By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Will Lois Lerner be held in contempt of Congress? If so, will she go to jail? After she pleaded the fifth for the second time yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) seemed to indicate that he would be willing to support Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa if the latter chose […]
Tag Archives | IRS

American Thinker notices Issa’s avoidance of Malik Obama angle to IRS Scandal
Cindy Simpson at the American Thinker takes note that Darrell Issa avoided the Malik Obama angle to the IRS scandal. Until Republicans on the Oversight Committee – including Issa – decide to go on offense and fight fire with more fire, they will remain frustrated. Via AT: During the normal workweek, former IRS director Lois […]

Unhinged Congressional Black Communist steals spotlight in IRS Hearing; Issa misses Golden Opportunity
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) is a Congressional Black Communist who came unhinged during a House Oversight Committee hearing today. However, instead of joining forces with Committee Chairman Darrell Issa to demand the truth from former IRS Official Lois Lerner, Cummings became outraged at Issa for not allowing him to talk. Intentionally lost on Cummings is […]
Either way, if Lois Lerner Testifies today, call these Three Congressmen
If former IRS official Lois Lerner shows up and if there is a hearing today, Chairman Issa, Rep. Gowdy, and Rep. Jordan have an opportunity to expose the biggest scandal in the history of the United States. It involves the signature of an IRS official (Lois Lerner) at the bottom of a 501(c)(3) approval letter […]
Gowdy still Confident Lerner going ‘Down in Flames’
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) made news yesterday when he told Fox News Channel’s Bill Hemmer that former IRS official Lois Lerner either needs to ‘either save herself or go down in flames’. During a follow-up exchange with Hemmer this morning, Gowdy ain’t budgin’. In fact, he doubled down and said that the Committee was going […]
New Inconsistencies with Malik Obama’s IRS Paperwork Revealed on Eve of Hearing
Barack H. Obama Foundation’s tax exempt status approved on a Sunday **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** As the scheduled March 5th House Oversight Committee Hearing draws closer, the man who filed complaint No. 1761/2013 against Malik Obama – Dr. Sadek Raouf Ebeid – is sending a fax to Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, along with members Trey Gowdy and […]

Gowdy on Lerner: She needs to ‘either save Herself or Go Down in Flames’
During an appearance on the Fox News Channel today, Rep. Trey Gowdy insisted that former Director of IRS Tax Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner will be in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee this Wednesday. He also seemed convinced that the evidence implicating Lerner in the form of emails is massive. Toward the […]

Call to Action: Contact these Three Congressmen before March 5th
During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) asserted that Lois Lerner’s attorneys have agreed to let her testify on Wednesday, March 5th. During his exchange with host Chris Wallace, Issa focused on mounting evidence that Lerner was at the center of the targeting of Tea Party and conservative […]
Lois Lerner seeking Immunity from… Innocence?
“Because I’m asserting my right not to testify, I know that some people will assume that I’ve done something wrong; I have not. One of the basic functions of the Fifth amendment is to protect innocent individuals and that is the protection I am invoking today.” – Lois Lerner in front of the House Oversight […]

Lois Lerner demands Immunity; Time for Congress to go on Offense
Well, that didn’t take long. One day after the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee sent former IRS Tax Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner a letter requiring her appearance before the Committee on March 5th, her attorneys say she won’t testify without being granted immunity. Once again, Republicans are given the perfect opportunity to introduce […]

Lois Lerner called back to Testify on March 5th (Malik Obama questions anyone?)
The good news is that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), has sent a letter to the Attorneys for former IRS Tax Exemption Director, Lois Lerner, that requires her to testify in front of the Committee on March 5th. More good news is that three members of this Committee […]
Heroic Woman Deserted; Left Alone on Front Lines
On today’s Ben Barrack show… Catherine Engelbrecht is an incredibly heroic and patriotic woman. In 2010, she founded True the Vote and King Street Patriots in Houston, TX. Ever since, she’s been harassed by the IRS, the FBI, the ATF, and even OSHA. As if that’s not bad enough, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), who last […]

Rep. Elijah Cummings is a Despicable Human Being
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) looked the Brian Terry family in the eye and assured them justice; he lied to a grieving family. Upon his expression of sincerity, he ran interference for the Obama administration. He’s done the same thing to the families of the Benghazi attack victims. Now it’s been learned that Cummings has run […]
Obama Lied about IRS Scandal on National Television
President Barack Obama lied 36 times when he told Americans if they like their doctors / health plans, they could keep them under Obamacare “period”. He also lied during a nationally televised interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly. During that interview, President Obama reassured the American people that there is ‘not even a smidgen […]
Why is D’Souza Indicted and Malik Obama Free?
Earlier this month, Newt Gingrich appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press and said something incredibly profound when speaking about defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016. What he said can also be said about defeating Barack Obama’s unconstitutional policies. If he’s right, even the staunchest of conservative politicians and leaders continue to be wrong. Here is what […]

Rep. Mike Kelly makes case against Himself
By Ben Barrack We know many of y’all may be familiar with this but we’re finding more relevant excerpts from Rep. Mike Kelly’s radio town hall in which I asked him about the Malik Obama scandal. In light of the fact that he’s said nothing since asserting that the charges against Obama’s brother are “spot […]