Theodore Shoebat on multiculturalism and tolerance. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Tag Archives | sharia
Christianity Is Militant
Christus Vincit! Follow me on Facebook Twitter
Obama Supporting People Who Kill Christians?
Here’s my Take: Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get my latest book, For God or For Tyranny
1000 Christians Have Been Killed In Syria Since 2011
Fiorello Provera writes (From AINA): The recent abductions of Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim and his Greek Orthodox counterpart, Paul Yazigi, reflect not only the increasing brutality of Syria’s civil war, but also the escalating crisis for Christians across the Arab world — one that could end up driving them away altogether. According to the […]
Mass Execution of people by Syrian Jihadists
McCain wants to help these people — this video helps us see just how corrupt this government has become since it is now supporting these very murderers: Posted by Theodore Shoebat Follow me on Facebook Twitter
Just Say No: Japan takes Nancy Reagan slogan to heart when dealing with Muslims
Political correctness has been slowly strangling western civilization for decades now, particularly with respect to Islam. In Japan, not so much. Via the Jewish Press: There are countries in the world, mainly in Europe, that are presently undergoing significant cultural transformations as a result of Muslim immigration. France, Germany, Belgium and Holland are interesting examples […]
Walid’s continuing battle with Stinking Sheikh
If you’d like to be brought up to speed before continuing, start with the original email exchange between Walid and a man named Al-Faisal Al-Harbi, a self-professed Sheikh from Kuwait. Sheikh Al-Harbi initially heard Walid on the Jesse Lee Peterson show talking about the Al-Harbi clan being rife with terrorists (Abdulrahman Ali Al-Harbi was briefly […]
Video: Keith Ellison says Boston bombers ‘probably’ motivated by politics, not Islam
During an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress attempted to pin the motivations of the Boston marathon bombers on politics, not religion. In so doing, Ellison quite knowingly (because he is a devout Muslim) put forth a faulty premise that Islam is separate from politics. They […]
Video (Projection alert): Egyptian politician says American Pilgrims feasted on Indian flesh
Soon after we posted the important piece by Walid and Theodore about the move toward cannibalism and human sacrifice in the Middle East (Egypt in particular), we saw that MEMRI had posted a video of an Egyptian Islamist politician named Hussam Abu Al-Bukhari. In this video, Bukhari actually puts forth the notion that the early […]
Egyptian Prime Minister: Unclean Breasts cause diarrhea in newborns
If you’ve ever held the belief that the reason newborn babies have diarrhea is because their bodies are so under-developed, it’s time to re-think your paradigm. According to Egypt’s new Prime Minister, the cause is the unclean breasts of the mothers. The best part? The Prime Minister is a PhD. Via Al Arabiya: The PhD […]

Islam and Cannibalism UPDATED
We added various additions to this article on Islam and cannibalism, using now Hadith which reveal that blood drinking was done by Muhammad’s first followers, and also we posted a video of an Egyptian sheikh calling for the eating of Jewish flesh. By Walid and Theodore Shoebat In the future, the Egyptian Islamists will not […]
Obama’s Reelection Simply Means More Power To Islamists
By Theodore Shoebat With Obama’s inauguration for his reelection, many people are exalting him as another Martin Luther King Jr., and a voice for social equality. But is this event really worth celebration? No. Obama’s policies has only made the West lose control of the Middle East, and this will only lead to the formation […]
The Movie That Everyone Needs To See Part II
My apologies for the delay. Here are the next seven scenes of the film, A Time of Violence, which depicts how truly brutal the Ottoman Turks were over the Christians whom they conquered. If you haven’t seen Part I yet, CLICK HERE. —- Posted by Theodore Shoebat
Must-see Video: Interview with Courageous former Pakistani Muslim Imran Firasat
Imran Firasat is a former Muslim from Pakistan who now resides in Spain. He is the voice behind a film on which he collaborated with Florida Pastor Terry Jones. That film, The Innocent Prophet, can be seen here. In a clear sign of the cowardice western times, Firasat is being threatened with deportation by the […]
Islam and Environmentalism Are Both Antihuman
By Theodore Shoebat With Al Gore’s Current TV now sold to Al Jazeera, Woodstock and Mecca now unite, and Allah and Mother Earth are joined together in marriage. The purchase brings us to a much deeper topic, and that is that the ideology of Islam coincides with much of what the environmentalists uphold. Al Gore […]
Morsi, The Common Tyrant
By Theodore Shoebat Muhammad Morsi is right now doing what any tyrant would do: use the emotions of the people to comply with what you want. In his address to to the senate, Morsi blamed the decrease in tourism (from which Egypt’s economy thrives) on his opposition, who “violated the peacefulness of politics”. This accusation […]