By Theodore Shoebat ISIS jihadists sold a Yezidi girl to sex slavery, and when she was in the house of her captor, she took a pistol and shot her captor to death. As one report explains: She told her interviewer that she looked for chances to escape and her opportunity came when the housekeeper, upset […]
Tag Archives | syria
John Kerry Uses Arabic Acronym for Islamic State Because it Doesn’t Sound Like ‘Islamic State’ in English
The fact that the term “Islamic” is in the name of “Islamic State” has proved to be quite the stumbling block for an Obama administration which insists that the Islamic State is “not Islamic”. The leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is compounding the problem with all the Degrees he has in Islamic […]
ISIS Getting Weapons and Ammo Meant for Syria’s ‘Moderate’ Rebels
In an interview with NPR, a field investigator for Conflict Armament Research (CAR) named Damien Spleeters revealed that ISIS is becoming the beneficiary of weapons coming from an increasingly prolific list of countries. Many of these weapons are not intended for ISIS but end up in their hands anyway. Below are some excerpts from the […]
Christian Pastor, John Piper: I Would Not Have Killed Hitler, Because The Bible Says To Love Your Neighbor And “Thou Shalt Not Kill”
By Theodore Shoebat Christian pastor, John Piper, said that he would not have killed Hitler because the Bible says to love your neighbor. I did an entire video on this: Killing Hitler would not have been murder, and it would not be going against loving your neighbor, but instead, it would be a great illustration […]
Seven Muslims Surround And Attack Young Christian Girl For Wearing A Crucifix, And Say To Her, “You Are A Wearing A Crucifix! That Makes You A Christian F***ing Whore. Do You Know What We Do To Persons Like You? You Get Stoned!”
By Theodore Shoebat Seven Muslims in Denmark surrounded and attacked a Lebanese Christian girl for wearing a crucifix, telling her, “You Are A Wearing A Crucifix! That Makes You A Christian F***ing Whore. Do You Know What We Do To Persons Like You? You Get Stoned!” Her interview can be watched here: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE […]
Hindus Attack And Almost Kill People For Transporting Cows, Because They They See The Cows As Divine
By Theodore Shoebat Hindu savages attacked and almost killed a number of cattle transporters because they to them the cow is divine and to see them for food is considered blasphemy amongst Hindus. As one report says: The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) warns the phenomenon is spreading in Karnataka. The Hindu radicals are […]
Christendom, Rise Again! Take Back Your Inheritance, Dominate The World With Your Light, Destroy The Nations Of Antichrist Through Holy War!
By Theodore Shoebat This article is a call to Christendom to rise again, to take back its inheritance, to dominate the world, and to illuminate the world. It is explanation as to the mindset of the ancient Christian warrior, and how he saw himself as a weapon for God’s holy cause. Holy war is a […]
Elementary School Makes Children Conduct Hindu Yoga Ritual, Christian Mother Fights Against It And The School Is Now Banning It (Good For Her!)
By Theodore Shoebat An elementary school in Austria was having children do Hindu yoga rituals in gym class, but fortunately there was one Christian woman who had the sense and the courage to fight it, and so now the school has banned it. As one report says: Officials at an Austrian elementary school said yoga […]
Muslims Take Multitudes Of People, Shoot All Of Them One By One, Then Take A Tractor And Run Over All Of Them, And Force Their Families To Watch
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS Muslims took a whole multitude of people, shot all of them one by one, and then took a tractor and ran over all of them, and forced their family members to watch. According to one report: A Muslim who fled the fighting, said Ahmed, told her one story about what happened […]
The Obama Administration Will Be Training 2000 More Muslim Jihadists
By Theodore Shoebat America is already working on training 15,000 Muslim jihadists, and now American special forces will be training another 2000 of them. The American special forces will be training them in Turkey, the nation of the Antichrist of all places! According to a report: Turkey has agreed to allow the training of at […]
Prosecutor of Muslim who Masterminded World Trade Center Attack Slams Chairman of Benghazi Select Committee
When it comes to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, there simply cannot be enough healthy skepticism. Those who optimistically assumed the appointment of Rep. Trey Gowdy as Chairman would ensure success are the ones who could use more. In addition to all of the concerns raised early on, the antennae of the man […]
The Hebrew Roots Movement Is NOT Original Christianity
By Theodore Shoebat The Hebrew Roots Movement is NOT original and historic Christianity. I did a video on this subject: If the Hebrew Roots Movement is original Christianity, then where are the historic Hebrew Roots churches in Syria and Egypt? In the Scriptures it says, “The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the […]
Christian Pastor Gets Kidnapped By Muslims And Remains In Captivity For TEN MONTHS
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian pastor in Nigeria was kidnapped By Muslim Boko Haram jihadists, and was kept in captivity for ten months. The report reads: Christian pastor Rotimi Obajimi has escaped from terror group Boko Haram in Nigeria after nearly 10 months in captivity and has been brought back to his church, reports said. […]
Muslims Fire Grenade Launcher Into Christian Church, It Explodes And Slaughters Two Christians
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in the Filipino island of Mindanao fired a grenade launcher into a Christian church, slaughtering two Christians and injuring seven more. According to one report: Two worshippers were killed and seven others wounded when motorcycle-riding suspects fired a grenade launcher at a Protestant church service in North Cotabato province in restive […]
Muslim Fort Hood Shooter Sends Letter To Pope Francis, Entitled, “A Warning to Pope Francis”
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Hasan, sent a letter to Pope Francis, entitled, “A Warning to Pope Francis”, according to a report: Nidal Hasan, the jihadist former U.S. military psychiatrist who shot 31 people, murdering 13 at the Ft. Hood military center in Texas in 2009, sent a threatening letter to Pope […]
Russian Government Plans To Sign Bill Obligating All Tattoo Artists To Warn People On The Dangers Of Getting Tattoos
By Theodore Shoebat The Russian parliament (Duma) is planning on signing a bill that will obligate all tattoo artists to warn their customers on the dangers of getting tattoos before they get tattooed. As one report states: The Russian parliament has started debating a bill making tattoo artists warn their clients about the possible dangerous […]