Another potentially very explosive admission was made by a State Department witness at the second House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing last week. It came after Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) asked Asst Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Gregory Starr about a request made for a machine gun by personnel on the ground in Benghazi. […]
Tag Archives | Anne Patterson
EXPLOSIVE: Witness at Second Benghazi Select Committee Hearing Tells Gowdy to Ask Ex-U.S. Ambassador to EGYPT why Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi
The second House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing took place today. In many ways, it was sadly more uneventful than the first hearing, which took place in September. However, there was ONE MAJOR EXCEPTION and it had to do with a name given by one of the witnesses, who was being questioned by Chairman Rep. […]
Senator Ted Cruz right that Nuclear Iran Bigger Threat than ISIS but what about Turkey and Muslim Brotherhood?
To his credit, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was one of a handful of Senators who voted against an amendment to arm Syria’s rebels. As revealed, at least one Syrian opposition lobbying group has extensive connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. However, Cruz recently asserted in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon that a nuclear […]
ISIS formally Aligns with ‘Moderate’ Rebels against Assad in Damascus
It should be clear that ISIS is a greater threat to America than is Bashar al-Assad at the moment. Say what you will, Assad’s troops are not beheading Americans and putting it up on YouTube. As such, wouldn’t any ‘moderate’ rebels the likes of Senator John McCain are behind have the same priority list? Uh, […]
U.S. State Department Official Gives Keynote Speech at Forum Hosted by Terror State
Anne Patterson, the woman who served as U.S. Ambassador to Egypt during the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Mursi last year recently gave the keynote address at an event sponsored by a country that is a chief supporter and financier of Hamas, a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). The annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum is co-sponsored […]
Trial EXTREMELY Damaging to Obama being Covered Up
On Today’s Show… In 2006, former CIA Director James Woolsey gave a speech in which he seemed to strongly imply that rogue regimes in the Middle East should be overthrown. The strategy expressed a desire to make the Hosni Mubarak regime and the Saudi Royal family ‘nervous’ by the U.S. turning its attention to Syria, […]
Obama Promoting Muslim Brotherhood “Stooge” at State
One day after the now infamous CBS 60 Minutes piece about Benghazi, Senator Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) threatened to put a hold on Obama administration nominees until he was granted access to State Department survivors of the attack. Graham has now agreed to release holds on two of those nominees. If there is one nominee Graham […]

Patterson accused of belonging to ‘Sleeper cell’
Anne Patterson, U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, was accused by an Egyptian politician of belonging to a Muslim Brotherhood ‘sleeper cell’. Despite its attempts to convince the world that it’s neutral when it comes to who leads Egypt, the new Egyptian government isn’t buying what the Obama administration is selling. At least one Egyptian politician thinks […]