Nearly two years ago, Tripoli was considered much safer than Benghazi, where the U.S. was the last flag standing when Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were murdered there on 9/11/12. This past July, the U.S. ‘temporarily relocated’ all U.S. personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to Tunisia. Last month, reports surfaced which […]
Tag Archives | libya
What Rand Paul Missed in Criticizing Hillary – HUMA!
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took a lot of heat from Republicans and some conservatives over his comments about Hillary Clinton being a ‘war hawk’. The implication was that Paul was placing himself to the left of Hillary when it comes to a tough foreign policy in much the same way that his father Ron […]
Egypt Trying to Clean up Obama’s Mess in Libya
The NATO operation responsible for removing Muammar Gadhafi has quite predictably proved to be a disaster. It paved the way for the Benghazi attacks as well as the recent fall of Tripoli to Islamists and total lawlessness in that country. As Islamists were in the process of taking Tripoli, they were having to deal with […]
John McCain’s ‘Heroes’ Take Control of Tripoli
Politicians like Senator John McCain (R-AZ) respond to ‘I told you so’ claims by those who see ISIS rising in Syria by saying that if the U.S. had acted sooner, the ‘moderate’ rebels would be in control right now. What people like McCain will NOT acknowledge is that the very same argument was made relative […]
Libya is now under Al Qaeda Control, Thanks a Bunch Obama
Obama stated his goal in using air power and supplying weapons to “rebels” in Libya was to avoid an imminent humanitarian disaster. What Americans were not told by their government or the Right and Left wing media was that 95% of the Libyan people supported the Qaddafi regime. The American people were lied to by […]
Muslims Take Two People For Smoking Cigarettes, And Execute Both Of Them
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria apprehended two people for smoking cigarettes, and executed both of them. I have always found it interesting how many cults prohibit smoking, such as the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, leftists, and other sects. It is all about control, and all cults, if they have the control, will carry out […]
CIA Director Alleged to have Converted to Islam said idea of Islamic Caliphate ‘Absurd’
Two years prior to becoming CIA Director, during his tenure as Homeland Security Advisor in 2011, John Brennan stated emphatically that counterterrorism policies would not be based on a “feckless delusion” of an Islamic Caliphate, calling the idea “absurd”. Last year, in the weeks prior to Brennan being sworn in as CIA Director, former FBI […]
When a U.S. President IS Muslim Brotherhood
A short but explosive video of former CIA Director James Woolsey in 2006 has been introduced into evidence at the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his officers. In that video, Woolsey advocates for the removal of Middle Eastern dictators, even mentioning Mubarak by name while strongly implying that after the fall of […]
Muslims Take Young Boy And Impale Him, All The Way That The End Of The Pole Goes Through His Shoulder
By Walid Shoebat( exclusive) has just found a video from Libya of an impaled boy who, luckily survived and is in hospital. This is the violence caused by the revolution America supported. The Ottoman Empire impaled countless people, and the Antichrist will revive this cruel method of death: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO […]
ISIS Fighter Gives Thanks to Antichrist Turkey’s Hamas-Supporting Government
An ISIS fighter has revealed that the country of Turkey is largely responsible for the savage terror group’s success. These are the same jihadists who are responsible for the human slaughterhouses in Syria that reported on earlier this year. Just this week, brought you video of the systematic execution of other Muslims by […]

Republican Benghazi Select Committee should Depose is Distancing himself from ‘Deteriorating’ Situation in Libya
A man who should be a major focus of the House Select Committee on Benghazi is Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. As reported recently, one way for the Committee to demonstrate it’s not partisan would be to depose Rogers and ask him some very tough questions. Last week, Rogers […]
Obama Admits Libya Worse as a result of his Policies by Closing U.S. Embassy There
By closing the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya the Obama administration has made a tacit, yet clear admission. The policy of regime change in that country was fatally flawed. The successor to U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens – Deborah Jones – has also been evacuated. It’s been less than two years since U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens […]
Filipino in Libya beheaded by Muslims
Source Philstar MANILA, Philippines — A Filipino male construction worker was beheaded in Libya after he was kidnapped by militiamen, the Filipino Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said on Monday. DFA Spokesman Charles Jose revealed at a televised press briefing that the slain Filipino was kidnapped by militiamen in Benghazi on July 15 and demanded […]
Muslims Force The Last Living Christian In Mosul To Leave, ENDING 2000 YEARS OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE AREA
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims, all members of ISIS, forced the last living Christian in Mosul to leave, ending 2000 years of Christianity in the city. It was St. Peter who gives us the oldest reference to the church in Iraq, when he wrote: The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; […]

Blaming Video the BEST DEFENSE for Benghazi Suspect AND America
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Far be it from us to offer legal advice to the defense team of Ahmed Abu Khatallah but paradoxically, if taken, it could ultimately help Americans get the whole truth about Benghazi. In response to an 11-page motion filed by the U.S. Justice Department, which alleges that […]
Republican Congressman Blames Obama for ‘Policy Failure’ without Acknowledging his Support of the Policies that Failed
In a recent speech, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) attempted to defend his turf over the failures in Syria and Iraq. He maintains that the terrorists are making such huge gains not because of an ‘intelligence failure’ but because of a ‘policy failure’. That is actually quite true but what Rogers does […]