Tag Archives | huma

Obama’s Reelection Simply Means More Power To Islamists

By Theodore Shoebat With Obama’s inauguration for his reelection, many people are exalting him as another Martin Luther King Jr., and a voice for social equality. But is this event really worth celebration? No. Obama’s policies has only made the West lose control of the Middle East, and this will only lead to the formation […]

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Race War Brewing In This Country

Here is an interview by Jamie Glazov with Colin Flaherty on the growing racial war in America: FP: Colin Flaherty, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I would like to talk to you today about the recent murder of 20-year-old Joshua Proutey, who was shot for being white by a gang of four blacks who were out […]

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VIDEO: Syrian Rebels have chemical weapons

I have heard countless times people saying that Assad will be using chemical weapons. But for this video, now we know for sure that rebels will be using them on the Syrian people, civilian and military. Here is another video, filmed right after rebels have defeated a group of Syrian soldiers. Notice the heavy weaponry […]

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Syrian Revolution Is A Movement To Kill Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Syrian Revolution is for the establishing of an Islamic state, and in so doing, Christians are being killed by the Islamist. But I fear the future, knowing that the time is coming in which a full out massacre will be implemented by the Islamist in Syria. The fall of Assad will […]

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Theodore Shoebat On VCY America

Theodore Shoebat interviews with Jim Schneider of VCY America CLICK HERE TO LISTEN The world was told that the Arab Spring was all about ushering in liberty and democracy. What Theodore Shoebat has found out is that the majority of the Egyptian people want Sharia law and the only entity that can stop its enforcement […]

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Cal Thomas Hits The Nail On The Head With Mursi

From Cal Thomas’ Most Recent Column: The diplomatic hosannas for Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi following his brokering of the recent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel were still being heard even as the former head of the Muslim Brotherhood started behaving like a pharaoh. Morsi “temporarily” seized new powers that, among other things, forbid judicial review […]

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The Rise of An Islamic State Under Obama

By Theodore Shoebat Last night, hours before the election, Bill O’Reilly made a statement which, in many ways, foreshadowed the results of the election: The demographics are changing. It’s not a traditional America anymore. And there are 50 percent of the voting public who want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give […]

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Christians In Pakistan Killed By Muslims, Fired Upon By Police

True Islam in its purest form. They demand jizya because the false prophet Muhammad commanded that all Christians and Jews be stripped of their God-given right to private property. The police will open fire on protesting Christians because they are a sharia state, regardless what Hillary Clinton thinks. From Pakistan Christian Post: London: September 29, […]

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Obama Administration Supports Islamists In Syria, But Stops Revolution Against The Hitler of Sudan

By Theodore Shoebat The support of the rebels in Syria, and the condemnation of Assad, by the Obama administration can only make one question as to why he is against this particular regimen, but not that of Omar al-Bashir, the tyrant who has been responsible for the deaths of millions through the Jihad that he […]

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More Tyranny Will Be In Syria If Bashar Al-Assad Regime Is Toppled

By Theodore Shoebat Over a thousand years ago, a Syrian monk by the name of John of Damascus had warned the church of a relatively new sect called Islam, and its founder Muhammad, who he had described as a heretic for following in the footsteps of Arias and denying the divinity of Christ. “There is […]

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If Bashar Al-Assad Is Ousted, The Islamists Will Take Over Syria

By Theodore Shoebat Those who think that the U.S should help the rebels in Syria oust out Bashar al-Assad, do not know anything about the Middle East. Within this region of the earth, people have been living under dictators for thousands of years. In a nation like Syria, as is most of the Near East, […]

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Those Who Mock Bachmann, Are Like Those Who Ignored Nazis

By Theodore Shoebat The anger which has been expressed to Michele Bachmann for her letter to federal officials, calling for an investigation on the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the US, is an event which will be worthy of reading in the future when we look back at all the fools who ignored the Islamic threat. […]

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