When is the last time you saw or heard a Muslim fundamentalist denounce the persecution of Jews and Christians as hate crimes? While you’re mulling that one over, when is the last time you saw or heard a Muslim fundamentalist refer to receiving a ham in the mail as a hate crime? Hint: the answer […]
Tag Archives | Islamophobia
Walid Shoebat’s new book: The Case FOR ISLAMOPHOBIA
It’s been some time since Walid has published a book but his latest – which is being released on March 15th – will not disappoint. The Muslim Brotherhood groups in America have been here long enough to learn how to play the victim card. Muslim groups scream ‘Islamophobia’ as often as Jesse Jackson and Al […]
George Bush’s Dubai Ports World deal vs. Al Gore’s Al Jazeera deal
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a mere 236 miles east of Doha, Qatar, where the headquarters of Al Jazeera is located. After the sale of Al Gore’s Current TV to the Arabic news network, Al Jazeera America is expected to broadcast from New York. Via World Atlas: In 2006, the Dubai Ports World (DPW) […]
Huma Abedin defender psychoanalyzes Islamophobes
Alex Seitz-Wald is a writer for Salon who has long made it clear where he stands with regard to Rep. Michele Bachmann’s concerns about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government in general and about Huma Abedin in particular. He’s a Huma defender who has stood with and espoused the views of other Huma defenders […]
CAIR Sued for Fraud! Paging CNN…
This story is laced with multiple levels of irony. First of all, if the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) had a daily mantra, it’d be that anyone who raises questions about its agenda must be Islamophobic. Enter David Yerushalmi, a Jewish attorney whom Mother Jones refers to as a ‘White Supremacist’ who is leading […]
Video: Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood’s founder playing the Islamophobia card on France
His name is Tariq Ramadan and he is the grandson of Hasan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Tariq had been banned from entry into the United States until Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed papers that lifted that ban in 2009 (Huma Abedin’s influence on Hillary is of significance for obvious reasons). Ramadan […]
MSNBC Host’s Delusional Analysis of Post-9/11 Reactions
Melissa Harris-Perry used to be a neighbor of Barack Obama; she now has her own show on MSNBC (we’re sure it’s coincidence). In any event, while at a speaking engagement, Perry said that when blacks wore NYPD hats after 9/11, it was a sign of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). She then when on an […]
Leader of Muslim “Civil Rights” group (CAIR) sounding a bit Racist
One thing CAIR deserves credit for doing is successfully portraying itself as a minority rights group that fights for the rights of the Muslim minority in America. Any criticism of Islam is effectively translated into a racist attack birthed by Islamophobia that the liberal media (like CNN) is always quick to echo and amplify. Using […]
Video: Peaceful Muslims desecrate Australian war graves
Posted by Jack404 over at Live Leak who says the video was banned at YouTube because it might incite hatred against Muslims. If Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Islam, what does YouTube have, a rational fear of a backlash? Muslims desecrating Australian war graves.
FBI Workshop: ‘Combating Islamophobia’
The FBI is sponsoring a workshop this week in Huntsville, AL to combat – wait for it – Islamophobia. It hasn’t even been one week since FBI Director Robert Mueller appeared before the House Judiciary Committee and made the case that the purging of his Bureau’s training materials was completely legitimate and not motivated by […]
Update: Don’t be Islamophobic; embrace Necrophilia
Update to this story. See what happens when you bring critical thinking into the equation? It tends to shoot holes through Sharia law. Just to reiterate, Sharia law in Egypt has been codified to allow 14 year-old girls to be married and dead women to become the rape victims of their husbands. Does this mean […]
One place where Christians are safe in Middle East: Israel
Apparently, Christians in Israel do not have Judeo-phobia. h/t BNI
Pro-Palestinian students afflicted with Judeo-phobia; post eviction notices on Jewish Dorm rooms
Premise: whenever someone is critical of Islam, they are labeled as Islamophobic bigots. Conversely, bigots who are critical of people who are Jewish are identified as tolerant. Via ynet news: More than 200 Jewish students attending Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, were surprised to find “eviction notices” posted to their dorm room doors on […]
Video: Hungarian Woman with more guts than most men, shreds the notion of Islamophobia
This woman nails it. She was interviewed after listening to Nonie Darwish speak and explains perfectly why the term “Islamophobia” is used and how it is misplaced. Not sure who she is but she’d make a better U.S. President than most men. h/t BNI
CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper complains about Islamophobia in wake of anti-Semitic Jihadist attack in France
There’s an old adage that says, ‘the best defense is a good offense.’ Obviously, CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper is of that mindset in this instance. As a Muslim terrorist in France was shooting an eight year-old Jewish girl in the head while making a video recording of it for internet posterity, Hooper was recording […]
French Terrorist uploaded video of his execution of Eight year-old girl
As French president Nicolas Sarkozy continues his Islam-apology tour in the wake of a Jihadist attack on his own people, it’s learned that the Islamic gunman posted videos of his murders, which included shooting an eight year-old girl point blank in the head. Via the New York Post: The Muslim fanatic who killed seven people […]