Tag Archives | Crucifixion

Muslims Take Christians And Slit Their Throats, Hang Their Bodies On Crosses, And Rape Christian Girls In Front Of Their Parents

By Theodore Shoebat In a recent conference, Christian leaders exposed the gruesome murders that happened to Christians in Mosul, which went unreported by the mainstream news. The exposition included a recounting of how ISIS Muslims cut the throats of Christians and hung their bodies on crosses, and also how Christian women were raped in front […]

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The Future War Between Christians And Muslims Is Coming

The future war between Christians and Muslims is coming. It is being foreshadowed by the many battles that have occurred between Christians and Muslims in Central Africa and Nigeria, and the tensions between Russian Orthodox Christians and Muslim Turks. All of these are signs that the tensions and numerous instances of violence will result in […]

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Jesus Christ Did Not Believe In Tolerance And Peace, But The Punishment Of Evil Doers And Evil People

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Jesus Christ did not believe in tolerance and peace, but the punishment of evil doers and evil people. I never accepted the modern perception of Christianity, as a sort of peace loving religion. Christ Himself said: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not […]

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Pope Francis Stands Up against False Historians Who Slander The Catholic Church, And Shows The Truth As To How The Catholic Church Saved Jews

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis stood up against false historians who continuously slander Pope Pius XII, and showed how Pius XII saved Jews from Nazi persecution. Francis is concerned about “everything which has been thrown at poor Pius XII,” and said I sometimes get an existential rash when I see everybody taking it out against […]

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Christianity Is Not A Religion Of Peace! It Is A Religion Of War And Combat

By Theodore Shoebat Christianity is not a religion of peace! It is a religion of war and combat. This will be illustrated by a very recent event that took place in Central Africa, and then proven through a theological discourse by myself. Muslims in Bangui, Central Africa, attacked a church on Wednesday, called the Church […]

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The Roman Catholic Church Has Saved More Jews Than Anyone On Earth

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The church is not a threat to Jewish existence, physical or spiritual – but some cannot accept that fact. Simcha Hacohen Kook, the venerable chief rabbi of Rehovot, said in an interview with the settler’s website INN two weeks ago that “we have forgotten that the pope stood beside Hitler […]

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Mary, The Mother of Jesus, Will Tell Christ To Take Up His Sword, Commence His Second Coming And Destroy The Antichrist

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Mary will urge Christ to unsheathe His heavenly sword, to lead “the armies of the living God” (1 Samuel 17:26), and destroy the forces of the Antichrist. How can one make such a conclusion? I will make this conclusion all through Scripture and nothing else. I understand that nearly every […]

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Every Christian Must Bear Arms To Protect The Church From Her Enemies

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a video I made showing a Scriptural and biblical reason as to why every Christian must bear arms to protect the Church and her enemies: AFTER WATCHING THIS, IF YOU WISH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CHRISTIANITY’S WAR AGAINST ISLAM AND EVIL, GET OUR NEW 2-DISK DVD SPECIAL ON CHRISTIAN […]

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Christianity Is Not For Cowards, It Is Militant And Ready For War

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Christianity is not for cowards, it is a spiritual system that is both militant and ready for war against evil. Within the Scriptures we do not find an explicit teaching that commands, “Christianity is about fighting evil!” The Bible almost never teaches in this manner. It teaches through a series […]

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Muslims Crucify Two Christian Teenagers For Refusing To Convert To Islam

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria crucified two Christian teenagers for refusing to convert to Islam. The story was reported on a Croatian Catholic website. According to Sister Raghida, former head of the Christian school in Damascus, the Muslims came to the two youths and said: So you want to die as a […]

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Muslims Crucify Man On Public Display

Posted by Theodore Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Watch this video showing a crucified man on public display. Muslims are crucifying people, and you will see this more frequently. This is all in accordance to the Quran: The punishment of anyone who fight against Allah and His apostle and do mischief in the land is to be killed […]

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People Say That Christianity Is Not Political, But Is This True?

By Theodore Shoebat If I were the devil, I would tell people that it is more civil and fashionable to keep Christianity away from politics. If I were the devil, I would tell Christians to relax, be themselves, and restrict their Faith only within the sphere of social life, and not within government. If I […]

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The Promotion of Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism in Egypt

Walid and Theodore Shoebat The promotion of ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism has been a topic of discussion on two Egyptian TV programs recently. On Al-Tahrir Egyptian TV advisor Ahmad Abdo Maher, discuses the high-school curriculum issued by the highest religious authority in Egypt, Al-Azhar University, which encouraged students to cannibalize apostates and Muslims who […]

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Christians In Pakistan Killed By Muslims, Fired Upon By Police

True Islam in its purest form. They demand jizya because the false prophet Muhammad commanded that all Christians and Jews be stripped of their God-given right to private property. The police will open fire on protesting Christians because they are a sharia state, regardless what Hillary Clinton thinks. From Pakistan Christian Post: London: September 29, […]

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The Egyptian Presidential Palace Crucifixion Debate: Truth or Hoax?

By Walid Shoebat The crucifixion of opponents to Muhammad Mursi in front of the presidential palace is a story that went viral; it was initiated by Arabic Sky News and created much buzz; it is now being challenged by many as “another Christian legend”. World Net Daily brought in a YouTube video to show that […]

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