Tag Archives | persecution


Report: Egypt’s Brotherhood candidate tells Christians to be subjugated to Islam or emigrate

If you turn on any mainstream media outlet, you are far more likely to hear about the poor Syrian rebels and the death toll of Bashar Al-Assad’s forces. What you’re not likely to see is the imminent peril Egypt’s Christians are in. Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate – and frontrunner in the run-off election – Muhammad […]

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Middle East Forum report on Christian Persecution by Muslims… in April alone!

Whenever someone has the audacity to factually state that terrorist acts and religious persecution is committed so overwhelmingly by Muslims that it’s beginning to reach a point of exclusivity, leftists and Muslims alike will bring up… Timothy McVeigh as their shining example of a Christian terrorist. Aside from the fact that McVeigh was an agnostic […]

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Afghan woman who had nose cut off helped with reconstructive Surgery… in America

You may not know her name but you’ve probably seen her face, after her nose had been cut . That wasn’t how Aesha Mohammadzai was born, mind you, but it was her punishment for attempting to leave an abusive marriage. Aesha’s heinous ordeal was the direct result of the Islamic culture in Afghanistan but you […]

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Iran’s Mullahs losing to Christianity?

Perhaps the most high profile case of apostasy in Iran right now is that of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who is currently on death row in that country for converting from Islam to Christianity. It appears, however, that the Iranian Mullahs have a bit of an epidemic on their hands when it comes to such conversions… […]

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A Starker Contrast you will not find

The real threat (Islam) is not only ignored but vehemently defended by those who demonize that which will protect them most from that threat (Christianity). Pardon our redundancy but if you’re not a Muslim and you ignore Islam while attacking Christianity, Stockholm Syndrome is the best explanation for your behavior. Blessed are you when they […]

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Paging Obama Administration… Rampant Christian Persecution in the Middle East

The person to watch in this news report is Nina Shea, the Hudson Institute’s Director for the Center for Religious Freedom. Bare Naked Islam reports that in addition to the Obama administration ignoring persecuted Christians in Muslim lands, it is flooding the United States with Muslims. Here is a related video from EDL:

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Paging John McCain… Syrian Rebels reportedly targeting Christians

While the Syrian rebels seem to be garnering international sympathy for their plight at the hands of Bashar al-Assad, Christians are reportedly being ethnically cleansed from the country by those same rebels. Via Catholic World News: Islamic extremists are engaged in “ethnic cleansing” of Christians in the Syrian city of Homs, local sources tell the […]

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Thank You, Arab Spring: Muslim Persecution of Christians now Rampant

We are now approximately one year in to the Arab Spring and all the movement really has to show for itself is a rise in the persecution of Christians. There is an excellent piece written by Raymond Ibrahim that appears in the Middle East Forum, in which the regions where apostasy, church burnings, and dhimmitude […]

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Report: Egyptian Muslims Burning Christian Homes, Attacking Churches

Time to contrast the life of a Christian in Egypt must endure with the life a Muslim in the United States must endure. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is far more concerned about fighting persecution of Muslims that doesn’t exist in America than it is with the very real persecution of Christians in […]

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Christian Persecution: A choice between Shame and War‏

Friends Keith Davies Executive Director of The Walid Shoebat Foundation and F.F.M.U. – latest piece published on www.BigPeace.com blog a few minutes ago. Supportive comments on the Big peace web site would be appreciated. Link is below. http://bigpeace.com/kdavies/2011/03/19/christian-persecution-a-choice-between-shame-and-war/#more-94496 As world events are reported, another tragedy that rarely makes the headlines is happening and has been […]

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