The Backlash Against Israel Is Happening, But Its Leading People To Evil
In this video I discuss the problems that I see with the anti-Israel movement, and how its leading people to evil ideologies that are of a Hitlerian nature:

Donald Trump Wants European Soldiers To Be Deployed In Ukraine To Maintain Order And Stability
Donald Trump wants European soldiers to be stationed within Ukraine as a way to keep the peace and maintain stability. As we read in the Wall Street Journal: The outlines of President-elect Donald Trump’s initial efforts to end the war in Ukraine from his visit to Europe last week are starting to emerge for the […]

UK Police Report Declares: ‘British Police Took Too Long To Respond To UK Riots.’
A UK police report has concluded that British police took too long to respond to the British summer riots, as we read in the New York Times: Police leaders waited too long — three days — to trigger a national mobilization to tackle the anti-immigrant violence that broke out in Britain this year, a report […]

Syrian Refugees Don’t Want To Leave Germany: The German Elections and the Syrian Refugee Crisis

I Am Tired Of Them Pushing The LGBT+ Agenda And Ruining All Things Holy, And Making Movies, Video Games And Books Ugly

The Sackler Family And The Rising Tide Against Jewish People

Evil In Israel, Evil In Turkey: The Israeli and Turkish Invasion Of Syria

I can totally foresee Israel having a civil war before Turkey invades it

I Wouldn’t Be Surprised If The Iranian Regime Gets Toppled

We Are Witnessing The Dawn Of The Neo-Ottoman Empire
In this video I discuss the revival of the Ottoman Empire as seen in Turkish expansionism within Syria:

You Are Gradually Being Pulled Into A Demonic Religion And You Don’t Even Know It

Now That Americans Love The CEO Killer, Terrorism Is Now Cool In America

If You Support Globalism, You’re On The Endangered Species List

Germany Will Not Rule Out Sending Troops Into Ukraine: The Rise Of Militarism And Fanaticism