Yet again, we have more evidence that until the west stops playing the word games that Islamic terrorists want them to play, the enemy will continue to remain unidentified. The latest example comes in the form of documents released in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The documents […]
Tag Archives | Ansar al-Sharia
Islamic Terrorists Who Attacked Benghazi OFFICIALLY Join ISIS (Ansar al-Sharia = ISIS)
Nearly two and a half years after the Benghazi attacks, it’s finally being reported that ISIS has joined with Ansar al-Sharia in Libya. It should not be considered news that Islamic terrorists joined forces but unfortunately, it is. As reported months ago, all anyone had to do was examine the flags that were being […]
Ex-Defense Dept Official Connects Outsourcing of Security to Muslim Terrorists in Benghazi to Company that had Congressman’s Wife as Vice Chairman on its Board of Directors
If there has been a U.S. Congressman whose behavior relative to the investigation of what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, has been bizarre, it’s Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), the recently retired congressman and former chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). According to John Shaw, former deputy undersecretary of defense […]
State Department Official Admits Someone Responsible for Refusing to Give Americans Machine Gun to Protect Against Muslim Terrorists
Another potentially very explosive admission was made by a State Department witness at the second House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing last week. It came after Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) asked Asst Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Gregory Starr about a request made for a machine gun by personnel on the ground in Benghazi. […]
Hillary’s Empathy For Muslim Enemies Got Four Americans Murdered
Empathy: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton may have inadvertently admitted to being responsible for the deaths of four Americans. During a speech at Georgetown University, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insisted that America “empathize with (the enemy’s) perspective and […]
EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi Now a COVER-UP by both Democrats and Republicans
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The 36-page House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) report on Benghazi has finally been released and it smacks of cover-up. There are several highly questionable assertions in the report but also one very critical omission. In November of 2013, Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) was interviewed […]
BARRACK-AST: Ex-CIA Operative SHOCKED that ISIS taking over in Libya
On today’s BARRACK-AST: ISIS is taking over Libya and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which supported the NATO mission to overthrow Gadhafi, is suddenly concerned. Europe is also suddenly very concerned about Libya being taken over by ISIS. As was the case with the UNSC, NATO signed off on the plan to take out […]
UN That Supported NATO Removing Gadhafi Admits ISIS Taking Over Libya
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on June 26, 2011: As can often be the case, the most revealing truth in a news article is buried at the end. In an article about the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) labeling Ansar al-Sharia in Libya a terrorist organization, the last paragraph reads: Libya’s internationally recognised government has […]
‘Geniuses’ Shocked ISIS Seizing Control of Libya
It is now being reported by so-called ‘experts’ that ISIS has seized control of Derna, Libya, which is less than 200 miles to the northeast of Benghazi. In this exchange between CNN’s Wolf Blitzer is beside himself over the fact that the U.S. helped to remove Muammar Gadhafi and now terrorists are in charge, which […]
Benghazi SOLVED: U.S. Attacked By ISIS
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The west is losing its war with Islamic fundamentalism for one simple reason. It continues to play the game the enemy wants it to play. The Islamic world has learned that the more it parses itself up into separate groups for western consumption while actually operating as […]
ISIS Caught Collaborating with Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
A Muslim Brotherhood backed group in Egypt’s Sinai named Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (ABM) is reportedly receiving training and other assistance from ISIS. This has the effect of blurring any lines of distinction between the goals of ISIS and the much larger Brotherhood itself. Westerners became familiar with the name Ansar al-Sharia after the Benghazi attacks. […]
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of State Department played role in Benghazi Compound being Exposed
It has been learned that prior to the Benghazi attacks, a terrorist organization affiliated with Ansar al-Sharia moved in to a building next to the Special Mission Compound (SMC) where Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered in Benghazi. It has also been well known that the U.S. State Department contracted the February 17 Martyrs Brigade to […]

Blaming Video the BEST DEFENSE for Benghazi Suspect AND America
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Far be it from us to offer legal advice to the defense team of Ahmed Abu Khatallah but paradoxically, if taken, it could ultimately help Americans get the whole truth about Benghazi. In response to an 11-page motion filed by the U.S. Justice Department, which alleges that […]
Fox Reporter Avoids Egyptian Connection to Benghazi Attacks
When it comes to implicating Egyptian terrorist individuals and groups or the former Mohammed Mursi regime in the Benghazi attacks, there is a palpable reticence in the conservative media to do so. The latest example comes from Fox News reporter Adam Housley, who otherwise delivered some very important information. Sources on the ground in Benghazi […]
Jihadists set to Invade Tunisia from Libya?
According to Arabic sources, there appears to be concerns that jihadist “mercenaries” from various regions are planning to invade Tunisia from Libya, which sits to that country’s east and that the possible usage of Chemical weapons is feared. This information was relayed by a retired Tunisisan military colonel named Mohammed Saleh al-Haidari, who says the […]
Report: Christopher Stevens’ killer released
By Walid Shoebat According to a Tunisian television news report (Tn-Medias 1), individual members of that country’s security force are breaking their silence at great personal risk. According to these members, one of Christopher Stevens’ assassins in Benghazi last year was set free, despite overwhelming evidence. Here is a translation of the contents of the […]