Tag Archives | syria

Today’s Barrack Show: Wikileaks and Syria

Did Wikileaks publish an email from 2011 that reveals the U.S. Administration’s strategy in Syria, which is playing out right now? On today’s show… More developments over at the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) website. Why are pages and employees for the group being scrubbed from the website. Did Elizabeth O’Bagy, the group’s political director, […]

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This is the Regime Obama wants to take over Syria

In the video below, you will see how the Syrian rebels are enforcing Sharia law in that country. As we have chronicled at every turn, there are no examples that demonstrate the rebels in that country are repressed people fighting for their lives and for freedom. They are savages who are doing the bidding of […]

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Did Wikileaks reveal Chemical Weapons plan in Syria?

One of our readers made a very interesting find relative to U.S. operations in Syria in late 2011 / early 2012. While an email from Reva Bhalla, Vice President of Global Analysis for STRATFOR doesn’t specifically lay out any plans to launch a Chemical weapons attack in Syria for the purpose of setting up Assad, […]

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Did Elizabeth O’Bagy commit Perjury?

It appears that Elizabeth O’Bagy – who works for a pro-Syrian rebel group and got into hot water recently, thanks to Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) – signed an affidavit on behalf of an American citizen named Eric Harroun, who was indicted for fighting with terrorists. In her affidavit, O’Bagy essentially defends Harroun by saying that […]

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Breaking: Is U.S. Government Harassing Walid Shoebat?

Today, Walid appeared on the Kuhner Report with Jeffrey Kuhner with some breaking news. Before getting to that, Kuhner asked Walid to talk about why he believes the Syrian rebels are responsible for the Chemical weapons attacks. The subject eventually moved to Obama’s family in general, and Malik Obama in particular. Regular readers to our […]

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Why is Ted Cruz buying the Obama line on Syria?

Is it crazy to say that there are multiple, credible reports suggesting the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood rebels are the ones who used Chemical weapons? It might be crazy to say that inside the Washington, D.C. beltway but outside the beltway, it might be crazier to assert with fortitude that the Assad regime was responsible. That’s […]

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More Evidence Rebels used Chemical Weapons

In a court of law, the testimony of an eyewitness is considered evidence, not hearsay. When it comes to the use of Chemical weapons in Syria, the testimony of a journalist who claims to have overheard rebels admit to using them, would qualify. The man’s name is Pierre Piccinin, who was also held in captivity […]

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Walid interview with Dan Cofall on KFXR 1190 in Dallas

Today, Walid appeared on the Dan Cofall Show, heard on KFXR 1190 in Dallas, TX. As usual, Walid provided unique perspectives on the Middle East. The discussion included a geopolitical analysis of the region and who the U.S. is supporting. In particular, why is the U.S. supporting Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey in Syria? An […]

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O’Bagy has been Sacked

When Elizabeth O’Bagy appeared on Your World with Neil Cavuto this past September 5th, she was asked about a potential conflict of interest with respect to her role with the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF). O’Bagy had written an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal in which she expressed support for the Syrian rebels but […]

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Report: Assad denied requests to use Chemical weapons

One week after the August 21st Chemical weapons attack in Syria, news broke that intercepted calls proved the Syrian Army used nerve gas. Now, intercepted calls reveal a completely different story. These intercepts indicated that Assad repeatedly denied requests to use Chemical weapons. Via McClatchy: Syrian President Bashar Assad has repeatedly rejected requests from his […]

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Muslim Brotherhood’s Qaradawi supports Obama on Syria

Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, publicly expressed his support for a U.S. strike on Syria. This gives him common cause with Senator John McCain and any other Obama apparatchik who wants to attack the Assad regime. Perhaps more important than Qaradawi supporting an attack on Assad are his reasons; they are […]

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Did John McCain let the Cat out of the O’Bagy?

By Ben Barrack Elizabeth O’Bagy is listed as a Political Director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) in the group’s Washington, D.C. office. SETF lobbies Congress on behalf of the Syrian rebels. During a Senate hearing this week, Senator John McCain, perhaps the most vocal supporter of the Syrian rebels in Congress, pointed to […]

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Rub it Across His Red Line?

By Keith Davies As the American people use their constitutional right of free speech it appears the “brilliant” constitutional scholar President has bitten off far more than he can chew and has miscalculated politically big time. We The People in Western countries are not going to be duped this time by the Liar in Chief […]

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Syrian Rebel spokesman IS Muslim Brotherhood

While studying Egyptian media for this report on Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, a distinct difference between how Egypt’s government is dealing with their Muslim Brotherhood problem and how the U.S. is doing the same, emerged. While U.S. media, politicians, and military generals debate things like whether Al-Qaeda, Ansar Al-Sharia, the Jamal Network, or a […]

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Obama’s Two Masters and the Smell of Desperation

By Keith Davies As the manufactured Syrian crisis continues, it appears the President of the United States – based upon his actions that contradict everything he supposedly stands for according to two election campaigns – now appears to be a slave to a different master; maybe even Allah. It appears obvious that the president’s loyalty […]

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UK’s David Cameron: No ‘Smoking’ Gun on Assad

By Keith Davies and Ben Barrack When it came to action on Syria, Barack Obama’s emissary to the British Parliament, which also happens to be Prime Minister David Cameron, was unsuccessful in convincing Parliament that action was necessary against Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad. Lost in the news about this defeat for Cameron was a rather shocking […]

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