Tag Archives | pakistan blasphemy law christians persecution

The Muslim Antichrist Is Coming To Destroy Christianity, And Christendom Will Arise To Destroy Him

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim Antichrist is coming soon, to destroy Christianity, and Christendom will arise to destroy him. This Antichrist will come from Turkey, not Iran or the New World Order. Stop focusing On Iran as though it will be the nation of Antichrist. We must focus on Turkey as the main […]

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Elite Leader Of The European Union Says That Christianity Is The Enemy

By Theodore Shoebat An elite leader of the European Union, named Carl Bildt, had declared Christianity as the enemy and biggest hinderance to the leftist conspiracy of establishing anti-Christian values. He said this regarding Putin’s anti-homosexual policies in Russia: The new anti-west and anti-decadent line [of conduct] of Putin is based on the deep conservatism […]

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Muslims “cut hands, cut heads, play with corpses” Of Their Victims

By Theodore Shoebat A battle is occurring right now between Kurds and Muslims who are members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), in the area of Kobani in northern Syria. The Kurds, fighting for the Democratic Union Party (PYD), are combating the jihadist besiegers of their lands, and look upon the […]

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Christian Pastor: “They are killing Christians because they are Christians.”

By Theodore Shoebat Bishop Ibrahim Ibrahim, founder of the American branch of the Chaldean (Iraqi Catholic) Church, just recently made this eye-opening statement about the Muslim persecution of Christians in Iraq: No one is defending us…They are killing Christians because they are Christians. …We know that before the invasion of the Americans in Iraq, (terrorism) […]

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Two Muslims Cut Young Boy’s Body Into Pieces, Cook His Flesh In Curry, And Eat Him

By Theodore Shoebat Two Pakistani brothers, Mohammad Arif Ali and Mohammad Farman Ali, were arrested after police caught the severed head of a young boy in their home. Superintendent of Police Ameer Ali Khan described the scene: We found the severed head of a young child, about two or three years old. They probably dug […]

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