Tag Archives | Jonathan Gruber

State Dept Official Accused of Collaborating with Muslim Brotherhood is ID’d as Person with Knowledge About Why US was in Benghazi

On today’s BARRACK-AST… In 2011, while crying on 60 Minutes, Boehner all but admitted that he was turning his back on America. The video is familiar from the standpoint of his crying but it’s what he said that is often overlooked. After the overthrow of Mohammed Mursi as President of Egypt in 2013, the two […]

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BARRACK-AST: Stupid People Defend Man Who Calls Them Stupid

On Today’s Barrack-AST: Jonathan Gruber is widely regarded as an Obamacare architect. He has been caught on video several times admitting that deceit had to be used in order to get the law past the American people. In making his case, Gruber insisted that the American people are stupid. However, the people he must have […]

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Muslim Terrorist and Obamacare Navigator Finally Getting Locked Up

A woman who committed heinous acts of terrorism years ago and who became an Obamacare navigator years after that had become known, is finally getting locked up. Dominating the news this week are the words of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, who has been caught on video admitting that Democrats had to use deception to help […]

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