Tag Archives | syria

Muslims Ambush Christian Man And Shoot Him In The Head

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man in Egypt was unloading fruit in his truck when Muslims ambushed him and shot him in the head. He died in the hospital just a few days ago. His uncle, Noushy Saeed Tawfik, said: He wasn’t conscious of anything …He was clinically dead because most of his brain cells […]

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Mark Levin Show helps to Expose Human Slaughterhouses in Syria

Walid appeared on the Mark Levin show to talk about the human slaughterhouses in Syria story we published a couple of days ago. Much to his credit, Levin was so moved by what’s going on that he used the opening segment of his show for a monologue on the subject. He then brought Walid on […]

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Syrian Christians who escape Jihadists still have to deal with the Horrors of Displacement

With the help of countries like Saudi Arabia, savage Jihadists have been descending on the nation of Syria for three years. The very real and inhumane consequences of this aren’t limited to the savage slaughter of innocent Christians. Human displacement is so astronomical that Syria is finding itself at the top of a very undesirable […]

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Actual And Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses For Christians Discovered

EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Saif Al-Adlubi told the story when the Egyptian butcher would examine the row of people who were waiting their execution. Al-Adlubi witnessed at least two Armenians who were waiting their turn to be slaughtered since no one paid their ransom, the sum of $100,000 each. “He grabbed the […]

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While Obama Helps Jihadists, He Kills Christians

By The Persecuted Christian As we have already pointed out in part 1 that the persecution of Christians in the Middle East is accelerating and nobody is paying attention. The rise in Islamic militancy is a byproduct of the Arab Spring and Christian minorities throughout the Islamic world are facing threats that until now, are […]

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Muslims Massacre Poor Farmer Families In Cold Blood (Absolutely Horrific)

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this absolutely disturbing video showing Muslims massacring poor farmer families in their barn, including children. This type of violence is happening to Christians every day, and it is incumbent of us to work hard to rescue them. PLEASE DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA, IRAQ, AND PAKISTAN

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Muslims Behead Christian Man And Feed His Body To Dogs

EXCLUSIVE By The Persecuted Christian and Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremist. This west is flat out wrong by siding with people they know are barbaric and whom they fight in […]

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Muslims Murder Women For Not Wearing Hijab

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim jihadists have taken over city of Raqqa, in Syria, and are now subjugating the population to Sharia code. They have executed several women for not wearing the hijab, as one Syrian native said: There have been whippings of women because of this. Some women have even been executed. It’s become a […]

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Muslims Execute Innocent Man In A Very Cruel Way

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Libya captured a French citizen who was working in Benghazi to upgrade a hospital. One official concluded: He was killed with three shots This poor French man was only trying to make a living, and these devils murdered in cold blood. This makes the murder a very cruel one indeed. […]

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The Endless Slaughter Of Christians Is In Our Midst

Exclusive By The Persecuted Christian and Theodore Shoebat It was said that Cain lived his life as a wandering vagabond, but now we see the saints, traveling from city to city, treading upon the earth, walking on the path of uncertainty, not knowing to where Providence will lead them, without the much desired knowledge as […]

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Muslims Execute Christian Man After His Family Pays Ransom

Exclusive By The Persecuted Christian Her frantic cries reverberated and were heard for miles asking for her son release as the war of attrition on the nation’s indigenous Christians continues. Kidnapped by the Islamic rebels who demanded a big ransom from his family. The sad circumstance so resonated with other members of man’s family who […]

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What Frank Marshall Davis and Vladimir Putin have in common

By Ben Barrack In light of the developments in Ukraine, it may be worth revisiting the now infamous ‘open mic’ moment between U.S. President Barack Obama and Russia’s Dmitri Medvedev in Seoul, South Korea on March 27, 2012. The exchange took place at a nuclear summit and Obama made specific reference to missile defense when […]

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Muslims Force Christian To Convert To Islam, Then Brutally Behead Him

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man was captured by Muslims in Syria, and forced him to declare the Shahadatan (“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger). After he stated the heretical creed, they deemed him an infidel anyway and brutally beheaded him. Rescue Christians is now working on the ground in […]

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Mass Sex Slave Ring Discovered Amongst Muslims

Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this revealing video on the mass sex slavery taking place amongst Muslims in the Middle East This brings to mine the verse of Daniel on the coming Antichrist: Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women (Daniel 11:37) Saudi Arabia exports its Islamic fundamentalist […]

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Christian Leaders in Syria sign Dhimmitude Pact

This is what real religious persecution looks like. An al-Qaeda group known as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) has given Christians in Syria three options. Become Muslim, be murdered for practicing your religion freely, or be subjugated as a lesser class of people that is required to pay the jizya tax in […]

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What Is Really Going On In Ukraine

Exclusive By Walid Shoebat The world is deeply concerned by reports of military movements taken by the Russian Federation inside Ukraine. So what is this all about and what does it mean to our projection in the region. The nations of Belarus and Ukraine, home to large Russian populations, have entered into negotiations with the […]

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