The film Lone Survivor that follows the story of four Navy SEALs on a mission in the mountains of Afghanistan and the one man who survived – Marcus Luttrell – is making news this weekend, for all the right reasons. First, during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper right before the film’s opening weekend, Luttrell […]
Tag Archives | film

Exclusive: ‘Innocence of Muslims’… a Game of Predators and Scapegoats
Walid Shoebat The Innocence of Muslims and the spark of an Islamic revolution can be linked to a handful of culprits. The mystery is unlocked when we review the original YouTube page of one named Sam Bacile (the same name attributed to the filmmaker at one time). Bacile forgot to cover his tracks, leaving two […]
Exclusive update / Photo of ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Filmmaker on the way…
Very soon, we will be releasing an exclusive update on the situation surrounding the Innocence of Muslims filmmaker, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. We will also be posting a photo that may not be worth quite 1,000 words but it’ll be worth more than a mere caption. Stay tuned…
Innocence of Muslims Filmmaker Arrested – Why this is a Good thing
The Innocence of Muslims filmmaker – Nakoula Basseley Nakoula – has been arrested. We encourage people not to view this as an attack on Nakoula’s free speech rights because he insulted Islam. That is not what this is about. This is about a criminal who should be behind bars for committing crimes and violating his […]
Innocence of Muslims Filmmaker Arrested – Why this is a Good thing
The Innocence of Muslims filmmaker – Nakoula Basseley Nakoula – has been arrested. We encourage people not to view this as an attack on Nakoula’s free speech rights because he insulted Islam. That is not what this is about. This is about a criminal who should be behind bars for committing crimes and violating his […]
Innocence of Muslims Film was Made by Terrorists
Walid Shoebat When it comes to the film Innocence of Muslims, our government and the media uses a narrative mired in contradictions and false statements provided by the filmmaker, who himself is an untrustworthy source. If we stick to what can be proven we might obtain the possibility that terror supporters produced the film. Muhammad […]
One Anti-Muhammad Film, a Terrorist Financier, and FBI Failures
**YES, this is the report we have been promising our readers. Thank you for your patience.** In a shocking investigative report released today by Walid Shoebat, Research Director of Forum For Middle East Understanding, the real identity of the character and background of the “Innocence of Muslims” producer is exposed. The culprit, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, […]
Explosive Report Hors d’oeuvre…
While this isn’t the explosive report we have been promising you, here is something to chew on in the meantime. We find the information posted at Atlas Shrugs to be consistent with what we will be publishing. The man portrayed as perhaps the biggest victim in the whole anti-Muhammad film controversy has been the producer, […]
Explosive Report Update…
Ok, ok, ok…. We apologize and take full responsibility for not coughing up the goods yet. The report is actually done but there have been some interested – and well known sites – who have taken notice. Somewhat begrudgingly – mostly because of what we’ve been promising to our readers – we have decided to […]
About that Explosive Report…
…It’s still coming. We just ran into a few of those pesky unforeseen circumstances. In the interim, we humbly ask for your patience… **UPDATE** We again apologize for the delay but there were some individuals who make up the ‘Powers that be’ who asked for us to delay publishing this report until the afternoon of […]
Explosive Report: Will be posted within the next 12 Hours
We are putting the final touches on Walid’s report about the “shadowy character” (Obama’s words) that is the man behind the anti-Muhammad film. Hint: Obama is right (for once). Report will be posted within next 12 hours…
DHS Secretary Napolitano: Anti-Muhammad film ‘deplorable’, Murder of Americans ‘senseless’
Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) may be a nice guy but this exchange demonstrates perfectly why he has no business being the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Watch as he asks DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano a question based on an absurd and very irrelevant premise. Specifically, he wants to know how the Muslim world […]
Working on very explosive report…
We are currently working on a report that may cause you to completely re-think your position on the anti-Muhammad film’s producer and his motivations. This one’s big. Stay tuned…
2 Pieces of Media: “UN Vote To Create Israel” and “A Real Leader in the Making”
Friends Excellent short film on the UN vote to create the Modern State of Israel: Superb speech and leadership from Congressman Allen West, a real leader in the making: Correction the name of Church for Sunday in Myrtle Beach. The Church’s name is Grand Strand Baptist, I left out “Strand” from the name […]