Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer referred to the issue of charging Bowe Bergdahl with desertion as a “titanic struggle behind the scenes” between the Pentagon, which wants to charge Bergdahl, and the White House, which wants to continue stonewalling. Based on Barack Obama repeatedly showing a proclivity for defending all things Islam, the absurd terms on […]
Tag Archives | Bowe Bergdahl
Obama Advisor Takes BIG HITS on Benghazi and Bergdahl on Same Day
White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes was dealt two major political blows, each on the same day. On one front, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer (Ret.) appeared on the O’Reilly Factor and broke some shocking news about the case of Bowe Bergdahl. On another front, legal watchdog Judicial Watch has reported that it has […]
Obama Giving Terrorist States Billions of Dollars, Spies, Terrorist Commanders and Cop Killers
Cuba is still an officially designated State Sponsor of Terrorism. It also continues providing safe harbor to convicted cop killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur) and two members from the “Republic of New Africa” responsible for murdering another police officer. The President of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) recently wrote a letter to President […]
Army Completes Report on Bowe Bergdahl but American People Can’t see it
The Army’s report on the case of Bowe Bergdahl has been completed. But you can’t see it until after the election. As if there weren’t enough red flags, cover-ups and lies: Bergdahl, who was released in May of this year, is currently stationed at Fort Sam Houston U.S. Army North in San Antonio, TX. The […]
Islamic Terror State Pretending to Expel Islamic Terrorist Leaders
Two of the Muslim Brotherhood’s top leaders still reside in Qatar one year after it was reported that both had been expelled. Spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal still enjoy safe harbor in Qatar. Yet, we’re to believe courtesy of a Muslim Brotherhood leader’s facebook page, that leaders of the terrorist group […]
Obama Released Five Taliban Commanders for Bergdahl but Threatened Families of Beheaded Journalists with Prosecution if they Raised Ransom Money
Earlier this year, the Obama administration released five Taliban commanders to Qatar in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, an alleged deserter who may have collaborated with the Taliban and who also could have the blood of American soldiers on his hands. While the same was obviously not done for beheaded journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, […]
PHOTO EMERGES: Bergdahl with Taliban Comrade
A photo of Bowe Bergdahl posing gleefully with a Taliban captor has been released on twitter. The man in the photo with Bergdahl is said to be Taliban commander Badruddin Haqqani, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike in 2012. As has reported, the affinity Bergdahl’s father Bob has for the Taliban clearly […]
Obama’s Terrorist Friend says Bowe Bergdahl ‘Heroic’
By Ben Barrack Bill Ayers shared an office with Barack Obama for three years in the 1990’s at 115 South Sangamon Street in Chicago. The former Weather Underground leader also served on Boards with Obama. In an interview with Megyn Kelly, Ayers referred to Bowe Bergdahl as ‘heroic’ if he was a deserter as has […]

Setting Up Captured Benghazi Suspect as Obama’s Star Witness
By Ben Barrack Get ready. The same thoroughly discredited New York Times writer who gave us the Benghazi propaganda novel disguised as journalism last December – David Kirkpatrick – may be helping to lay the groundwork for helping the Obama administration to resurrect the video narrative. He’s using the apprehended “lead suspect” to do it. […]
Obama’s Arrest of The Benghazi Suspect Is A Proven Scandal
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Last summer when CNN reporter Arwa Damon interviewed Ahmed Abu Khattala, the suspect behind Benghazi attacks (whom Obama just arrested) was freely roaming the streets in Libya without any concern for being picked up. Now the timing of the news of his arrest should be cause for […]
Chuck Hagel Getting the Janet “Waco” Reno Treatment in Bergdahl Swap
By Ben Barrack If you want evidence that Barack Obama knows he has a big disaster on his hands with the Bowe Bergdahl swap, just look at who’s getting the same treatment Janet Reno got after the Waco disaster. In 1993, when the Waco compound of David Koresh went up in flames at the hands […]

CIA Director Accused of Converting to Islam pushed for release of Taliban Commanders
By Ben Barrack The outrage over the exchange of five top level Taliban commanders for Bowe Bergdahl, a deserter at best and traitor who helped the Taliban murder his fellow soldiers at worst, is palpable. The role of CIA Director John Brennan in pushing for this deal could bolster the claims made by former FBI […]
Obama State Department ‘Swift-Boats’ MSNBC Reporter
By Ben Barrack Chuck Todd goes under the Bus after White House Trial Balloon goes up in Flames To Swift-Boat: American political jargon that is used as a strong pejorative description of some kind of attack that the speaker considers unfair or untrue—for example, an ad hominem attack or a smear campaign. MSNBC’s Chuck Todd […]
Muslims Murder 14 American Soldiers and Harry Reid says, ‘What Difference does it make?’
According to Col. David Hunt, 14 soldiers were killed in action while attempting to find Bowe Bergdahl. Despite this, the Senate majority leader was so frustrated with questions from reporters about the deal to release him that he invoked Hillary Clinton’s response about four Americans murdered in Benghazi, with an equal level of frustration over […]
Even MSNBC RIPS Bergdahl’s Taliban Father
This exchange between MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, other panelists, and MSNBC reporter Chuck Todd is instructive on several levels. First, the dysfunctional mentality of the left – that judgment is bad – is on full display. Todd is nearly apoplectic when Scarborough makes a statement of fact relative to Bob Bergdahl’s history of consorting with […]
Obama Administration’s Smearing of Honorable Soldiers Reveals ‘Taliban is on the Inside of the Building’
By Ben Barrack The Obama administration’s defense of Bowe Bergdahl continues to descend toward positions that defend the Taliban itself. This is bolstered by the congressional testimony of a Benghazi whistleblower last year. At the time, former Regional Security Officer Eric Nordstrom testified that his frustrations in dealing with the State Department led him to […]