Susan Rice clearly didn’t learn the ‘fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, shame on you’ lesson. After the Benghazi tragedy, Rice was instructed to lie about a video being responsible for the attacks. She did so on five Sunday talk shows. In so doing, she dishonored all who died. After the announcement […]
Tag Archives | Benghazi
Bergdahl’s Release and Page 261 of Obama’s Book
By Ben Barrack Evidence suggests that when Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was released by the Taliban in a ‘prisoner swap’ negotiated by the Obama administration, the Taliban actually released one of its own, as reported. In doing this, Obama could be sending a signal that he thinks “political winds” are “shift(ing) in an ugly direction”. […]
Trey Gowdy is being Set Up to Fail on Benghazi
On Today’s Ben Barrack show… Whether Rep. Trey Gowdy – chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi – will be able to overcome attempts to compromise him remains to be seen. However, his appointment of Philip Kiko as his committee’s Executive Director inherently compromises the investigation itself, as has reported. As such, Gowdy […]
Red Alert! Benghazi Select Committee COMPROMISED
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** What every American must know as the Benghazi investigation is about to begin involves what happened after the first 9/11 attack. The Patriot Act, was drafted in direct response to attacks on the United States perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist agents on 9/11/01. How is it […]
Obama and Hillary need to get their Benghazi Stories Straight
By Ben Barrack What is known about the night of the Benghazi attacks is that Barack Obama called Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at 10pm. Clinton issued a statement at 10:08pm that pointed to “inflammatory material on the internet” as being “blamed” by “some”. By 10:58pm, the Associated Press reported that the State Department said […]
Trey Gowdy MUST Call out Mike Rogers on Benghazi
“Good investigators talk to everybody, not just folks whose testimony may buttress your position.” – Rep. Trey Gowdy, House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman, 12/30/13 Members of Congress should never be trusted, even the ones who seem to be the most trustworthy. As much as the American people may be inclined to trust House Select […]
Rep. Mike Rogers Caught Honoring Ground Zero Mosque Imam And Another Who Worked With A State Sponsoring Islamic Terrorism
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), the soon-to-be talk radio Congressman is putting another highly disturbing notch in his belt. He is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at an event that will have Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan as guests of honor. When viewed […]
Republican Party works with Muslim Brotherhood Lobbyist to Investigate Benghazi
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The American people are supposed to trust Republicans appointed to investigate Benghazi but as it turns out, the Executive Director appointed to the House Select Committee on Benghazi – Philip Kiko – is a lobbyist for the Smith-Free Group, in which his clients include the American Civil […]
Media all over Santa Barbara Shootings but Ignores Benghazi’s Fast and Furious
On Today’s Ben Barrack Show… For nearly two years, the American people have been demanding answers about why the U.S. was shipping weapons out of Benghazi that ultimately ended up in the hands of Syrian terrorists. For longer than that, the same American people have been demanding to know why the Obama administration ordered gun […]
Where Allen West went WRONG about Benghazi
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** When will the right ever get it all right? While Allen West may be right about Benghazi being about weapons trafficking, he doesn’t have an answer as to the motives of the attackers. Would the terrorists who attacked the compound have done so because Benghazi was about […]
Classified Email from White House shows Obama Behind Benghazi Coverup
By Ben Barrack The explosive contents of a White House email sent on the night of the Benghazi attacks remains classified but what is known about it appears to compound the Obama administration’s problems in attempting to explain away a ‘smoking gun’ email released last month that instructed Susan Rice to blame a video for […]
Muslim Brotherhood Caught Trafficking Terrorists while Obama Still Refuses To Call Them Terrorists
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Obama refuses to identify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, while the same jihadist organization is currently and continuously participating in blatant acts of terrorism, to include bomb making. In a shocking admission, Egyptian General Abdel Fatah el-Sisi has claimed that in the days prior to […]
Muslim Congressmen and Stealth Jihadists Communicating with Boko Haram
Two U.S. Muslim congressmen – who also happen to be Democrats – have written an open letter to Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamic terrorist group that kidnapped hundreds of schoolgirls last month. The letter demands that Boko Haram release the girls and alleges the group does not represent Islam. Based on who joined Reps. Keith […]

Is Trey Gowdy up to the Benghazi Challenge?
By Ben Barrack Assuming events don’t transcend the Benghazi scandal (difficult to imagine), when the House Select Committee’s investigation is complete, one of two things will be learned. Either the American people will know when Rep. Trey Gowdy reached his breaking point or the former prosecutor from South Carolina will become an icon millions of […]
Obama Embraces and Works With Major Muslim Jihadist Leader And International Drug Trafficker
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** During a presidential debate prior to Obama’s reelection after the Benghazi attacks, the President had embraced Friends of Syria stating that “We organized the Friends of Syria”. Today, the man whom Barack Obama has decided to embrace and elevate has a history that includes international drug trafficking […]
U.S. Senator compares Benghazi Investigators to Benghazi Terrorists
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) clearly doesn’t want the truth about Benghazi made public. During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, Feinstein compared the House Select Committee – not the actual attackers – to a ‘lynch mob’. As the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Feinstein would have been one of eight members of […]