Demands for answers about events surrounding the 9/11/12 attacks on the U.S. Special Mission Compound and CIA Annex in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of four Americans are not letting up. Hundreds of retired Special Ops personnel have petitioned the U.S. House of Representatives to form a Select Committee to investigate. The decision to […]
Tag Archives | congress
Videos: Cliff Kincaid interviewed about ‘traitorous’ Al Jazeera deal
In a recent interview with World Net Daily, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival provided more information about his efforts to get the House Homeland Security Committee to take up the case of Al Jazeera’s purchase of CURRENT TV. At one point, Kincaid reveals what he was told by a committee staffer after Kincaid attempted to […]
Audio: Rep. Louie Gohmert suggests Gun Rights needed to protect against Sharia Law
There are some politicians who do things that make you wonder if they’re not actively working with America’s Islamic enemies; there are a few who definitely understand the threat and are actively standing against it. Rep. Louie Gohmert is one who truly understands that threat and while on a conservative radio program, seemed to imply […]
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman comes up short in letter about Fort Hood attack
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) is the new House Homeland Security Committee chairman. As such, he rightfully took the lead in writing a letter demanding that the Fort Hood attack be identified for what it was. While we appreciate McCaul’s efforts, we take issue with identifying what happened at Fort Hood solely as an ‘act of […]
Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee not making Al Gore’s sale to Al Jazeera a priority
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, doesn’t appear to be interested in making Al Gore’s sale of CURRENT TV to Al Jazeera a priority. Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid was told as much in no uncertain terms from an aid to McCaul. Via AIM: Despite this looming threat […]
Must-See Video: Rand PAC Ad goes after administration for sending F-16’s to Egypt
Rand Paul confronted Hillary Clinton better than any other Senator this past week. None of the others could even be seen in his rearview mirror. Is it good enough just to be informed? Consider being a partner in saving the lives of Christians in Muslim countries, click here for details. Great ad / great music […]
Time to call David Petraeus back to Testify about Hillary not knowing if CIA Annex involved in Gun Running?
Yesterday, when Senator Rand Paul asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if the CIA Annex in Benghazi was being used as a hub for gun trafficking to Turkey and other countries (Syria), Clinton initially directed Paul to the CIA to have his question answered. She ultimately said “I do not know” after being pressed. Even […]
Audio: House Speaker John Boehner knows something about CIA Annex (and he’s not telling)
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) appeared on Laura Ingraham’s radio show and discussed the testimony of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton relative to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11. At the end of this clip via the Daily Caller (h/t Diana West), Boehner addresses the question asked of Clinton by Rand Paul, which involved whether or not […]

Did Hillary commit Perjury… twice in one day?
In two otherwise pathetic performances by Republican congressmen – save for a few exceptions – who laid down like subjects in front of Queen Hillary, there were two exchanges – one during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing and the other during the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing – where the Secretary of State may […]
Audio: Lynn Woolley interviews Cliff Kincaid about Current TV sale to Al Jazeera
Syndicated talk show host Lynn Woolley had Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival on his show today to discuss the letter Kincaid sent to Rep. Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. The letter, dated January 9th, which we wrote about, calls on Chairman McCaul to open hearings into the sale of Current TV […]
Radical Islam’s Ryan Mauro interviews Cliff Kincaid about opposing Al Jazeera sale
In an interview with Radical Islam’s Ryan Mauro, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival laid out his concerns about why the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera should come under an intense Congressional spotlight and ultimately be labeled as an agent of foreign propaganda. Here is a link to that interview. A letter sent by […]
Walid co-signs letter calling on House Homeland Security Chairman to hold hearings on Al Gore / Al Jazeera deal
The new Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) – who replaced Rep. Peter King (R-NY) this month – has been sent a letter by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survial and Accuracy in Media, which has several signatories, including Walid, Pamela Geller, Brent Bozell, Frank Gaffney, Steven Emerson, Larry Grathwohl, and […]
Hillary’s fortuitous fall from her Benghazi Stonewall
**UPDATE to the post below** It was first reported that Hillary Clinton suffered a concussion on Saturday, December 15th. CNN is now reporting that the fall / concussion happened “earlier in the week”. ————- The alleged fainting spell and subsequent concussion of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears a bit fortuitous, if not downright suspicious […]
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: Timing of Petraeus ‘Affair’ wreaks of Chicago-style politics
During an interview with Neil Cavuto, retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters chimed in on the timing of the news of CIA Director David Petraeus’ extra-marital affair. Citing his experience as an intelligence analyst, Peters seems to think that the Obama administration has likely known about this affair for some time but revealed it less than […]
Election over but Benghazi-gate not going anywhere; Hillary invited to testify at House Committee hearing
Beleaguered Attorney General Eric Holder is reportedly giving serious consideration to not returning for a another stint in the Obama administration’s second term. Operation Fast and Furious – probably more than anything else – is likely responsible for Holder openly wondering if he has ‘gas left in the tank’. Ever since the death of Border […]
Issa and Chaffetz demanding answers from Hillary about Benghazi
In a letter addressed to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa and member Jason Chaffetz point to documents recovered by Foreign Policy as evidence that Libyan security forces had been infiltrated prior to the 9/11/12 attack that killed four Americans. The letters – one addressed to Mohamed Obeidi, head of Libyan […]