It is important that when the House Select Committee on Benghazi does something good, it be acknowledged. Along those lines, Chairman Trey Gowdy should be commended for identifying 20 current and former members of the Obama administration that he plans to interview beginning in early April. While the names on the list are those of […]
Tag Archives | Select Committee
At Third Benghazi Hearing, State Department Official who was ‘Friend’ of Ambassador Murdered in Islamic Terror Attack STONEWALLS and Helps Keep Truth About His Friend’s Death Suppressed
When witnesses are sworn in to testify, they pledge to tell “the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING BUT the truth, so help me God” (at least that last part should be in there – it has a way of keeping people honest when they give any thought to it). Yet, for some reason, when […]
U.S. Congressman AGAINST Benghazi Select Committee BEFORE He Was For It
During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) was asked at the end of his exchange with Candy Crowley, about his Committee’s recently released report on Benghazi. Perhaps most notably, Rogers denied claims that his committee’s report is the final word on the investigation and touts the […]
EXPLOSIVE: Witness at Second Benghazi Select Committee Hearing Tells Gowdy to Ask Ex-U.S. Ambassador to EGYPT why Christopher Stevens was in Benghazi
The second House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing took place today. In many ways, it was sadly more uneventful than the first hearing, which took place in September. However, there was ONE MAJOR EXCEPTION and it had to do with a name given by one of the witnesses, who was being questioned by Chairman Rep. […]
Clock Running Out on Slow-Moving Benghazi Select Committee
If you’re one of those people who’ve been wondering where the House Select Committee on Benghazi has been, you’re not alone. Now, as a new Congress is about to begin, the House will have to reauthorize the Committee’s formation and work, which makes the timing of the release of the recent House Permanent Select Committee […]
Chairman of Intelligence Committee Remaining Silent on Benghazi Report
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee still isn’t talking about the report on Benghazi approved by his committee. Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) has not commented on claims by multiple Democrats on the Committee who say the group concluded there was “no deliberate wrongdoing” committed by the Obama administration. Reps. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), Mike Thompson […]
Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy Stabbed in Back by Republican Colleague
A soon-to-be released House Intelligence Committee report on the Benghazi attacks reportedly lets the Obama administration off the hook, concluding that there was “no deliberate wrongdoing” on the part of the administration relative to the attacks. A consequence of this is that Benghazi Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy is being stabbed in the back by […]
Many Fear to Tread where Benghazi Facts Lead
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Trey Gowdy, insisted in an interview that his committee will “go wherever the facts take us” and that if the committee does not do that, it “will be punished” by the American people. It is critical that Gowdy understands the true […]
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration and the OIC Aided Benghazi Video Narrative
On today’s show… If the House Select Committee on Benghazi is going to get to the truth, it MUST include the issue of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration inside the U.S. Government generally and the Obama administration in particular. There is ONE committee member who knows all about this level of infiltration. His name is Rep. Lynn […]
THE FIVE DAMNING LETTERS Ignored By The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton Regarding Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The Benghazi attacks and subsequent coverup could have been prevented. The Obama administration, to include everyone who sided with him, are responsible for not heeding the words of five U.S. Congressmen who sent five separate letters to various agencies and departments exactly 90 days earlier. How so? […]
Red Alert! Benghazi Select Committee COMPROMISED
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** What every American must know as the Benghazi investigation is about to begin involves what happened after the first 9/11 attack. The Patriot Act, was drafted in direct response to attacks on the United States perpetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist agents on 9/11/01. How is it […]
Obama and Hillary need to get their Benghazi Stories Straight
By Ben Barrack What is known about the night of the Benghazi attacks is that Barack Obama called Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at 10pm. Clinton issued a statement at 10:08pm that pointed to “inflammatory material on the internet” as being “blamed” by “some”. By 10:58pm, the Associated Press reported that the State Department said […]
Trey Gowdy MUST Call out Mike Rogers on Benghazi
“Good investigators talk to everybody, not just folks whose testimony may buttress your position.” – Rep. Trey Gowdy, House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman, 12/30/13 Members of Congress should never be trusted, even the ones who seem to be the most trustworthy. As much as the American people may be inclined to trust House Select […]
Why a Select Committee on Benghazi might be a Bad Idea
If you were looking for a reason to be suspicious of a House Select Committee to investigate what happened in Benghazi, Senator Lindsey Graham may have just provided one. The reason is that Graham himself supports the formation of such a committee. First, here is the senior Senator from South Carolina on Fox and Friends […]

Frank Wolf asks his last Benghazi Question of the Day
Today, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) asked his last Benghazi Question of the day, which had to do with information presented in a CNN report yesterday from Jake Tapper. That report suggests that CIA officials who were on the ground in Benghazi are being intimidated into silence. Via Wolf’s website: Why are these heroes being told […]

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #8
While Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) issued a Benghazi Question of the Day today, he did not issue it from the House Floor so there is no video. The question he asked has to do with what was going on in Washington, D.C. during the attack. Via Frank Wolf: A U.S. consulate is under attack. A […]