Afghanistan has a huge share in the fault for its fall:

Afghanistan has a huge share in the fault for its fall:
By Keith Davies One hundred fifty years ago today, President Lincoln marked the commemoration of the death of 50,000 soldiers from both the Confederates and the Union in the Battle of Gettysburg with his famous speech that set the tone for the freedom of the slaves and the long path to equality for black people. […]
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Recent news of a chemical weapons attack in Syria smacks of desperation. The question comes down to who is most desperate right now, the Assad regime or the Muslim Brotherhood rebels? Consider that since June, Assad’s forces have been winning. According to a CBS News report from last month, […]
Though this article by Steven Simpson is a couple of weeks old, it’s still quite salient. In addition to analyzing the potential for civil war in Egypt, Simpson makes an astute observation about what the Muslim Brotherhood might learn from Mursi’s full-speed-ahead-with-Sharia tack. Via American Thinker: In the irony of ironies, the first democratically elected […]
Keith Davies Over the Thanks Giving Holiday weekend I took my family to see the film Lincoln. While I am somewhat familiar with the history, I am sure most Americans are probably very ignorant of those times. Hopefully, this film might shock some of the most die-hard Democrats into understanding the very sordid history of […]