As Americans are asking questions about the Tsarnaev brothers in particular and Chechen terrorism in particular, there’s another strain of Islamic terrorism that China is as familiar with as Russia is with Chechen terrorists. The Uyghurs can be found in the northwestern region of China knowns as the Xinjiang province. Via NBC News (h/t BNI): […]
Tag Archives | terrorism
Audio: Rep. Louie Gohmert interviewed about Boston bombings, Muslim Brotherhood influence
In an interview with WND, Rep. Louie Gohmert was clearly not happy with the decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to mirandize the younger Tsarnaev after his capture. He also again alludes to his belief that the Muslim Brotherhood is influencing the Barack Obama administration. “This administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that have […]
Russians recorded ‘Jihad’ phone conversation between Tamerlan and his insane mother
It’s not clear to what extent the Russians should have been open with the U.S. but weren’t, when it comes to the Tsarnaev clam but it appears that the Russians had more information than what they shared. Apparently, the nutcase mother of the Tsarnaev terrorists isn’t as insanely innocent as she’d like you to believe. […]
Does Alharbi (Saudi national) case show where lack of accountability leads?
These days, Federal government institutions have proven adept at little more than coverups and stonewalls. The more these institutions are able to stave off accountability and consequences, the more brazen they have become; they know – or think they know – that they are untouchable. This has been a staple in the Obama administration (Fast […]
Video: Russia’s Putin rips U.S. for weak stance on… Muslims
It’s not often that patriotic Americans can find common ground with Russia’s Vladimir Putin but in the case of the Boston bombings, we seem to have an exception. During an appearance on Russia Today, Putin blasted western media outlets that referred to terrorists who attacked his country’s civilians as ‘insurgents’. No one understands Chechen terrorists […]
Video: Method of Bomb detonation in Boston points to Third Party involvement
Fox News’ Catherine Herridge reported that based on how the Boston marathon bombs were detonated – via a device that requires ‘line of sight’ to the actual bombs – the likelihood of a third bomber has increased significantly. The Tsarnaev brothers and…..? Via GWP:
FBI Informant: Taliban in U.S., ready to strike
He (King George) has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. – Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 In a local CBS news report in Miami, an […]
Response to Boston Marathon bombings
In the days after the 9/11/12 attacks in Cairo and Benghazi, we posted this enduring music video from Stuck Mojo entitled, “Open Season”. We’re posting that video again today, in response to the perpetrators of the Boston marathon bombings as well as to their supporters. Enjoy. **STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING** Is it a good thing to […]
Massachusetts Governor: Dead Islamic Terrorist has a right to privacy
When every state agency in Massachusetts cites the same reason for requests from the Boston Herald to provide information about how much tax dollars Tamerlan Tsarnaev received in the form of welfare benefits as being a ‘right to privacy’, we’ve got reason to conclude such uniform denials are coming right from the top. In this […]
Video: Why this Republican Congressman is wrong
While we can certainly appreciate the passion and sentiment of Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) when it comes to being outraged by the Obama administration’s record on counterterrorism, the congressman’s attempt to use the previous administration as the benchmark displays a bit of naivete on his part. First, here’s the video, via the Weekly Standard: While […]
Al-Harbi (Saudi National) made multiple visits to the White House??
After the Boston marathon bombings on April 15th, Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi went from suspect to ‘person of interest’ to witness to innocent bystander to victim all in less than 24 hours. According to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, Al-Harbi was put on and taken off a terrorist watchlist during those 24 hours as well. Then, […]
Mother of Boston Bombers: ‘I don’t care if my youngest son is going to be killed’
Last week, Walid wrote about the ‘clan’ mentality that exists in the Middle East and that it is completely different from familial connections in the west. In the U.S., for example, when a serial killer is apprehended, it’s quite common for every member of the family to disown the criminal. The Middle East is a […]
Video: Bill O’Reilly grills CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad
Hats off to Bill O’Reilly for holding Nihad Awad’s feet to the fire. Note something as you watch. Awad says he was glad when the Tsarnaevs were killed and captured respectively. To the untrained American ear, this sounds like Awad is concerned for the welfare of the American infidels. As the leader of a Muslim […]
Shoebat Exclusive: Shocking Facebook of the Canada Train Terrorist
Walid Shoebat Not much is available regarding Chiheb Esseghaier, the man charged with conspiring to derail a VIA passenger train in Canada. That is, until we began researching the Arabic and discovered a Tunisian Al-Qaeda operative’s facebook page in Arabic, all with the chilling details. From western sources, the man’s Internet activities are summarized thusly, […]
Video: Janet Napolitano says Alharbi (Saudi National) was ‘put on a watchlist’
This is really quite an admission. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, while testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today, actually conceded that Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, the Saudi national who moved from ‘suspect’ to ‘person of interest’ to ‘witness’ to ‘victim’ all in less than 24 hours after the Boston bombings, was indeed placed […]
Geraldo Rivera once again outs himself as Islam-apologist
Last month, Geraldo Rivera defended Yasser Arafat. Now, he’s apologizing to Muslims because their lives are going to be more stressful as a result of the Boston marathon bombings. Lost on Geraldo is the added stress of those who have to live without loved ones or victims who have to live without limbs. Despicable. Via […]