The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Muhammad Cartoons incite Salafists to attack Police in Germany

This debate is very simple. When cartoons of Muhammad lead to violence, who’s to blame? Is it A.) the drawer of the cartoon, B.) the people who showcase the cartoons at a rally on a public square, or C.) the hypersensitive Muslims who become unhinged and commit assault because the cartoons were in their presence. […]

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According to Muslim Leader, Burka-clad Militants in Afghanistan guilty of Hate Crimes

Just last week, Muslim leaders in Philadelphia called it a ‘hate crime’ for bank robbers to dress up as women in burkas because it discriminated against Islam to do so. Uh, we’re still waiting to hear from those same leaders about the Muslim men in Afghanistan who dressed as women in burkas to commit murder. […]

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Islam and Sexual Perversions

Walid Shoebat Sexual perversions are not exclusive to the Muslim world; they exist in every culture. What makes the Muslim world different is the multitude of religious officials who use word games to avoid identifying deviant behavior as such. In the Muslim world, Necrophilia has magically become “Farewell Intercourse,” which is actually rejected by a […]

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Greece: Muslim Immigrant Detention Camp opens; more to follow

Well, now isn’t this an interesting development? Via Reuters: Greece opened its first purpose-built detention centre for illegal migrants on Sunday in Athens, a week before a national election where illegal immigration has emerged as a key issue. About 130,000 immigrants cross the country’s porous sea and land borders every year, the vast majority via […]

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2004 Video: Egyptian Presidential candidate supported Armed Resistance in Iraq

Regular readers of our blog know about Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh. He is a finalist in the race for president of Egypt. In 2004, he said he fully supported the armed resistance against the United States in Iraq “100%.” In the video below from 2004, he said that he would take up arms himself against […]

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Race for Egyptian Presidency down to Two

We’ve been following the race for president of Egypt for some time now and gave our take on the candidates here. That field, as we suspected, has winnowed down to a two person race between Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh and Amr Moussa. Via the Chicago Tribune: Egypt enters the last stage of its first democratic […]

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Update: Don’t be Islamophobic; embrace Necrophilia

Update to this story. See what happens when you bring critical thinking into the equation? It tends to shoot holes through Sharia law. Just to reiterate, Sharia law in Egypt has been codified to allow 14 year-old girls to be married and dead women to become the rape victims of their husbands. Does this mean […]

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Boko Harem? Terrorists scare Churchgoers, gun them down as they leave church in Nigeria

Remember, the barbarians who perpetrate these heinous acts actually do so because they think they’re of a higher life form. Via Zee News: Gunmen attacked church services on a university campus Sunday in northern Nigeria, using small explosives to draw out and gun down panicking worshippers in an assault that killed at least 16 people, […]

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Video: Coptic Christian Priest from Egypt Nails Islam

His name is Zakaria Botros. He is a Coptic Orthodox priest from Egypt and he should be listened to, if for no other reason than the fact that he has a $60 Million fatwa on his head. This video is several years old but we’ve posted it for both its accuracy in hindsight, as well […]

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Sell Land to a Jew, Face Capital Punishment

The left loves to defend death row inmates. We’ll see if they come to the aid of a Palestinian man who is facing the death penalty for… selling land to a Jew. Via IPT: Jewish officials in the West Bank city of Hebron are appealing to the international community to intervene on behalf of a […]

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Rationalizing Cowardice in Court: Judge bows to Mecca

Being a coward is so dishonorable that people – including judges like the one in this case – will go to great lengths to avoid being properly diagnosed with it. Via Pundit Press: In 2011, death row inmate Abdul Awkal sued an Ohio prison because he was receiving non-halal food while in prison. As a […]

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Vice President Biden seeks to Reward Brutally repressive Turkey

Yet another reason for leftists to ask themselves a question. If progressive leaders are the champions of human rights, why do those leaders consistently reward those who champion retrograde ideologies? Unfortunately, when it comes to very inconvenient truths for those leftists – like Joe Biden speaking at a $2,500 / plate fundraiser held for the […]

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CAIR Sues US Government for asking Muslims how often they Pray

If the United States had identified the real enemy after 9/11, this probably wouldn’t be an issue but CAIR is now suing the US Government for religious discrimination for asking Muslims who were re-entering the country about how often they prayed. Via CNSNews: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has filed a lawsuit against the […]

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