Tag Archives | muslim


The Sham of Our Government and the First Amendment – Sharia Has Come to America

Americans need to awaken fast to our pathetic leaders both Democrat and Republican. These people in DC who dare to call themselves our representatives, insult the great founding fathers of this nation.Watch this! Blood should be shooting out of your eyes after watching it. http://shoebat.org/videos/usaGovLoveSharia.php

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Islamic Connection to Hitler

The Grand Mufti Haj Ameen Husseini a friend of Walid’s Grandfather, was a participant in the Holocaust; so when Palestinian leaders state the the holocaust was nothing to with them why should they have to suffer they are denying evidence of real collusion with Hitler and the Nazis http://shoebat.org/videos/naziNarab.php

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Blaming the Jews? Blame the Jews!

CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Documentary made around 2003 by Ron Aronvich Explains clearly, with excellent journalism the real issues of the conflict in “Palestine” i.e. Jew Hate. Political correctness and weak Jewish/Israeli leadership fails to deal with this evil. Liberal lefties need to be tied to a chair and match sticks put between their […]

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Brilliant Young Conservative Journalist From UK Stands for Israel

http://shoebat.org/videos/dougMurray.php Excerpt from debate at Royal Holloway University of London Title of debate “Is media too critical of Israel” Douglas Murray has become a new star of the conservative movement in UK. He is proudly pro Israel and runs a think tank called The Centre for Social Cohesion. He is a righteous Gentile. Bio Douglas […]

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By Peace We Will and Continue to be Deceived‏

As our leaders and media continue to try and hide what is going on in the Middle East and in your local US mosque, we as a nation choose peace over truth and justice. We choose self-deception and delusion because the truth is ugly. We choose to vilify and isolate those that speak the truth […]

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Walid Shoebat’s Testimony at Peter King Congressional Hearing in Absentia

TERRORISM HEARING TESTIMONY IN ABSENTIA By Walid Shoebat, former Islamic Terrorist For the Record my name is Walid Shoebat, I used to be a radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Allah until I converted to Christianity in 1994. I was involved in terror activity, a member of the PLO, was imprisoned in […]

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The Uprisings in the Middle East are not Democratic

Uthman Badar media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia clearly states that a call for Islam in the middle east within the current uprisings is not a call for democracy and especially not a western style of democracy. He also clearly explains that Islam is a global struggle which i guess means what we all know […]

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