Hillary Clinton was caught violated the Federal Records Act. Within hours, it has been revealed that her close adviser Huma Abedin may have done the same. Based on evidence, both have used private email accounts to conduct government business, which is a crime. Perhaps just as critical is the need to uncover exactly why both […]
Tag Archives | hillary clinton
Ex-CIA Director Petraeus Pleads GUILTY In What Carries Stench of Blackmail by Obama Administration
Several Obama White House scandals stink to high heaven, to include Benghazi. Whatever former CIA Director David Petraeus knows about it, he seems to know too much. Why hasn’t his voice been heard when it comes to this scandal? A factor that can’t be avoided is that the Obama administration has been very interested in […]
Hillary Clinton CAUGHT Breaking the Law By Using PERSONAL Email Address Exclusively While Secretary of State and State Department Continues to Stonewall Information About her Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Adviser
When the left-wing New York Times publishes an article that damages Hillary Clinton, it’s a safe bet the decision to do so is not to expose wrongdoing so much as it is to minimize any potential damage by getting in front of it. That premise notwithstanding, even the Times is having a difficult time softening […]
Shoebat Exposes Hillary’s Clinton Foundation And How It Is Mired in Muslim Brotherhood Connections; Washington Post Up In Arms and Fails To Refute It
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack When it comes to Middle East coverage, the western media is plagued with incompetent journalists (if in doubt, read here) who rarely do their homework. Today, there is no such thing as “professional journalism”. There are supposedly professional journalists who are simply cynics and agenda driven. So the story is, especially when […]
Mujahadeen Moments: Understanding Jihad and the confidence we have given them
Many so called experts from the West will give you all sorts of reasons for Jihad and terrorism. The lastest reason from our “expert” State Department say that the lack of jobs is the reason. The best way to understand the Jihadists is from their own mouths. Here is a ten minute video of Al […]
OVERLOOKED Excerpt from Obama Prayer Breakfast Speech REVEALS he Supports Turkey’s Desire to CRIMINALIZE Islamophobia
While giving a speech, Senator Ted Cruz revealed an interesting excerpt from Barack Obama’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast that has gone overlooked to this point. That excerpt puts Obama nearly 100 percent in line with the goals of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a bloc of 57 Muslim countries that seeks to […]
LEAKED EVIDENCE Shows Senator McCain Involved in Major Islamic Conspiracy to Transform Middle East into Islamic State
Recently revealed conversations between the Pentagon and the Gadhafi regime in 2011 show that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was serving the Muslim Brotherhood by pushing a false narrative to justify the removal of Muammar Gadhafi, as Shoebat.com has reported. With the help of corroborating evidence, we’re closer to proving that Republican Senator John […]
LEAKED AUDIO RECORDINGS Reveal Hillary Clinton is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Helped Muslim Brotherhood Take Control of North Africa and Middle East
According to a three-part series published by the Washington Times, it was Hillary Clinton who was insisting that the U.S. remove Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi in 2011 while pushing false narratives to do so. These reports have allegedly caught the attention of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. What must be included in this analysis is […]
Karl Rove Suggests Benghazi as Ridiculous to Investigate as Obama’s Birth Certificate in Apparent Effort to Protect Hillary Clinton, Dirtied Up Republicans, and Even Himself
During a recent interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly, George W. Bush’s most trusted adviser during his administration – Karl Rove – made a stunning comparison. In so doing, it should be obvious why he’s doing it. While talking about the 2016 presidential race and Hillary Clinton’s chances, Rove suggested that people who want […]
Obama Administration Welcomes Major Islamic Jihadist Leader, Who Says ISIS Is Not A Terrorist Group, Into The State Department
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In an extremely brazen act, the U.S. State Department opened its arms to a Muslim Brotherhood delegation from Egypt, led by a MAJOR Muslim Brotherhood activist judge named Waleed Sharaby. The plans for the trip began last August in Turkey, where the Revolutionary Council of the Egyptian […]
Huma Set To Do To Hillary What Weiner Did to Huma
When Barack Obama called for America to ‘turn the page’ during his State of the Union address, it was a not-so-subtle endorsement of Elizabeth Warren over Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016. Liberal Huffington Post Ben Wikler noticed it as well, writing: Both in substance and style, President Obama’s State of the Union […]
Louisiana Governor Insists ‘No-Go Zones’ Exist in the UK and is Quickly Attacked by CNN Even Though CNN Did a Report on ‘No-Go Zones’ in the UK Two Years Ago
The exposing of Muslim ‘no-go zones’ has suddenly become a hot-button issue with Muslims. Whenever something like that happens, Islam’s left-wing media lapdogs go on the attack on behalf of the Muslim communities. The latest victim of this attack is Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. While in London, Jindal charged that Muslim ‘no-go zones’ are a […]
Hillary’s Closest Adviser Huma and Obama’s Brother Malik are Two Muslims Who Received Illegally Favorable Treatment from Obama Administration
In addition to Hillary Clinton’s close adviser Huma Abedin and Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama both being Muslim, both appear to be the beneficiaries of illegally favorable treatment by the U.S. Government. In the case of Abedin, she was allowed to work as a Special Government Employee (SGE) for 110 days longer than is permitted […]
European Union Now Considering BAN on ISLAMOPHOBIA and Meeting Demands of Muslim Murderers Thanks to Work of Hillary Clinton and Turkey
In the wake of the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris earlier this month, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is seeking to take a major step in Muslim progressivism. Almost singularly focused, the OIC has been attempting to criminalize criticism of Islam for years; it’s what they did in the wake of the 2005 Danish […]
Egyptian Government Fighting True Islam while Obama and His Muslim Family Supporting and Advancing True Islam
Political battle lines between the Egyptian government led by el-Sisi and the Barack Obama administration, which leads the U.S., have been drawn. A major salvo was fired on January 1st, when Egyptian president, Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi admonished Islamic scholars at al-Azhar University. As Shoebat.com reported, this was a brazen statement against Barack Obama himself, […]
International Muslim Organization’s Ambassador to the UN Uses Paris Attacks to Call for Criminalizing anti-Islamic Speech
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Ambassador to the UN, Ufuk Gokcen is using the Paris terror attacks to push an agenda started in his home country of Turkey with the help of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011. As an international voice of the OIC, a Muslim bloc of 57 nation states, […]