Andrew Sotloff was the Jewish grandson of holocaust survivors. Despite this, he befriended Muslim Brotherhood terrorists who are descendants of Hitler’s allies. Sotloff, who is the latest American to be beheaded by ISIS terrorists. As a reporter, Sotloff appears to have gotten access to terrorists by taking their side and reporting favorably about their efforts. […]
Tag Archives | syria
ISIS Expands Into Pakistan And Afghanistan
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS is now expanding into Pakistan and Afghanistan, by distributing copies of a pamphlet entitled Fatah (victory), to Islamists in these countries. As we read from a recent account: The dreaded Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is trying to expand its influence in Pakistan, with pamphlets being distributed in Peshawar […]
Syrian Government Kills 346 ISIS Thugs In One Of The Most Brutal Battles In The Nation
By Theodore Shoebat The Syrian government killed 346 ISIS thugs as they were trying to invade a Syrian airbase. It was one of the most intense battles fought by Syrian troops, with 170 government troops killed in the confrontation. As we read from a report: Islamic State militants stormed an air base in northeast Syria […]
US Government Says Video Of Steven Sotloff’s Beheading Is Authentic
By Theodore Shoebat Ever since’s posting of Steven Sotloff yesterday, many people have been saying that it is a fake. Now the US government has affirmed that the video is indeed authentic. The White House said: The US intelligence community has analyzed the recently released video showing US citizen Steven Sotloff and has reached […]
JUST FOUND Video Of American Steven Sotloff Getting Beheaded By ISIS
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat has just found the video of ISIS beheading American journalist Steven Sotloff. ABC, while not having the video, said that the video “purportedly” showed the beheading. The rest of the mainstream media is saying the same thing. Well now we know for a fact that Steven […]
Like James Foley, Steven Sotloff Got Too Close to Muslim Fundamentalists
Reports originating from the SITE Intelligence Group (SIG) claim that a video shows the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff. Another American journalist James Foley was beheaded by the same group two weeks earlier. As was the case with Foley, Soltoff appeared to be sympathetic to the causes of opposition groups in Libya and Syria […]
Muslims Take Man For Not Observing Ramadan, And Crucify Him For Three Days
By Theodore Shoebat A young boy named Muhammad in Iraq was forcefully seized from his parents to join their child army. ISIS also forced him and other young men to watch crucifixions, beheadings, stonings, and other executions. In one horrific setting, a young man was taken for not observing Ramadan, and they crucified him for […]
Democrat U.S. Senator says ISIS a ‘Major Varsity Team’
During an appearance on Meet the Press, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was asked if Barack Obama is conveying weakness by admitting he has no strategy to deal with ISIS in Syria. Her answer began with an inherently tacit admission that she was going to engage in semantics and use the word “cautious” […]
ISIS Slaughters Three Innocent Men, And Then Crucifies Their Corpses
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat ISIS Kills Muslims While They Are Still Praying and then Crucifies Them In Syria, these men were shot by ISIS while they were still kneeling in the typical Islamic prayer declaring the Shahadatan (Muslim Creed) with their index finger which symbolizes that Allah is a unique one (denouncing the Trinity) […]
ISIS Says, “the US-Mexican border is now open”, And Are Planning On Crossing Into The United States Through The US-Mexican Border
By Theodore Shoebat An ISIS propaganda trading group recently posted these disturbing words on Twitter: the US-Mexican border is now open large numbers of people crossing The Texas law department found a message on Twitter from ISIS, saying Americans in for ruin (sic). ISIS wants to cross into the United States through the US-Mexican border. […]
‘Lone Wolf’ Fort Hood Jihadist who Committed ‘Workplace Violence’ wants to join Islamic Caliphate
Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan, whose murders the Defense Department identified as the result of ‘workplace violence’ (signaling that Hasan was a lone wolf not motivated by religion) wants to become a citizen of ISIS Caliphate. Hasan, who was mentored by Anwar al-Awlaki – a man whom the Department of Defense embraced after 9/11 […]
U.S. State Department Official Gives Keynote Speech at Forum Hosted by Terror State
Anne Patterson, the woman who served as U.S. Ambassador to Egypt during the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Mursi last year recently gave the keynote address at an event sponsored by a country that is a chief supporter and financier of Hamas, a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). The annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum is co-sponsored […]
Rep. Louie Gohmert Rips Obama and Anyone Who thought taking out Bashar al-Assad last year was a Good Idea
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) publicly stated today that had Barack Obama and a host of other pseudo-intellectuals gotten their way last year and removed Bashar al-Assad from power in Syria that ISIS would be running that country today. This is absolutely a true statement and like Gohmert, held that position at the time (unlike […]
Obama Admits he has ‘(No) Strategy’ to deal with ISIS as Terror Chatter Increases on eve of 9/11
When asked about how he plans to confront ISIS in Syria, President Barack Obama made a stunning admission saying, “We don’t have a strategy yet”. He said this at a time when the intelligence community is reporting a “significant increase” in terror chatter as the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches. Reasons why Obama has […]
What Rand Paul Missed in Criticizing Hillary – HUMA!
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took a lot of heat from Republicans and some conservatives over his comments about Hillary Clinton being a ‘war hawk’. The implication was that Paul was placing himself to the left of Hillary when it comes to a tough foreign policy in much the same way that his father Ron […]
U.S. Sending Weapons to NATO ‘Ally’ (Turkey) Caught Harboring Hamas Leaders and Aligning with Iran
The Obama administration is sending weapons to Turkey, which is now openly harboring leaders of a U.S. State Department designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) in Hamas. In addition to that, as has reported [here and here], Turkey is solidifying its alliance with Iran, one of only four countries on the U.S. State Department list […]