By Theodore Shoebat Watch this new video I did on the coming war between Christendom and the Antichrist AFTER WATCHING, CLICK HERE TO GET OUR NEW 2-DISK DVD SET ON CHRISTIAN MILITANCY
Tag Archives | roman catholic church
Islam Is A Form Of Protestantism, That Wants To Destroy The Catholic Church
By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) In a recent video I made, I said that Islam came as a protest against the Catholic Church and its doctrine, since in Muhammad’s time, all Christians were Catholics. This irked Calvinist apologist, James White, whom many consider to be the most formidable Protestant apologist, who argued that the Catholics of Muhammad’s day could […]
Muslims Want To Do Another Holocaust On Christians, And They Will Succeed
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims want to do another holocaust of Christians, and they will succeed, just as they did in the Armenian Genocide, the genocide of the Assyrian Christians, the Chaldean Christians, and all of the Christians who were slaughtered by Islamic regimes. Dr. Sebastian Gorka has recently made some prudent, yet harrowing statements of […]
Pope Francis And The Vatican Fight Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians, And Rescue A Christian From Being Killed By Muslims
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis and the Vatican have fought against the Islamic persecution of Christians, and this is illustrated by their heroic action of rescuing Meriam Ibrahim, a Christian convert from Islam, from being executed by the Muslim North Sudanese government. This is confirmed by one source that stated: The Sudanese government allowed the […]
We Are Living In Sodom And Gomorrah
By Theodore Shoebat We are living in Sodom and Gomorrah. We have tyrannical judges shutting down the votes of the American people who voted against homosexual marriage. This is all because of tolerance, and it is leading to the advancement of the sodomite agenda. Here is a video I made illustrating how the homosexual mafia […]
Pope Francis Stands Up against False Historians Who Slander The Catholic Church, And Shows The Truth As To How The Catholic Church Saved Jews
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis stood up against false historians who continuously slander Pope Pius XII, and showed how Pius XII saved Jews from Nazi persecution. Francis is concerned about “everything which has been thrown at poor Pius XII,” and said I sometimes get an existential rash when I see everybody taking it out against […]
The Vatican Makes Itself The Seat Of The Antichrist, And Pope Francis Has Muslim Prayers Declared Within The Vatican For The First Time In Its History
By Theodore Shoebat The Vatican has made itself the seat of the Antichrist, because for the first time in its history it will be having Islamic prayers declared from its premises, a measure planned and organized by Pope Francis himself. Islam is the religion of the Antichrist, and for the Vatican to do this makes […]
Catholic Priest Says Homosexuality Is Gift From God, And That The Bible Is Not The Word Of God, And Then Pope Francis Kisses His Hand And Praises Him
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A 93 year old Italian priest named Michele de Paolis, considered to be Italy’s most rebellious priest and amongst the most universally notorious advocates for the Catholic Church to change its position on homosexuality, said: homosexual love is a gift from (God) no less than heterosexual. This same damned heretic […]
The Roman Catholic Church Has Saved More Jews Than Anyone On Earth
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The church is not a threat to Jewish existence, physical or spiritual – but some cannot accept that fact. Simcha Hacohen Kook, the venerable chief rabbi of Rehovot, said in an interview with the settler’s website INN two weeks ago that “we have forgotten that the pope stood beside Hitler […]
Mary, The Mother of Jesus, Will Tell Christ To Take Up His Sword, Commence His Second Coming And Destroy The Antichrist
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Mary will urge Christ to unsheathe His heavenly sword, to lead “the armies of the living God” (1 Samuel 17:26), and destroy the forces of the Antichrist. How can one make such a conclusion? I will make this conclusion all through Scripture and nothing else. I understand that nearly every […]
Muslims Attack Two Catholic Nuns, So Viciously That They Have To Be Sent To The Emergency Room
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims savagely attacked two nuns on grounds of the Church of Visitation in Seremban, Malaysia. One of the nuns, Sister Juliana Lim, was found to be in critical condition and sent to the Seremban Hospital. The other nun, Sister Mary-Rose, was sent to the hospital to be treated several serious injuries. Father […]
Pope Francis Will Be Accompanied With Muslim Heretic And Follower Of Antichrist
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis will be being accompanied by a Muslim heretic and follower of the Antichrist religion, Islam. The Muslim’s name is Omar Abboud, and he will be accompanied with a rabbi named Abraham Skorka as he is with the Pope during his trip in the Middle East. This is absolute heresy what […]
The Muslims Will Invade The Vatican, And Try to Destroy The Roman Catholic Church
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat I remember a few years ago spending time with an Evangelical friend of mine. Within our conversation, somehow, the subject of the Crusades came up. Of course, I defended the Crusades, explaining that they were fighting off Islamic invaders in the Middle East. He, on the other hand, vehemently condemned […]

The Catholic Church Did Not Invent Islam
By Theodore Shoebat The Catholic Church did not invent Islam. I have heard this countless times, and have received innumerable messages from people, that Islam was founded by the Catholic Church. I don’t have the time to respond to every individual who tells me this assertion, so I have decided to write this essay to […]