In addition to Hillary Clinton’s close adviser Huma Abedin and Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama both being Muslim, both appear to be the beneficiaries of illegally favorable treatment by the U.S. Government. In the case of Abedin, she was allowed to work as a Special Government Employee (SGE) for 110 days longer than is permitted […]
Tag Archives | senate
Obama’s Syria Strategy Predictably Failing as ‘Moderate’ Muslim Rebels Fleeing FROM and Defecting TO Terrorists
Those so-called ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels are reportedly either running from or defecting to terrorists. The news is coming from the left-wing Washington Post of all places: The Obama administration’s Syria strategy suffered a major setback Sunday after fighters linked to al-Qaeda routed U.S.-backed rebels from their main northern strongholds, capturing significant quantities of weaponry, triggering […]
Operation Fast and FurISIS
In operation Fast and Furious, officials in the Obama administration intentionally allowed high powered weapons to be taken into Mexico and given to drug cartels that used those guns to kill an untold number of innocent people. Last month, both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate voted to allow high powered weapons to be airdropped […]
When it comes to John McCain’s Syria Trip, Focus on the Names of People whose Identities we DO KNOW
The controversy over who Senator John McCain (R-AZ) posed with in photos during a visit to Syria last year is beginning to go mainstream. The Drudge Report is linking to an article by Matthew Boyle at Breitbart. At issue are the names and allegiances of the Syrians McCain was posing with. McCain’s office is saying […]
Democrat U.S. Senator says ISIS a ‘Major Varsity Team’
During an appearance on Meet the Press, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was asked if Barack Obama is conveying weakness by admitting he has no strategy to deal with ISIS in Syria. Her answer began with an inherently tacit admission that she was going to engage in semantics and use the word “cautious” […]
Senate Committee Confirms Egyptian tie to Benghazi
By Ben Barrack There is a very distinct reason why any Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12 is extremely important. That reason is simple. The parent organization of all Sunni Islamic terror groups – including al-Qaeda and Ansar Al-Sharia – was the official governing body of Egypt at the time, led by President […]

Does Ted Cruz support Rewarding Egypt on Benghazi?
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has introduced legislation to compel the State Department to offer a reward of up to $5 million for information about the Benghazi attacks. If this bill were passed, the Egyptian government may be able to claim some of the reward money. Via the Ted Cruz Press Release: WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. […]
The 9/11 Hijackers, Visas, and the ‘Gang of 8’ Bill
When it came to maintaining legal visa status, the 9/11 hijackers were rather sloppy. Many violated the terms of their visas and some illegally overstayed them. Despite this, they were successful. Nearly twelve years later, defenders of the ‘Gang of 8’ immigration bill moving through the Congressional sausage grinder, refer to bringing 11 million Mexicans […]
Interesting Date on Letter about Huma Abedin sent by U.S. Senator to John Kerry
Huma Abedin skipped town in the same month that the Heat was on last year and a U.S. Senator may be on to her (if so, his way of letting her know is absolutely brilliant). The date of a letter sent by U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), to Secretary of State John Kerry about Huma […]
Marco Rubio defended Huma Abedin, played Patty Cake with Hillary Clinton, and now his allies are Teaming up with Grover Norquist on Immigration
Marco Rubio’s track record when it comes to understanding the threats of Islam and its operatives just took another hit this week. First, let’s underscore a self-evident truth. Without the Tea Party, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) would likely still be in the Florida state legislature. Not only did the conservative Tea Party – a group […]
Video: Hamas-Friendly U.S. Senator questions Bloggers’ First Amendment rights; Contradicts himself from one month earlier
Earlier this month (May 1st), far left-wing U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) justified his speaking to a group of communists and socialists by saying it was his first amendment right. Yesterday, on May 26th, during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Durtbin questioned the first amendment rights of bloggers. Via the Daily Caller: Now, consider […]
Hillary’s Benghazi Contradiction
Back on January 23rd, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn’t just reveal a brazen case of ‘thou doth protest too much’ when she rhetorically shouted, ‘What difference at this point, does it make?’ after being pressed by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI). That quote was so shocking that the rest of Clinton’s words are often […]
An increasingly disturbing Trend with Marco Rubio
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has long been considered a Tea Party favorite and a young champion of conservatism who is on the short list of 2016 Republican presidential candidates. The problem is that he seems to be accumulating a long train of very questionable positions / behaviors. Most recently, Rubio called for sending arms to […]
Defense Secretary Panetta: Obama and Hillary Absent during Benghazi attack
During the presidential primary campaign of 2008, a central debate issue was who was more qualified to answer that 3am phone call as president. Barack or Hillary? Based on Senate testimony given by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta about the Benghazi attacks on 9/11, neither Barack nor Hillary is qualified. These are really fascinating admissions. […]
Andrew McCarthy: Why are so many Republicans choosing to arm Muslim Brotherhood?
The John McCain wing of the Republican Party appears to be growing when it comes to arming the Muslim Brotherhood. The only way to make sense of the nonsensical is to assume they think that arming Egypt’s military is a hedge against Morsi gaining more power. Yeah, that’s a bad bet. Echoes of the Barbary […]
Video: Hillary grilled by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Benghazi
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee was one of the few Senators on the committee who actually challenged Clinton. Here is the exchange.