Tag Archives | israel


Democrats = Communists?

Keith Davies It appears that the Democrats are just one step away from an admission that they are a full-fledged communist party. The Democrat party removed from the convention platform the mention of God (it is rumored that Allah will replace God at the next Democrat convention’s party platform) and it also removed the policy […]

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Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff delivers very curious comment about Israel

It is important (and sometimes difficult) to remember that when military Generals say things that make them sound like dhimmis and the military they lead seem more interested in acquiescing to Islam, their boss is the President of the United States. Their public words reflect the policies of their Commander-in-Chief. Nonetheless, it is painful to […]

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Report: U.S. tells Israel they’re on their own against Iran

If reports are correct, the Obama administration has told Israel not to expect any support from the United States if Netanyahu decides to attack Iran. Via the Debkafile: The Obama administration has put Israel on harsh notice that an attack on Iran to disrupt or delay its nuclear armament will be refused US missile backup […]

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Understanding the real cause of the Arab Jewish conflict over Israel / Palestine

When it comes to the Arab Palestinians, winning the propaganda war on various Pallywood stages is one thing they may be better at than the Jews. For some inexplicable reason, Palestinians are able to garner world sympathy with incessant melodrama and deceit. If you want to know the truth about what’s behind the Arab / […]

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Palestinians finding work… in Israel

Israeli settlements have been a bone of contention in the so-called Israeli/Palestinian peace process but what happens when construction of these settlements becomes a source of income for… Palestinians? Hisham Jarallah at the Gatestone Institute explains: As the Arab countries continue to impose strict employment restrictions on Palestinians, Israel is opening its doors to Palestinian […]

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Displaced Israelis can use your help

Imagine having your own business that you use to support your family. Then, one day, you are forcibly removed from your home and relocated as a result of senseless political decisions made above your head and outside your control. Not only is your home left behind but so is your means to provide. In 2005, […]

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Video: Sudanese Muslims flee to… Israel?

Here is a video report from The Real News. It focuses on the huge influx of Sudanese refugees into Israel who are fleeing persecution. Israeli citizens are now beginning to stand up in protest of what is becoming a rampant refugee problem. Israelis are rightfully objecting to fewer jobs as well as an increase in […]

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Barack Obama keeps US Embassy in Tel Aviv instead of Jerusalem

To be fair, both of Barack Obama’s presidential predecessors (George W. Bush and Bill Clinton) did what Obama did this month; all signed waivers that kept the United States’ Israeli Embassy in Tel Aviv instead of where it should belong – Jerusalem. Nonetheless, in light of the Obama administration’s consistent mistreatment of Israel, his signature […]

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Why the Muslim world will never Boycott Israeli products

The next time you run into a Jew-hating Muslim on a cell phone, ask him if he knows where the first cell phone was made. When he says, “no” and you tell him, “Israel,” be prepared to be called a liar; it’s the only way the person will be able to rationalize the inconsistency in […]

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Jewish Paramedics help Palestinian car accident victims; attacked by Palestinans

Imagine arriving at the scene of an accident involving one of your family members to find them being treated by paramedics. What would you do: A.) Pray that the Paramedics are able to help your family members B.) Ask the Paramedics if there’s anything you can do C.) Attack the Paramedics because you believe they’re […]

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Egyptian sentiment for ending Peace Treaty with Israel growing?

In left wing parlance, the term ‘Hudna’ is nothing more than a ‘peace treaty’ that gives both sides the opportunity to reach a mutually beneficial understanding. ‘Peace treaty,’ like ‘Arab Spring’ sounds so tranquil and welcoming, doesn’t it? In the Muslim world, Hudna means something far more tactical: What is being touted as a ‘cease-fire’ […]

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Whaddya Know: Egypt’s Stealth Muslim Brotherhood candidate calls Israel a ‘racist state’

Abdel Monem Aboul Futuh is one of two frontrunners in the Egyptian presidential election. His closest opponent is Amr Moussa. Conveniently, Futuh is NOT the official Muslim Brotherhood candidate but he still has unkind words for Israel. Via Egypt Independent: A leading Islamist candidate in Egypt’s presidential election has branded Israel a “racist state” and […]

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Egyptian Presidential frontrunners both declare Israel an Enemy

If Jimmy Carter has anything to hang his hat on as president, it was the Camp David Accords. Yet, as the Middle East burns, he has expressed his support for the group that assassinated Anwar Sadat – the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, both Abdul Monheim Aboul Fotouh – expelled from the Muslim Brotherhood only because he […]

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