By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis will be being accompanied by a Muslim heretic and follower of the Antichrist religion, Islam. The Muslim’s name is Omar Abboud, and he will be accompanied with a rabbi named Abraham Skorka as he is with the Pope during his trip in the Middle East. This is absolute heresy what […]
Tag Archives | Vatican
Christianity Declares War Against Islam, Christians must Be Ready For Combat
By Theodore Shoebat Christianity, by its very nature, declares war against Islam. Peter declared to Christ, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) Yet, the Koran states that God “begets not, nor is He begotten.” (Surah Al-Ikhlas) And Muhammad himself said, “God sent me to spill the blood of those […]
The Muslims Will Invade The Vatican, And Try to Destroy The Roman Catholic Church
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat I remember a few years ago spending time with an Evangelical friend of mine. Within our conversation, somehow, the subject of the Crusades came up. Of course, I defended the Crusades, explaining that they were fighting off Islamic invaders in the Middle East. He, on the other hand, vehemently condemned […]

The Catholic Church Did Not Invent Islam
By Theodore Shoebat The Catholic Church did not invent Islam. I have heard this countless times, and have received innumerable messages from people, that Islam was founded by the Catholic Church. I don’t have the time to respond to every individual who tells me this assertion, so I have decided to write this essay to […]
Arab Prostitutes in the Vatican
By Walid Shoebat When plugging “Patriarch” or “Bishop” in Arabic on Google, what type of spiritual prostitution that is found should surprise western Catholics, but is of no surprise to us from the Middle East who are used to reading daily the statements from the highest ranks frothing with virulent anti-Semitic rhetoric made under the […]
How John Hagee, Tim LaHaye, And John MacArthur, Ruin Christian History
By Theodore Shoebat When one observes lies, one will always find them connected to some truth. The window of lies always needs the hinges of truth to have people feel comfortable enough to open it. And indeed, it has been opened many a time within the American church. We have all heard of the old […]
Vatican as the Harlot of Babylon: Debunked
By Theodore Shoebat Is the Vatican the Hatlot of Babylon? Where did this idea originate from? Most will be shocked to find that some of the greatest enemies of Christianity were the ones who developed or supported this idea: Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism; Muhammad, founder of Islam; John Huss, founder of the Hussites; and […]
Prophecy vs. Prophecy “Mania”
Note: You may want to have a look at this video prior to reading Walid’s column below: By Walid Shoebat As a follow-up to my article Mystery Babylon is Mecca not Vatican, someone asked: “I’m curious now if you see any sinister role played by the Vatican in end time prophecy.” Answer: Considering that Jews, […]
Iranian Persecution Toward Christians
From Worthy News: By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent TEHRAN, IRAN (Worthy News)– Iranian Church leaders have urged prayers for Christians in Iran amid concerns authorities will raid more house churches and detain believers over the Christmas and Western New Year period. The appeal came after a letter was released of jailed Pastor Behnam […]
Dean of Qur’anic Studies: Islam seeks to Conquer Spain and the Vatican
Let’s see. The Dean of Qur’anic Studies at the Islamic University of Gaza is now officially on record as stating that Islam seeks to conquer Spain and the Vatican. Such a scenario doesn’t bode well for a European anti-Christ, now does it? Do the Bilderbergs know about this? Via MEMRI: Let’s not also forget that […]
Glenn Beck: ‘We’re all Catholics now.’
This is a very compelling video from Glenn Beck. In it, he references a trip he took to the Vatican and discussions he had with Cardinals. According to Beck, those Cardinals understand that the world is moving toward a spiritual war between good and evil and that the Pope has appointed six very socially conservative […]