The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Man Murders His Neighbor, Cuts Her Heart Out And Cooks It With Potatoes, Says He Did It To “Release The Demons”

For a while, has noted that there is a tendency towards cannibalism taking place in society. When one combines this with the rise in extreme and odd crimes, especially of a grotesque and occult nature, we find a picture of a society where the trends is away from social cohesion, God, and peace toward […]

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We Told You At It Was Coming, New Study Finds That One In Six Zoomers Is A Sodomite

One of the most hotly contested bloc of articles for over the years has been our reporting on the sins of the Sodomites. There are many people who say that holding to divine revelation as articulated through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition is a form of being “mean” or “hateful”, but the fact is […]

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Western Countries Now Repeatedly Sending Ships Into South China Sea

As the trend of isolation of and conflict with China builds, there will likely be more attempts at power plays and another forms of “dominance asserting” if one can call it that by other nations. The US is the main provocateur, but as I have pointed out, because of historical interests in southeast Asia, the […]

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Thailand Seeks To Turn Pot Into A Cash Crop

One of the trends that I have noted on that is going to be important to watch is the legalization and legitimization of marijuana consumption, possibly to the point of smoking cigarettes or consuming alcohol. This is not just limited to the US, but is a global trend with potentially major economic consequences. According […]

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Open Your Wallets, More “Stimulus” Is Coming Because If It Doesn’t There Will Be Massive Homelessness

Ready for buck from President Biden? Open your wallets, because the bill that would permit for a third stimulus check has just cleared another major hurdle and the chances of it passing are going to significantly increase. I will go further and say that there almost a guarantee this bill is going to pass, because […]

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Germany Pushes EU For Sanctions Against Russia

One of the most important geopolitical questions in the world right now is the path which Germany chooses to take. If Germany stays in NATO and allies with the US, there is a strong possibility that Russia may fall, as her weakened state would most likely be unable to fend off an attack. However, if […]

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A Dozen Japanese Companies Cease Business With China Over Forced Uyghur Labor

Right now, China is committing an attempted genocide against the Uyghur Turkic peoples in her western regions, mostly out of nationalistic ambitions. There are many stories of horrible abuse, including forced labor camps for Chinese businesses. In response, Kyodo News of Japan reports that a dozen Japanese companies are ceasing business relations with China due […]

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Serbian Orthodox Church Elects New Patriarch

The Serbian Orthodox Church is the fifth largest of the Orthodox Churches in the world (after Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Greece in that particular order). After her previous Patriarch Irinej died in November 2020 from COVID complications, the church has elected a new patriarch, Porfirje, to lead the church. A Vatican cardinal on Friday congratulated […]

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Yellen Attacks Bitcoin, Is This Preparation For A “Digital Dollar”?

CNBC reported that with all of the interest and investor-related near chaos taking place over Bitcoin, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen attacked it, saying it is unstable and used by criminals. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen issued a warning Monday about the dangers that bitcoin poses both to investors and the public. Despite a sharp slide in […]

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Major American Investor Who Caught And Warned About The Subprime Crisis Declares What We Have Been Telling You, Says Major Instability In Stocks Will Happen

Michael J. Burry is a famed American investor, and the inspiration behind the 2015 film The Big Short, who came to fame after spotting volatility in the housing market in 2006 that resulted in the great crash of 2007 and 2008, which brought about the TARP bailouts and the era of money printing that has […]

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Here We Go: Supreme Court Releases Trump Tax Returns To NY State Prosecutors

Trump’s tax returns have been a subject of much discussion because tax documents always tell something about a person, good or bad, as unless one is doing openly illegal activity, they force disclosure of what one has or does not have. As such, there has been a giant fight over access to Trump’s tax records […]

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Climate Refugees Are The Next Trend?

The talk about “climate change” on the left or right is almost always political. Weather patterns change whether or not people like it, but the emphasis on ‘disaster’ is often just a poor excuse for other and far more dangerous or destructive policies, such as eugenics. Noting this, it is interesting that with the recent […]

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