By Ben Barrack Her name is Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and she sits on the House Oversight and Government Reform committee. She may have asked two of the most important questions at the September 19th hearing on Benghazi but they don’t appear to have been picked up. It was one of the lengthier hearings and […]
Tag Archives | Benghazi
Pat Smith at Hearing: Obama and Hillary Lied to me
After the co-chairs of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board (ARB) – Thomas Pickering and Mike Mullen – were finished testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee, Pat Smith and Charles Woods testified. Woods is the father of murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods and Smith is the mother of Sean Smith, who was murdered at […]

Oversight Committee Hearing with Benghazi Witnesses
Today, the Benghazi Accountability Review Board (ARB) co-chairmen Thomas Pickering and Admiral Mike Mullen testified in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chaired by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). Below are some of the hearing’s best exchanges. If you’re pressed for time, scroll down to the bottom and watch the sheer awesomeness of […]
House Committee Grills State Dept Official on Benghazi
At yesterday’s House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Undersecretary for Management at the State Department, Patrick Kennedy testified about the Accountability Review Board’s findings relative to security at Benghazi before the attack last year. In an exchange between Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA), Royce seems to refer to the findings in a report from the House Oversight […]
Admiral Re-asserts possibility Benghazi about Blind Sheikh
On September 16th, Accuracy in Media (AIM) held a conference with the Citizens Commission on Benghazi (CCB), which was comprised of several retired, decorated military and intelligence officials. One such official was four-star Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, who reiterated his belief that the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi was possibly about a staged kidnapping operation gone […]
CIA Director John Brennan has a new Benghazi problem
As the Benghazi scandal begins to heat up again, there appears to be some confirmation that CIA employees were required to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDA) that would prohibit them from speaking with Congress. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) relayed what happened to one such employee who refused to sign the NDA. Via Washington Free Beacon: A […]
Sharyl Attkisson reports on Benghazi Conflict of Interest
“…no one will hold us more accountable than we hold ourselves.” – State Department Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy on October 10, 2012. As the Media Research Center points out, Sharyl Attkisson was briefly allowed out of her journalistic cage yesterday by CBS after nearly half a year. The last time she issued a televised report was […]

Oversight Report: ARB turned Blind Eye in Benghazi
There’s actually two stories here. One is that a 100-page draft report by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has identified the Accountability Review Board (ARB) tasked with investigating the breakdowns at the State Department which led to the deaths of four Americans. The other is who is (and how) it’s being reported. **UPDATE** […]
Issa threatens John Kerry with Subpoenas over Benghazi
As Secretary of State John Kerry muddles through attempts to enunciate an incoherent Syria policy, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa has threatened him with subpoenas to compel witnesses to the Benghazi attack to testify. In response to the State Department decision not to provide the committee access to survivors, Issa sent Kerry a letter […]
Report: Christopher Stevens’ killer released
By Walid Shoebat According to a Tunisian television news report (Tn-Medias 1), individual members of that country’s security force are breaking their silence at great personal risk. According to these members, one of Christopher Stevens’ assassins in Benghazi last year was set free, despite overwhelming evidence. Here is a translation of the contents of the […]
Fort Hood and Benghazi parallels
The tenure of outgoing FBI Director Robert Mueller began one week prior to 9/11/01. He will officially step down twelve years later (to the day), on September 4, 2013. Two things of serious import happened on Mueller’s watch. First, Anwar al-Awlaki was let go in 2002, despite their being a warrant for his arrest. Second, […]
Benghazi is why Obama can’t be trusted on Syria
Today, Barack Obama told media sycophants Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill of PBS, that his administration had ‘concluded’ that Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad had used chemical weapons on his people. Of course, sycophants never do their job, which is why these two met their unassailable leader with adoring eyes instead of adversarial questions, which is what […]

Hillary’s Infamous Benghazi Outburst given new meaning
It appears some Special Ops personnel have indicated that intelligence about the Benghazi attacks given to Hillary last November wasn’t acted on. Before the attacks, pleas for increased security weren’t acted on either. Hillary’s January outburst may shed some light on all of this because the “what difference… does it make?” moment occurred two months […]
Janet Mefferd interviews Walid
Today, Walid appeared on the Janet Mefferd show to talk about a wide array of subjects but primarily about the news that an Egyptian official is charging that Barack Obama’s brother is a major player with the Muslim Brotherhood. It has been suggested that this affiliation may have something to do with the Obama administration’s […]
Benghazi Suspect Trained in U.S.A.
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack A break in the Banghazi attacks came when one terrorist was killed during the raid in Nasr City in Egypt in late October, 2012. One terrorist killed during the raid was a man by the name Karim Ahmed Essam al-Azizy, a Libyan national which Reuters reported was connected to […]
Criminal Complaint filed with ICC over Benghazi
By Bob Michael LAPD Police Detective Capt. (Ret) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Benghazi Murders Broadcast To The World Via The International Criminal Court at The Hague Netherlands On Monday 5 August 2013, I filed a criminal complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, The Netherlands, alleging crimes of Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, and War […]