Earlier this week it was learned that British Muslim Anjem Choudary’s followers allegedly inspired the ISIS jihadist suspected of beheading James Foley, as Shoebat.com reported. The Muslim who beheaded British soldier Lee Rigby in the streets was also a follower of Choudary. Last night, Choudary appeared on Hannity and as is normally the case, would […]
Tag Archives | syria
ISIS Takes Innocent People, Says They Are Going To Be “Liquidated” For Allah, And Slaughters All Of Them Without Remorse
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Shoebat.com obtained a video in which ISIS takes a number of people and says that they are going to be “liquidated” in Arabic. The victims were said to be a part of the Sahawat, or “awakening” movements, who are working to end the violence done by ISIS. These Muslims are […]
Black American who Died Fighting with ISIS was a Racist and a Homophobe
His name was Douglas McAuthur McCain. He was a black American who chose to fight with ISIS and was killed while doing so. McCain, who went by the moniker of Duale Khalid on twitter, wasn’t just black. He was also a black racist that despised both whites and homosexuals. Let’s take a look at McCain’s […]
Muslim Take Ten Year Old Boys To Be Soldiers, And Force Children To Watch Beheadings And Executions
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS is recruiting boys as young as ten to join their ranks, and they are also forcing children to watch their beheadings, amputations, and executions. According to a recent UN report: In areas of Syria under ISIS control, particularly in the north and northeast of the country, Fridays are regularly marked by […]
ISIS Declares That They Will Invade Jerusalem, The Vatican, And Spain, And Destroy the Christian Cross.
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat ISIS has declared in a very recent video that their forces plan on invading Jerusalem, the Vatican, and Spain. The video begins with a presentation of ancient Rome, and the black flag of ISIS replacing a Roman statue, accentuating their aspiration to invade the city, and then […]
African American Muslim Goes To Syria To Fight For ISIS, Only To Be Killed By Jihadists
By Theodore Shoebat An African American Muslim man named Douglas McArthur McCain left the states and went to Syria to join the Jihad only to be killed by other jihadists. He joined ISIS and participated in a factional battle against a rival jihadist gang, the members of which killed him during the fray. According to […]
Muslims Take Woman, Tie Her Hand To A Car, And Tie Her Leg To Another Car, Hit Their Accelerators, And Split Her In Two
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all a part of ISIS, took a woman, a Yazidi, tied her hand to a car, tied her leg to another car, and after hitting the accelerator, split her in two. The horrifying story was recounted by one Hassan, a 22 year old student and Yazidis who witnessed the […]
Muslim Put Men, Women, And Children In Holes, And Bury Them Alive
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all part of ISIS, put men, women and children in holes and buried them alive. The victims were Yazidis. One survivor, named Ali, remembered: We did not understand. Then they started to put people in those holes, those people were alive… After a while we heard gunfire. I can’t […]
Obama Going Out of His way to Avoid Public Alliance with Bashar al-Assad to Defeat ISIS
The Obama administration is going out of its way to avoid any kind of public admission that it is working with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad to fight ISIS. In reality, the implementation of any serious strategy to defeat ISIS in Syria will require the U.S. to work with Assad. In the case of not just Obama […]
Muslim Accused of Beheading James Foley Applauded by UK’s most Notorious Muslim Scholar
Last year, Great Britain’s most recognizable resident Muslim Anjem Choudary expressed solidarity with Michael Adebolajo, the man who beheaded British soldier Lee Rigby as Shoebat.com reported. It’s now being reported by the Clarion Project that Choudary is likewise expressing support for Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, the man suspected of beheading James Foley: Choudary told the Clarion […]
John McCain’s ‘Heroes’ Take Control of Tripoli
Politicians like Senator John McCain (R-AZ) respond to ‘I told you so’ claims by those who see ISIS rising in Syria by saying that if the U.S. had acted sooner, the ‘moderate’ rebels would be in control right now. What people like McCain will NOT acknowledge is that the very same argument was made relative […]
Forensics Experts Conclude James Foley WAS Beheaded but Video was Likely Staged
According to forensics experts cited by the UK Times, the video that purports to show the commencement of the James Foley beheading was likely staged. This is not to say Foley is believed to be alive, only that the beheading took place off camera. Via AU News: The UK Times reported that an international forensic […]
ISIS Takes Syrian Military Airport and Beheads Soldiers
ISIS has achieved a significant victory in eastern Syria by successfully taking over a Syrian military airport and beheading a number of the soldiers stationed there. A consequence of this has been that ISIS has also captured some major artillery (h/t WZ): This airport was allegedly the last government installation in that province. Islamic extremists […]
(MUST SEE VIDEO) ISIS Finds Cross In Man’s Wallet, They Ask Him To Convert To Islam, He Says No, And They Kill Him
SHOEBAT.COM EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat When the Islamic State in the beginning of August attacked the Syrian government’s last stronghold in north al-Raqqa, they captured a regiment from Brigade 93. 90 IS fighters were reported to have been killed in the battle and 300 Syrian soldiers were reported killed and more than […]
ISIS Charges Into Jordan, And Is Planning On Invading The Country
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat.com exclusive) Between 5 to 7 thousand supporters of ISIS have announced themselves officially in Jordan, and the organization began to raise its flag in several provinces starting from Ma’an. The sudden development with show of arms in the main roads, and the fighters even began to stop government convoys amid a […]
ISIS Thugs Try To Attack Factory, But End Up Getting Crushed, With 30 ISIS Muslims Slaughtered
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS thugs tried to attack a refinery near the town of Tikrit, only to get slaughtered by Iraqi forces, who triumphantly killed thirty ISIS Muslims. As we read from one report: The Iraqi government forces say they have countered a massive attack by Takfiri ISIL terrorists on the country’s largest oil refinery, […]