s been […]