The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

Major Israeli Politician Says That Israel Will “Liquidate” Syrian President Bashar Assad

By Theodore Shoebat A major Israeli politician, Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, said that Israel will “liquidate” Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. As if Syria has not been destabilized enough, Israel now wants to make it an even bigger war zone. As we read in one report from RT: Israel will “liquidate” Syrian President Bashar Assad and […]

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Major Nazi Event Takes Place In Ukraine

By Theodore Shoebat A major Nazi event just recently took place in Ukraine. According to a report from Ukrainian media: In Kiev, the club “Bingo” hosted a rock concert, which included, among others, people of neo-Nazi views and with the attributes of the Third Reich. Many were wearing shirts with swastikas and Nazi tattoos. Among other […]

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Pagans Take Eight Year Old Girl, They Take Turns Raping Her Before Slaughtering Her

By Theodore Shoebat Pagans in India gang raped and murdered an eight year old girl. As we read in a report from CNN: A second teenage girl is reported to have been raped and set on fire in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand, just days after a 16-year-old was similarly attacked in the same […]

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The Military Of Nigeria Rescues Over One Thousand Girls From Sex Slavery Under Islamic Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat The military of Nigeria just recently rescued over a thousand girls from sex slaver under Islamic jihadists. As we read in one report from CNN: The Nigerian army said Monday it had rescued more than 1,000 Boko Haram captives in Borno state, northeastern Nigeria. The hostages consisted mainly of women and children, […]

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Major Kenyan Government Officer Declares ‘I Will Lose My Job Before I Submit To The LGBT- Homosexuality Destroys Men And It Will Destroy The Country’

The Kenya Films and Classification Board boss Dr. Ezekiel Mutua has been attacked by the homosexuals for banning pro-homosexual films from Kenya. Amid intense pressure he has not caved, but has reinforced his position saying that he will lose his job before submitting to the agenda of the LGBT because the future of Kenya’s people […]

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Report Says Saudi Arabian Government Makes Deal With The Vatican And Allows For CHURCHES To Be Constructed In The Kingdom

After years of banning Churches and harassing Christians, a report says that the Saudi Government just made an agreement with the Vatican to allow for Catholic Churches to LEGALLY exist in the Kingdom: Saudi Arabia has signed an agreement with the Vatican to build churches for Christian citizens, according to Egyptian news media reports. Online […]

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Major Liberal Media Outlet Now Promotes Book For Women Engaging In Sex With Fish

In June 2017, published an article saying that bestiality is normal and people should try it. Now, the liberal Huffington Post is promoting women having sex with fish. According to a new book they have high reviews for, “The Pisces” it is about a lascivious woman who is tired of men and wants attention […]

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Cross-Dressing Sodomites Beat Up And Kidnap Teenage Boy, Take Him To An Old House, Put A Gun To His Head And Rape Him

A homosexual and his partner dressed up like women, kidnapped a 14-year-old boy, and then proceeded to sexually assault him while threatening to shoot him with a gun and stab him with a knife: A 14-year-old boy told police officers that “two males dressed as females” were driving around his neighborhood and had tried to […]

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HIV-Infected Man Gets Charges Of Spreading Disease Dropped Because His ‘Viral Load’ Is “Undetectable”- This Is Why There Is Going To Be Another HIV Crisis And How God Will Punish The Fornicators

In an interesting case coming out of Canada, Brian Carlisle, a man with HIV who had sex with 12 women without disclosing his HIV status, was sued for not informing his “partners” of his status. This is common because, in spite of how many homosexuals are trying to get such laws repealed, having sex with […]

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Report Reveals That Trump Is Backing Saudi Arabia’s Atrocious War In Yemen

By Theodore Shoebat A report, just recently presented to the New York Times, reveals that the US military is backing Saudi Arabia’s atrocious war against Yemen. As the New York Times reports: For years, the American military has sought to distance itself from a brutal civil war in Yemen, where Saudi-led forces are battling rebels […]

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Homosexuals Furious After LGBT Hookup App Allows Users To Block People Who Have HIV From Their Searches

Some LGBT “activists” are upset after the gay hookup app “Taimi,” which means “tame me”, allows its users to block people from their searches who report being infected with HIV if they want to: Taimi was developed by a group of anonymous tech guys from Silicon Valley who set out to create “the safest gay […]

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Victory For Christian Couple Barred By Canadian Government For Adopting A Child Because The Oppose The LGBT, Courts Rule In Favor Of The Couple

In November 2017, reported that the government of Canada refused a Christian couple to adopt a child because the oppose homosexuality. The Canadian courts have now ruled in favor of the family, saying they can adopt- An evangelical Christian couple in Alberta, Canada, had an earlier ban preventing them from adopting children because of […]

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Austrian Man Murders Prostitute, Guts Her Organs And Disposes Of The Body, When Caught He Tells Police ‘I Am A Cannibal And I Saved Her Entrails So I Could Eat Them Later’

To make matters worse, the man was released two years ago from a 32-year prison sentence for raping his ex-girlfriend and biting her nipple off: A man arrested on suspicion of killing a woman whose torso was found floating in a lake in Austria has told police he hacked up her body and saved her […]

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Witnesses In Syria Declare: The “Chemical Attack” Which Assad Is Accused Of Was Fake And Staged

By Theodore Shoebat New revelations have shown that witnesses who were in Douma, Syria, have said that the “chemical attack” which Bashar al-Assad is being accused of, was staged and fake. As we read in one report from RT: As the reputation of the controversial militant-linked White Helmets continues to crumble, even the US State […]

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