Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood


National Review: Bachmann vs. Boehner heating up

The showdown between the Republican establishment and the conservative / Tea Party movement is manifesting itself in a ‘Mano a Womano’ battle between Speaker John Boehner and Michele Bachmann over the Huma Abedin case. Once again, the establishment comes across as having no interest in getting to the truth and wants to avoid controversy at […]

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Louie Gohmert on John McCain: ‘Numbnuts’

When you know unequivocally that you have the truth on your side, you are confident enough to make comments like the one made by Rep. Louie Gohmert on the Dennis Miller Show. It is obvious that Gohmert is disgusted by John McCain’s floor speech in which the Senator from Arizona defended Huma Abedin and her […]

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Rep. Sensenbrenner the latest to defend Huma / Attack Bachmann

Count Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) as being among the most irresponsible Republicans in Congress when it comes to refusing to lend credence to Rep. Michele Bachmann’s warnings about the background of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin. The others include John McCain, Scott Brown, Marco Rubio, and John Boehner. Via JS Online: In […]

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Bombshell Report Updated: Huma Abedin Served on Board with Al-Qaeda Godfather

We apologize for not including this discovery in the original report posted yesterday but things continued to rear their heads after we published. The latest discoveries include but are not limited to… Proof that Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin served on the Board of IMMA from at least 12/02/02 – 9/24/08. Al-Qaeda […]

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Video: Newt Gingrich Defends Bachmann

POLITICO has an interview with Newt Gingrich posted, during which the former Speaker came squarely down on the side of Michele Bachmann’s efforts to investigate Muslim Brotherhood infiltration inside the U.S. Government. If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check out our 37-Page Report. Gingrich is right.

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AIM’s Kincaid demands answers about Huma’s Brotherhood connections

Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid raises some very salient points about the background of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin. In particular, the comparisons he identifies between any alleged background checks administered to Huma and Van Jones are palpable. Kincaid points to what seems like a ‘thou doth protest too much’ defense of […]

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Bachmann goes after Ellison for Muslim Brotherhood ties

If you accept the premise that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a Muslim Brotherhood front group, you’ve come to grips with reality. As such, Rep. Keith Ellison is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood himself. As a Muslim who essentially defended the Muslim Brotherhood in his letter to Michele Bachmann, Ellison has put […]

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Stay Tuned…

…We will be posting a comprehensive report over the next 24 – 48 hours that will torpedo any politician’s argument in defense of Huma Abedin remaining on as Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff. Senator McCain, Speaker Boehner, Senators Brown and Rubio… Do not choose to be on the wrong side of history… After all, […]

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Those Who Mock Bachmann, Are Like Those Who Ignored Nazis

By Theodore Shoebat The anger which has been expressed to Michele Bachmann for her letter to federal officials, calling for an investigation on the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the US, is an event which will be worthy of reading in the future when we look back at all the fools who ignored the Islamic threat. […]

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Huma Abedin gets Attention at ‘Vetting Obama’ Conference

We were fortunate enough to be asked to contribute some information about Huma Abedin’s familial relationships to both the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda by Cliff Kincaid’s group, America’s Survival. The group held a “Vetting Obama” Conference on July 19th at the National Press Club. Though the focus of the conference was primarily on Obama’s connections […]

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National Review’s Andrew McCarthy shreds John McCain over Huma defense

National Review’s Andrew McCarthy knows a thing or two about how the Muslim Brotherhood works. He prosecuted the Blind Sheikh after the first World Trade Center bombing. He shreds Senator John McChamberlain in his latest piece: Der Spiegel pointed out the obvious: “A certain role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the transition process [to ‘democracy’] […]

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Shoebat Exclusive: Michele Bachmann’s Critics are ‘Lions in Peace but Deer in Fight’

Walid Shoebat While there are many chickens standing in line to peck at Rep. Michele Bachmann’s head while calling her shameful and demanding that she “fess up or shut up” perhaps its time to ask such ‘truth-phobic’ critics why they’ve chosen to indignantly point to “character assassination” when they, themselves are the actual practitioners of […]

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Has CNN been Infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood?

All this talk about the possible infiltration of the U.S Government warrants a discussion about whether CNN has been infiltrated. If you accept the findings of the Holy Land Foundation trial, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood. As such, it defends the Muslim Brotherhood against those […]

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Disgraceful: John McCain rips Michele Bachmann; defends Abedin family

Ben Barrack He has defended the Libyan rebels, calling them his ‘heroes’ who would later fly Al-Qaeda flags after Gadhafi’s fall. He has called for the arming of the Syrian rebels. Both positions are music to the ears of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now John McCain is coming to the defense of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief […]

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CNN’s Anderson Cooper at it again; targets Michele Bachmann

Regular visitors to this site are quite familiar with what Walid thinks about the smear merchants at CNN – not much. Anderson Cooper, the same CNN anchor who aired Drew Griffin’s hit piece on Walid last year, is now delving into the claims made by five congressmen – led by Michele Bachmann – that there […]

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Wait a Minute; Huma wants Weiner to come clean??

Just when you thought there was no greater example of “projection”, something comes along that provides one. Enter Huma Abedin, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton; she is reportedly encouraging her husband – Anthony Weiner – to grant a tell-all interview (we’ll tell you why this is laughable after the jump). Via the […]

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