Tag Archives | Winston Churchill

Even the Arabs Now Love Bibi: Al-Arabiya (haters of Israel) Editor Demands Obama Listen to Netanyahu

Source Israel National News In surprising op-ed by editor-in-chief of fiercely anti-Israel paper, Faisal Abbas admits Netanyahu is right, Iran must be dealt with. Al-Arabiya’s English edition editor-in-chief Faisal J. Abbas wrote a surprising op-ed on Tuesday, calling on US President Barack Obama to listen to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu after the latter addressed Congress […]

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New York Times Writer Just Can’t Understand Why Muslim Terrorists Kill Those Who Help Them

It’s difficult to get into the mind of a leftist (those who try, tread carefully) but the reaction of New York Times writer Rukmini Callimachi – who wrote a sympathetic article about Kayla Mueller – can be very instructive. In fact, coupled with a subsequent tweet, it substantiates greatly that famous quote by Winston Churchill […]

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Why Muslim Terror Attack in France will Help Anti-Islam Politicians and Hurt Socialist Politicians

In 2004, the Madrid train bombings in Spain shockingly seemed to helped the socialist candidate José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero win the election for Prime Minister three days later. It didn’t make sense that the more conservative government of José María Aznar would actually suffer defeat due to a terror attack; it didn’t fit the model. […]

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Pastor Wants to make Friends with Muslims and Crocodiles to Stop ISIS

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” – Sir Winston Churchill. There are leftists who agree with the ideology of Islam and then there are leftists who are simply afflicted with Stockholm syndrome, a condition whereby hostages sympathize with their captors in hopes of favorable treatment. This only […]

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British Politician Calls David Cameron a ‘Coward’ and ‘Traitor’ in Public Square

Paul Weston is a British politician who is no stranger to controversy. Last year, he openly admitted that he was a racist and an Islamophobe in order to prove a point. Earlier this year, he was arrested in the public square for quoting Great Britain’s most revered Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. Now Weston has taken […]

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Spanish Mayor putting British Prime Minister to Shame

Count the Mayor of a Spanish city named Vitoria as the latest politician to actually open the peoples’ playbook for dealing with its Muslim problem. Despite it being obvious, Mayor Javier Maroto is still the exception, not the rule. British Prime Minister David Cameron perhaps demonstrates that best. Maroto called out “Moroccans and Algerians” who […]

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Man Arrested for Quoting Winston Churchill in the UK interviewed by Michael Coren

Earlier this week, we brought you the story of the arrest of British politician Paul Weston, who was arrested and charged while quoting Sir Winston Churchill in the public square. The reason given to Weston for his arrest was that he failed to obey a dispersal order, that was issued because the words he was […]

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Must-Hear Audio: How to Speak to the Media with Courage

Assuming the role of a politically correct tool in this interview is a BBC interviewer whose name we do not know and do not find worthy of publishing. The courageous counterweight is Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League (EDL). The mindset of the interviewer is precisely the mindset that has infiltrated British culture and […]

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Young Israelis engage in Interfaith Dialogue; Reality promptly smacks them in the Face

We’d like to take a moment and vent to our readers, who will likely feel like venting themselves. For years, we – and others – have been screaming that the Palestinians have no interest in peace and it doesn’t matter what the Israelis offer (unless the offer includes mass suicide). Now this from Lital Shemesh, […]

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Why is John Boehner stonewalling… on Benghazi?

Stonewall: to block, stall, or resist intentionally In the game of cricket, the term stonewall means to: play a defensive game, as by persistently blocking the ball instead of batting it for distance and runs. When it comes to getting the truth about the 9/11 attacks in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, the Obama administration […]

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Ode to Weak Leaders whom we can no longer afford to follow

In 1940, as Hitler’s intentions became manifestly apparent, British politicians finally began to realize that Winston Churchill had been right and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had been very, very wrong. Here is an excerpt from a speech given by Leo Amery, who was a British Member of Parliament at the time. Check out what he […]

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Empathizing with Moses: Jews Against Islamophobia Coalition

If you have never heard the term “useful idiot” it was the attitude held by Vladimir Lenin towards communist sympathizers in the West (America). While Lenin and the Soviets held them in utter contempt they also viewed them as tools for dispensing communist propaganda to other countries, thus infecting foreign cultures with their totalitarian tripe. […]

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CAIR Word Police attempting to ban the term ‘Islamist’… We have a suggestion

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) suddenly doesn’t like the term, ‘Islamist’ and wants journalists to stop using it. Via IPT: After doing everything it can to ensconce a new word, “Islamophobia,” into conversational English, the nation’s most visible Islamist group is trying to stop use of a well-established word: Islamist. Council on American-Islamic Relations […]

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Video: Useful Idiocy and Stockholm Syndrome on Steroids; Jewish leftist attacks Bachmann for her concerns about Muslim Brotherhood

His name is Sam Seder; he is a Jewish leftist who is fighting those who are trying to warn him and defending those who laugh at how easy it is to get him to do their bidding. That is at the very essence of Stockholm Syndrome. It’s people like Seder who are able to provide […]

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McCarthy: this Egyptian mess was easy to predict

One day, people like Andrew McCarthy will be listened to by the know-it-alls but that day will come much later than it should. Egypt’s Predictable Unraveling Includes this Hillary / Huma excerpt: Western democracy has Judeo-Christian underpinnings. At its core is the equal dignity of every person. This sacred commitment, ironically, enables our bedrock secular […]

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Understanding the real cause of the Arab Jewish conflict over Israel / Palestine

When it comes to the Arab Palestinians, winning the propaganda war on various Pallywood stages is one thing they may be better at than the Jews. For some inexplicable reason, Palestinians are able to garner world sympathy with incessant melodrama and deceit. If you want to know the truth about what’s behind the Arab / […]

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