The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Thousands Rally In Yerevan Demanding Removal Of Armenian PM Pashinian

The recent Armenian-Azeri war was a major victory for Azerbaijan and Turkey and a disastrous loss for Armenia. There is a lot of tension on both sides, and people are upset. While the world is consumed with other news, right now RFERL reports that thousands of Armenians have descended on the capitol of Yerevan, demanding […]

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Now Their Turn- Southern Baptists Divided Over The Sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance

There has always been a problem in the Catholic Church with bad priests or people who have a serious interest in very bad sins. This is to be expected- if the Church is a hospital for all sinners, founded by Christ Himself to touch every race of man, and the whole world is to be […]

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Male Infertility On The Rise

When on thinks of infertility, it is many times associated with women, although it is not nor ever has been exclusively so. Female infertility has been on the rise for a long time owing to the fact of artificial, chemical contraception that interrupts fertility cycles sometimes to the point that they cannot be recovered ever, […]

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Christian Self Professed Moral Activists, As Usual, Are A Day Too Late And A Dollar Short

According to the Christian Post, Christian anti-adult content activists are expressing concern about dealing with the effects of adult content on their children. Due to the ubiquity of smartphones, the up-and-coming generation has been “raised on hardcore porn to a level that’s never been seen before,” and there will be a massive “reckoning” within the […]

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Copper, Lithium Prices Explode, Signaling Economic Trouble

Copper is said to be the only metal that has a “PhD in economics” because due to the extensive use of copper as an industrial metal crossing into all areas including technology, copper price fluxuations, especially severe ones, often indicate economic troubles. It is thus with great interest, noting all of the troubles in the […]

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You Think Texas Is Bad? Tigray Now Suffering From Blackouts

I don’t want to say that Texas is not suffering. However, in all honestly, things are really not that bad, and I am being serious. Yes, being out electricity is not fun, or rolling blackout. Water problems are also difficult to deal with. It is unfortunate by American standards, but really, it’s not all that […]

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Not A Joke- Biden Plays Mario Kart With Granddaughter At Camp David While Kamala Takes Calls From “World Leaders”

There are many feelings about Biden on all political sides. My view has been that it seems, in my opinion, that Biden is an elderly man with clear health problems who needs to be at home with his grandchildren enjoying what time he has, but instead is being abused in that his cognitive decline is […]

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Islamic Terrorists Slaughter Sixteen Christians, Burn Down A Catholic Church In The Congo

As the trend of violence continues to rise in Africa amid a series of tensions, another tragedy took place in the Congo, where sixteen Christians were murdered and a Catholic Church was burned by what the Christian Post reports so far have been identified as Muslim rebels. A suspected Islamic extremist group raid resulted in […]

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Weekly Jobless Claims Almost 100,000 Higher Than Expected

When Trump was in office, one heard constant complaints about the state of the economy and how troubling things were for the average man. A lot of this was blamed on Trump, and while Trump played his role, it was not his fault solely, just as the current state of affairs is not solely Biden’s […]

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New Chip Can Detect Stress Levels In Human Skin

As nanotechnology becomes smaller and more comprehensive, it has come to take on a shape not of something that represents a bright future, but a “brave new world” imagined by Huxley, where the average man is watched all of the time, for everything he does, and is judge constantly on them. This is the concept […]

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Corporations And Police Work Together To Stop Hungry People From Exercising Their Right To Eat Trash

Homeless people are known for eating trash, sometimes referred to by them as “ground scoring”. Most trash id disgusting, but some of it is really good because the food itself is fine but had to be thrown away because of highly questionable corporate policies aimed and prioritizing theoretical profits over humanity and the common good […]

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Oh No, Joe! Biden Remarks On National Television Casually Ignored

President Biden has already developed a proclivity for gaffes in speaking. However, his most recent Town Hall event in Wisconsin may be his most gaffe-riddled speech ever, for as Twitter snips of video from the event show, Biden managed to make questionable statements about many issues on society and race. Now, in fairness to Biden, […]

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My Post (100)

There Was Never A Golden Age Of Christendom. The Entire History Of Christendom Is Warfare Against Satanic Forces That Wish To Destroy Her

The life of Christendom was a life of ceaseless struggle. It was a ruthless struggle, a struggle that never abated nor calmed, but like a hoard of abysmal demons that never rest from tormenting the earth, the enemies of Christendom never stopped with their siege of the government fortress that was to hear the teachings […]

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Major Protestant Pastor Asks For “Forgiveness” For “Disrespecting” And “Hurting” Men Who Love Indulging Sins That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance

American Protestant pastors are known for having big and strong voices on major social issues, but can strangely ‘change’ when opinions about those matters change with the social climate. The famed pastor Max Lucado recently made a statement, accordign to the Christian Post, where he apologized for his criticisms of the LGBT made almost two […]

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End Of An Era: Rush Limbaugh Dead At 70

He was an iconic voice for the late-20th century American conservative movement for decades as well as a political icon for the Boomer generation. Rush Limbaugh, the famed radio host, has now died at the age of seventy as the Daily News reports. Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh died Wednesday after a battle with […]

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Again? He Who Believes Trump And The Republican Line At This Point Is Deluding Himself

MAGA. Build The Wall. America First. These were a lot of popular saying that made people happy and gave them hope, but never materialized into such things outside of political rallying for then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign. As I have noted, Trump exploited real potential sentiments but then used them to advance his own ego, resulting […]

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