Tag Archives | middle


The Hypocrisy of the Church

As we watch the overreach and soft tyranny of the Obama administration concerning the mandating by the Department of Health and Social Services forcing religious institutions to offer contraceptive services, which contravenes the doctrines of the Catholic church and possibly other religious denominations, yet these same leaders who tout the sanctity of life ignore the […]

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Hudna and Deception in Islam

http://shoebat.org/videos/hudna.php In Walid’s second interview with CBN a few years ago he explains Hudna and the deceptions in Islam. This interview gives you the key to understanding Islam and its goals, strategy and tactics to destroy Israel and the West. Over last week we have provided simple lessons on the issues of Islam that can […]

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Sisterhood List and It’s Defined Goals

THE SISTERHOOD LIST AND DEFINED GOALS In Al-Liwa Al-Arabi, it defines the roll of Muslim Women in the Muslim Brotherhood: “The sources acquired by The Arab Brigade for information and documents regarding the most serious international body of the prohibited Brotherhood organization—The Muslim Sisterhood. This [branch] comes directly after the secret service of the Muslim […]

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Honoring The Israeli Defense Forces Week: Six Day War Memorial

http://shoebat.org/videos/6DayWar.php Song: Jerusalem of Gold; commemorates G-d’s victory over the forces of Satan. ALSO: Watch Documentary of the “44th Anniversary of The 6 Day War” Full BBC documentary on Six Day War which is a good reflection of what happened, however there are a few inaccuracies. First, not one Arab Home was demolished during the […]

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PA Leaders Honor Their Terrorists

http://shoebat.org/videos/paHonor.php We are told by the left that terrorists blow themselves up because of their abject poverty and desperation. Here is a dinner with everybody dressed in nice suits and attire at a party honoring families of terrorists. Most of the terrorists who are being honored carried out their crimes after the Oslo peace accord […]

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Sifting Through The Media Propaganda, We Find… Cucumbers

http://shoebat.org/videos/cucumbers.php As the liberal news media only shows the conflict and the plight of the “Palestinians,” we see here how Israel co-operates with the Palestinian Arabs economically. This is just one example of many wherein Jews take the ethical high ground and forgive their enemies.

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Hamas Will Recognize Israel

http://shoebat.org/audio/hamasRecog.php On May 19th Walid did radio interview with Simon Conway drive time talk show host with WHO in Des Moines Iowa. Listen above to the entire interview. In this interview Walid predicts that Hamas will recognize Israel because Turkey will arrange and pressure Hamas to do so. This will be a ruse by both […]

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