By Bob Michael LAPD Police Detective Capt. (Ret) Al-Jazeera is a name which made its entry into American recognition with its support (all in the name of journalism) of the Taliban/al-Qaeda and the feeds to Western news outlets. Al-Jazeera was born in November 1996 by the royal family which gave birth to it in Doha, […]
Tag Archives | hillary clinton

Hillary’s Infamous Benghazi Outburst given new meaning
It appears some Special Ops personnel have indicated that intelligence about the Benghazi attacks given to Hillary last November wasn’t acted on. Before the attacks, pleas for increased security weren’t acted on either. Hillary’s January outburst may shed some light on all of this because the “what difference… does it make?” moment occurred two months […]
Hillary and McCain boost Al-Jazeera’s bonafides
As if they needed to do anymore, both former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) have boosted their pro-Muslim Brotherhood bona-fides by supporting stealth jihad. In an Al-Jazeera America promo used to help launch the stealth Muslim Brotherhood network on August 20th, comments by Clinton and McCain were featured. When it […]

Weiner Wedge: Clintons and Huma at odds?
When it comes to their affinity for Huma Abedin, Bill and Hillary Clinton went all in long ago, often referring to her as being ‘like a daughter’, which almost puts her on par with Chelsea. New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner seems to be driving a bit of a wedge between his wife and […]
Did Huma Abedin admit to Crime in Letter to Grassley?
When Huma Abedin’s attorneys responded in writing to Senator Charles Grassley, they may have implicated their client in the commission of a crime. In their letter to Grassley, they also included a written letter they received from Abedin, which includes a particularly curious paragraph. Let’s go back to the June 13, 2013 letter Grassley sent […]

Hillary on Trayvon vs. Hillary on Benghazi
Hillary Clinton’s views on the death of Trayvon Martin compared to how she apparently sees the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi makes for an interesting juxtaposition. The Obama administration’s Justice Department conspired to gin up animus toward George Zimmerman, the man who killed Martin. Minority communities demanded justice; the New Black Panthers put a […]

Hillary: ‘Sisterhood’ needs ‘dialogue’ and ‘justice’
Hillary Clinton didn’t just invoke the language of Islamists while giving a speech to a national black sorority last night. She used a word that her former deputy chief of staff, who is Muslim, is likely quite familiar with. Huma Abedin’s mother is a prominent leader with the Muslim Sisterhood. Clinton, who like Obama, is […]
Rubio helps Hillary… again
Marco Rubio (R-FL) has hit rock bottom and continues to dig. Earlier this year at a Senate Foreign Relations committee hearing, Rubio rolled over and let former Secretary of State rub his belly during the five minutes he had to demand answers about Benghazi. This week, the same committee held a confirmation hearing for former […]
Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Realities
Conspiracy theories sometimes become conspiracy realities. When this happens, those who attempt to dismiss them become more kooky than those who point to them. The global warming fraud is a prime example. It is a ‘conspiracy reality’, despite its defenders painting the opposition as ‘climate deniers’. Another case in point is the saga of Huma […]
Obama administration’s support for Mursi: Think Huma Abedin’s mother
When attempting to understand why the Obama administration appears to have such an abounding affinity for Egypt’s ousted Muslim Brotherhood president, Mohammed Mursi, there are probably multiple reasons but one very big one is likely the relationship between the mother of Huma Abedin – Hillary Clinton’s former Deputy Chief of Staff – and Mursi’s wife. […]
Jeb Bush to present Hillary Benghazi with Liberty Medal
RINO Jeb Bush may refer to conservatives who disagree with his support for amnesty as ‘chirpers’ but he will have nothing but kind things to say about Hillary Benghazi this fall in Philadelphia, when he presents the former Secretary of State with the Liberty Medal. According to The Hill, Jeb had the following to say […]
Benghazi just got closer to Hillary Clinton
Back on October 10, 2012, State Department Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy testified in front of the House Oversight Committee about the attacks in Benghazi one month earlier, on 9/11/12. Now an internal memo from 2011 that shows Kennedy signed off on the staffing levels at the Special Mission Compound (SMC) where Ambassador Christopher Stevens was […]

Were Benghazi Talking Points given to the AP on the night of the attack?
By Ben Barrack We now know five things unequivocally. First, Hillary Clinton issued a statement about the Benghazi attack prior to 10:42pm EST on 9/11/12. We know this because an AP report published at that time made reference to it. We also know that Hillary and Barack Obama had a phone conversation at approximately 10:00pm […]
Liberalism Is Pure Evil
Theodore Shoebat on multiculturalism and tolerance. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Obama Supporting People Who Kill Christians?
Here’s my Take: Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get my latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Michele Bachmann’s concerns about Huma Abedin vindicated by… the New York Times?
It would appear that John McCain, John Boehner, Marco Rubio, Ed Rollins, and a handful of other Republicans owe Rep. Michele Bachmann an apology for defending Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff last year after a letter sent by Bachmann and five other congressmen identified Abedin as having familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. Why […]