The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. – Amendment XV, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution The left loves to paint the United States as a racist nation. […]
Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood
Video: Useful Idiocy and Stockholm Syndrome on Steroids; Jewish leftist attacks Bachmann for her concerns about Muslim Brotherhood
His name is Sam Seder; he is a Jewish leftist who is fighting those who are trying to warn him and defending those who laugh at how easy it is to get him to do their bidding. That is at the very essence of Stockholm Syndrome. It’s people like Seder who are able to provide […]
Michele Bachmann: ‘United States aiding and abetting (Islam’s) goal’
During a radio interview with Jan Markel and co-host Eric Barger, Rep. Michele Bachmann discussed the Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda in the United States as well as attempts by Muslim groups to quash dissent. There are several notable excerpts from the interview over at Right Wing Watch, which obviously has a problem with Bachmann’s take but […]
State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland turns her Hypocrisy Amplifier up to 11
As if one needed any further evidence that the Obama administration is openly siding with the Muslim Brotherhood. In our previous post, we addressed the issue of State Department spokesman, Victoria Nuland blaming Bashar Al-Assad for the presence of Al-Qaeda, saying he “created the environment” for violence that “extremists could exploit”. At this point, Nuland […]
State Department: Assad responsible for rise of Al-Qaeda in Syria
What does the State Department do when forced to acknowledge the reality that rebel forces in Syria are made up of Al-Qaeda? It blames Bashar Al-Assad for creating an environment that could be exploited. Gee, isn’t that what the DOJ did with Fast and Furious and the gun control agenda? The video below is truly […]
Video: Syrian rebels use Child to behead defenseless civilian
Since this video was posted to YouTube, it has been taken down. However, it is still available via El Mundo. “Why do Islamic fundamentalists really want to kill us, what drives them and how to fight back. Click here for details” **WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC** CLICK HERE to watch. h/t BNI
Video: All Saints Church’s useful idiots hold MPAC Convention
Rev. Susan Russell is an Episcopal priest at All Saints Church in Pasadena, California and she is thrilled to be hosting the annual convention for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) for what she’s calling an ‘Interfaith advent’. The best part? She says people who have a problem with it suffer from ‘ignorance’. A better […]
Liberal writer David Ignatius: Obama ‘enabl(ing)’ Muslim Brotherhood
Liberal Washington Post writer David Ignatius is coming to an interesting realization – Barack Obama is enabling the Muslim Brotherhood. Duh, David. We non-elites outside of Washington, DC have been sounding that alarm for quite some time. Don’t let us get in your way, though. Hit us with some brilliance. Via WaPo: How did Washington […]
CAIR Leaders defend Mohammed Morsi; what does that say about group’s defense of Huma Abedin?
The battle between the Muslim Brotherhood’s pro-Mohammed Morsi protesters and secularist opposition appears to have had the effect of unmasking members of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) leadership in the U.S. Morsi’s departure from the Presidential Palace appears to have helped that unmasking. Twitter didn’t hurt; it has a way of communicating to […]
Huma Abedin defender psychoanalyzes Islamophobes
Alex Seitz-Wald is a writer for Salon who has long made it clear where he stands with regard to Rep. Michele Bachmann’s concerns about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government in general and about Huma Abedin in particular. He’s a Huma defender who has stood with and espoused the views of other Huma defenders […]
Civil War in Egypt
Isaiah 19:2 “And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbor, city against city and kingdom against kingdom.” Twenty five million people took to the streets of Egypt over the last twenty-four hours and violence erupted with unconfirmed reports of […]
War on Women being waged by Sexual Piranhas in Tahrir Square
Tahrir Square in Cairo has become a hotbed for organized sexual assaults on Egyptian women. The violent, sustained sexual assault on CBS reporter Lara Logan was not an anomaly. In fact, since then, the attackers appear much more coordinated and many Egyptians believe it’s coming directly from Mohamed Morsi’s regime. At the very least, the […]
Slavery on steroids: Saudi puts ‘Castrated’ black ‘slave’ up for sale on facebook
As bad as the history of slavery in the United States is, it’s no match for the type of slavery that continues to exist in the Muslim world to this day. This find by Daniel Greenfield doesn’t just demonstrate that but the collective silence from the mainstream media over real slavery taking place today is […]
Report: Party of Egypt’s president paying gangs to ‘Rape women’
Uh, didn’t we just get done posting about how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has a problem with Israel building homes in its capital but has no comment on Egypt’s draft constitution, which opens the door for slavery and the further subjugation of women? Yes, but this is a much related – yet separate – […]
CAIR Sued for Fraud! Paging CNN…
This story is laced with multiple levels of irony. First of all, if the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) had a daily mantra, it’d be that anyone who raises questions about its agenda must be Islamophobic. Enter David Yerushalmi, a Jewish attorney whom Mother Jones refers to as a ‘White Supremacist’ who is leading […]
Video: Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood’s founder playing the Islamophobia card on France
His name is Tariq Ramadan and he is the grandson of Hasan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Tariq had been banned from entry into the United States until Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed papers that lifted that ban in 2009 (Huma Abedin’s influence on Hillary is of significance for obvious reasons). Ramadan […]