By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** During a presidential debate prior to Obama’s reelection after the Benghazi attacks, the President had embraced Friends of Syria stating that “We organized the Friends of Syria”. Today, the man whom Barack Obama has decided to embrace and elevate has a history that includes international drug trafficking […]
Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood
Muslims Send Christians To Reeducation Camps To Be Severely Beaten And Forced To Convert To Islam
By Theodore Shoebat In the Muslim nation of Malaysia, Muslims who convert to Christianity are sent to reeducation camps where they are severely beaten and coerced to return to Islam. This has been revealed by a Malaysian native, who goes by the name Daniel, who converted to Christianity. He said: Malays who leave Islam basically […]
Hitler-Islam Bus Ads leave American Muslim Leader Looking like Deer in the Headlights
An ad showing Adolf Hitler meeting with the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Muslim Brotherhood leader will be appearing on the sides of metro buses all across Washington, DC. In response, the leader of a Muslim Brotherhood front group… had no coherent response. Last week, reported on the American Freedom Defense Initiative’s bus […]
Nutcase Leftists Viciously Attack Man For Saying He Supports Israel
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this video of a man named Orim Shimshon getting viciously attacked by nutcase leftists: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE THE LIVES OF PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS
Hillary Connected to ANOTHER Muslim Fundamentalist
Yet another Muslim fundamentalist has been connected to Hillary Clinton through a foundation the former Secretary of State helps lead. It’s been learned that the Shariah compliant government of Brunei – whose Sultan has been on the receiving end of Hollywood protesters for his ownership stake in the Beverly Hills Hotel – has made significant […]
Christian Pastor Looks Into The Eyes Of A Muslim And Says, “[Jesus] said anyone that denied Him, He’s gonna deny them in the presence of his Dad in heaven.” And Then The Muslim Shoots Him To Death
By Theodore Shoebat Three Muslims broke into the home of a Christian family in Nigeria, pulled the father, who was a pastor, out of the shower and told him to convert to Islam, he refused and they shot him to death. His fifteen year old daughter, Deborah Peters, who survived the attack, recounted how the […]
Muslim Man Stabs His 22 Year Old Sister To Death After Finding Out She Was Watching A Christian CD
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man has been arrested for stabbing his 22 year old sister to death after finding out she owned and was watching a Christian CD. While murdering his own sister, the Muslim man’s hand was somehow wounded. After killing her he dumped her body in front of a hospital. As one […]
Muslims Murder Member Of The Voice Of The Martyrs
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria have murdered a member of the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). One member of VOM said: His death shocked almost all the Christian community After the Muslims murdered him, they stole 500 copies of the VOM newsletter, and local pastors are hoping that they will minister to the killers, […]
Pope Francis Will Be Accompanied With Muslim Heretic And Follower Of Antichrist
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis will be being accompanied by a Muslim heretic and follower of the Antichrist religion, Islam. The Muslim’s name is Omar Abboud, and he will be accompanied with a rabbi named Abraham Skorka as he is with the Pope during his trip in the Middle East. This is absolute heresy what […]
Obama Administration and Muslim Brotherhood involved in Weapons Trafficking
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The common cause between the U.S. and the Brotherhood sheds new light on the Obama administration’s support for the regime of Mohammed Mursi. National security investigations in Egypt discovered that under the regime of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt procured weapons after receiving them from Sudan and Libya […]
Muslims Attack Village, Righteous Militia Rises Up With Their Guns And Bravely Slaughter 200 Jihadists
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Muslims attacked the village of Rann in Nigeria, but a certain militia, awaiting for their attackers, rose up with their guns and bravely attacked the jihadists. Four hundred Muslim fighters arrived at around 3:00 AM, and they stormed the village, only to be counterattacked by the militias who came on […]
Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Agent angrier with Bill Maher than with Boko Haram
If you were a stealth Muslim Brotherhood agent, you would be more offended by someone who is critical of Islam than you would be by terrorists who commit acts of terror in the name of Islam. It stands to reason, therefore, that as an agent of the Brotherhood, you would spend more of your time […]
Mosque Chaired by Clinton Friend led by Boko Haram Apologists
The notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque chaired for many years by a man who curried political favor with the Clintons and other politicians – over the span of several years – is defending Boko Haram, the group making headlines for kidnapping hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls. The Daily Caller reports that the outreach director, who has held […]
How Obama Administration works with Muslim Agents to Destroy First Amendment (A New Smoking Gun)
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** We all know too well that it was president Obama who once said: “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”. Which brings us to ask; what exactly happened after President Barack Obama called then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding Benghazi? […]
Barack Obama IS a Muslim (No Joke)
Ain’t it funny that the only time the left-wing kooks are actually right about something is when they think they’re using satire? In this example, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and a two-person panel are discussing the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls when Howard Fineman sarcastically says that conservatives believe the reason Hillary went so soft on terrorism is […]
Darrell Issa Defends Sharia Law; sounds like Chris Christie
When praise comes from the Muslim Brotherhood, it undoubtedly means that whomever is the recipient of such praise has done something wrong. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) was singled out by CAIR for his Chris Christie-like rant in defense of Islam and Sharia law. The comments by Issa which won him accolades from CAIR were in […]