Chapter 8 of the 9/11 Commission Report is entitled, “The System was Blinking Red”. It was taken from a quote of then CIA Director George Tenet, who said that by late July of 2001, it could not “get any worse”. Eerily, the system began blinking again in late July of this year with what’s been […]
Tag Archives | 911
Palestinian TV Compares Empty Hamas Building being Bombed to 9/11 Attacks
Last month in Gaza, a 12-story building that served as a Hamas Operations Center was bombed by Israel and collapsed. Prior to the bombing, occupants were warned multiple times to evacuate. There were no deaths. Yet, Palestinian TV decided it would be a nice juxtaposition to do a split screen and compare that bombing with […]
Liberal CNN Host Baffled by British Muslim’s Views
On the heels of an interview between Sean Hannity and British Muslim Anjem Choudary, CNN’s liberal host of Reliable Sources Brian Stelter interviewed Choudary and ended up completely shocked by what he was hearing. Choudary is of the Salafi brand of Islam that doesn’t rely on the very effective stealth jihadist tactics to push its […]
‘Lone Wolf’ Fort Hood Jihadist who Committed ‘Workplace Violence’ wants to join Islamic Caliphate
Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan, whose murders the Defense Department identified as the result of ‘workplace violence’ (signaling that Hasan was a lone wolf not motivated by religion) wants to become a citizen of ISIS Caliphate. Hasan, who was mentored by Anwar al-Awlaki – a man whom the Department of Defense embraced after 9/11 […]
Obama Admits he has ‘(No) Strategy’ to deal with ISIS as Terror Chatter Increases on eve of 9/11
When asked about how he plans to confront ISIS in Syria, President Barack Obama made a stunning admission saying, “We don’t have a strategy yet”. He said this at a time when the intelligence community is reporting a “significant increase” in terror chatter as the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches. Reasons why Obama has […]

Ten Hours before 3000 Americans Murdered on 9/11, Bill Clinton said he didn’t Kill Osama bin Laden to protect 300 Afghanis
Ten hours prior to the 9/11 attacks, former President Bill Clinton answered a question about terrorism at a lunch in Australia. The audio recording of the speech and subsequent Q and A was recorded by Michael Kroger, an Australian politician at the time. The reason Clinton gave for not killing Osama bin Laden was that […]
Muslims Make Edict Saying Christians Can Never Build New Churches
By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim government of North Sudan recently reaffirmed a law decreeing that Christians are prohibited from building any new churches. The reaffirmation was made North Sudan’s Minister Shalil Abdullah, and as we read from one Christian activist: We are deeply concerned by Minister Shalil Abdullah’s statement reaffirming the policy to deny new […]
Congressmen who are Getting Closer to 9/11 Truth
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** As Americans bemoan the Obama administration’s stonewalling and redacted pages at the center of mounting scandals, they have also been largely ignoring 28 very significant pages about the 9/11 attacks that were redacted by the Bush administration. Those documents and their contents remain unavailable to the American […]
Shoebat Accused of being ‘Paranoid’ and a Politically Correct ‘Idiot’ over 9/11 Attacks
File this story in the ‘if you live long enough, you get to see everything’ category. Hold on to your hats but we here at have been accused of being too politically correct. If this demonstrates one thing, it’s that liberals simply can’t process irony. Earlier this week, we posted a Coca-Cola video ad […]
Muslim Coca-Cola Ad takes Cheap Shot at 9/11 Attacks
Coca-Cola has just released an ad that makes a subtle, yet obvious and quite insensitive reference to 9/11. The ad – shot in Arabic with English subtitles – features a father who tells his son he wanted to be a pilot when he was his son’s age. This was clearly meant as a cheap shot […]

Bush DID Lie about Iraq and 9/11
By Ben Barrack In 2003, I believed President George W. Bush and was not at all equipped to come to an educated conclusion myself about going into Iraq. I chose to believe the Republican narrative and was in full support of ‘Shock and Awe’, a name given to the operation that sought the removal of […]
Trey Gowdy is being Set Up to Fail on Benghazi
On Today’s Ben Barrack show… Whether Rep. Trey Gowdy – chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi – will be able to overcome attempts to compromise him remains to be seen. However, his appointment of Philip Kiko as his committee’s Executive Director inherently compromises the investigation itself, as has reported. As such, Gowdy […]
Red Alert! Benghazi Select Committee COMPROMISED
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** What every American must know as the Benghazi investigation is about to begin involves what happened after the first 9/11 attack. The Patriot Act, was drafted in direct response to attacks on the United States perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist agents on 9/11/01. How is it […]
Another Islamic Terrorist Agrees with Alex Jones on 9/11
During his trial this past week, Islamic terrorist Abu Hamza al-Masri said he believes the World Trade Center towers were brought down with controlled demolitions. Of course, this puts another Islamic terrorist on board with talk radio show host Alex Jones, who says the same thing. Jones has been gaining in popularity over the last […]
Rare Piece of Journalism from Mainstream Media
According to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist for the New York Times, it became obvious “very soon after 9/11” that the U.S. was fighting the wrong enemy and that Pakistan’s government knew where Osama bin Laden was hiding all along. Instead of fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, the real forces at work against U.S. interests were in […]
Too Bad: Saudis angry with U.S. (can we talk 9/11 now)
If there is a country Saudi Arabia and Iran despise more than Israel, it’s each other. When it comes to Syria, Iran’s most prominent ally, the prospect of removing Bashar al-Assad has a pavlovian effect on the Saudis. After the Chemical weapons attack on August 20th, al-Assad’s removal was seemingly so close, it could be […]